How to build PAW atomic data for ABINIT using AtomPAW generator

Current version of AtomPAW2Abinit :v3.3.0 - Available for Abinit v5.4.3+
See this note for use with previous versions of Abinit

To obtain PAW atomic data for ABINIT we proceed in two steps:
    - We first use the AtomPAW atomic data generator to obtain a set of projectors and basis functions.

    - Then we transform these data into a "pseudopotential file" for ABINIT.

Many thanks to N. Holzwarth for the fruitful collaboration and for having given us the opportunity to take part in AtomPAW project.


1. What you need:

2. Preliminary steps:


3. Generating a PAW "pseudopotential file" for ABINIT:

In the following example:
Chemical species is named X.
Corresponding input file is named X.input.
Short explanation of the content of this input file
Atomic data file:    X.atomicdata (in this example)
Psp file for Abinit: Name of your choice

Then the program asks for the following input:

Before Abinit version 6.1.x, only choice "YES" is usuable... But this choice can produce innacurate PAW datasets under some (rare) circumstances.
Note that this question only appears when AtomPAW v2.3 or higher has been used (otherwise compensation density is automatically included in XC terms).
Real Space Optimisation improve the development of non-local projectors by "smoothing" their development over large G vectors (introducing a "controlled" error). It has been proposed by King-Smith and al. (see [4] below).
The scheme is governed by 3 parameters: Gmax (=2·Ecut**2), Gamma and Wl ; the user has to give these parameters when AtomPAW2Abinit asks for them. The efficiency of Real Space Optimization strongly depends on the non-local projectors produced by AtomPAW (it can sometimes be detrimental); only experienced users should use it.
Only required when AtomPAW atomic data are given on a regular radial grid. In that case, the regular grid can sometimes be very large which can be CPU consuming when running ABINIT. Transferring all data into a smaller logarithmic grid (except non-local projectors for technical reasons)  can avoid this. The logarithmic grid is defined by: r(i>1)=a.exp[b.(i-2)] and r(1)=0 ; The user has to give the size of the grid and the «logarithmic step» (b in the above formula).
End: the "pseudopotential file" for ABINIT has been created.

4. How to check the validity of PAW atomic data ?

The following remarks are quoted from the AtomPAW original paper by N. Holzwarth.
Iteratively check the following quantities before accepting a given set of projectors and basis functions:
  1- The PAW logarithmic derivatives for each atom should agree with the all-electron values within the energy range of interest.   See files logderiv.i
  2- The core electron density ncore should be sufficiently small for r>rc.   See file density
  3- The plane-wave cut-offs needed to converge the calculation (which can be determined with the help of the Fourier-space functions Fnili(q)), should be consistent with the computer resources available for the solid state calculations.    See files tprod.i
  4- For the material of interest, several solid state calculations should give reasonable results.
We strongly advise users to follow the guidelines given by the user's guide (see "Advice for use" chapter); it can be considered as an AtomPAW tutorial

5. References:

[1]  A Projector Augmented Wave (PAW) code for electronic structure calculations,Part I: atompaw for generating atom-centered functions and Part II: pwpaw for periodic solids in a plane wave basis.
A. R. Tackett, N. A. W. Holzwarth and G. E. Matthews -- Computer Physics Communications 135 329-347, 348-376 (2001)

[2]  Complete projector functions for the projector augmented wave (PAW) method of electronic structure calculations,
N. A. W. Holzwarth, G. E. Matthews, A. R. Tackett and R. B. Dunning, Phys. Rev. B 57, 11827-11830 (1998).

[3]  Comparison of the PAW, pseudopotential, and LAPW formalisms for density functional calculations of solids,
N. A. W. Holzwarth, G. E. Matthews, R. B. Dunning, A. R. Tackett and Y. Zeng, Phys. Rev. B 55, 2005-2017 (1997)

[4]  Real-space implementation of nonlocal pseudopotentials for 1st-principle total-energy calculations,
R.D. King-Smith, M.C. Payne and J.S. Lin, Phys. Rev. B 44, 13063 (1991)

[5]  Implementation of the projector augmented-wave method in the ABINIT code: Application to the study of iron under pressure,
M. Torrent, F. Jollet, F. Bottin, G. Zerah and X. Gonze, Comput. Mater. Sci. 42, 337 (2008)

6. Examples of AtomPAW atomic data for ABINIT:


Input file for AtomPAW

"Psp" file for ABINIT

Silicon (Si)



Oxygen (O)



 You can find a lot of input files on the AtomPAW web site (the periodic table is here).

7. Contacts:

In case of problem or questions contact the authors:

Marc Torrent
Francois Jollet
Département de Physique Théorique et Appliquée
F-91127 Arpajon France


Last modification : may 07th 2010