ABINIT/psolver_rhohxc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Given rho(r), compute Hartree potential considering the system as
 an isolated one. This potential is obtained from the convolution
 of 1/r and rho(r), treated in Fourier space. This method is a wrapper around
 Psolver() developped for BigDFT.
 It can compute the xc energy and potential if required. This computation is
 built on the drivexc() routine of ABINIT but access it directly from real
 space. The present routine is a real space counter part to rhotoxc().


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR,TRangel).
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


  dtset <type(dataset_type)>=all input variables in this dataset
  mpi_enreg=MPI-parallelisation information.
  rhor(nfft,nspden)=electron density in real space in electrons/bohr**3


  enhartr=returned Hartree energy (hartree).
  enxc=returned exchange and correlation energy (hartree).
  envxc=returned energy of the Vxc potential (hartree).
  vhartr(nfft)=Hartree potential.
  vxc(nfft,nspden)=xc potential
  vxcavg=<Vxc>=unit cell average of Vxc = (1/ucvol) Int [Vxc(r) d^3 r].

  In psolver, with nspden == 2, rhor(:,1) = density up and
                                rhor(:,2) = density down.
  But in ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1) rhor(:,1) = total density and
                                    rhor(:,2) = density up .
  In ABINIT (dtset%usewvl != 1), the same convention is used as in psolver.






 51 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 52 #include "config.h"
 53 #endif
 55 #include "abi_common.h"
 58 subroutine psolver_rhohxc(enhartr, enxc, envxc, icoulomb, ixc, &
 59 & mpi_enreg, nfft, ngfft, nhat,nhatdim,&
 60 & nscforder, nspden, n3xccc, rhor, rprimd,&
 61 & usexcnhat,usepaw,usewvl,vhartr, vxc, vxcavg, wvl,wvl_den,wvl_e,&
 62 & xccc3d,xclevel,xc_denpos)
 64 ! use defs_basis,only: std_out,std_out_default
 65  use defs_basis
 66  use defs_abitypes
 67  use defs_wvltypes
 68  use m_profiling_abi
 69  use m_errors
 70  use m_abi2big
 71  use m_cgtools
 73  use m_xmpi, only: xmpi_comm_rank,xmpi_comm_size,xmpi_sum
 74  use m_geometry, only : metric
 76 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
 77  use BigDFT_API, only : XC_potential,ELECTRONIC_DENSITY,coulomb_operator
 78  use poisson_solver, only : H_potential
 79 #endif
 81 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 82 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 83 #undef ABI_FUNC
 84 #define ABI_FUNC 'psolver_rhohxc'
 85  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
 86  use interfaces_41_xc_lowlevel
 87  use interfaces_62_poisson, except_this_one => psolver_rhohxc
 88 !End of the abilint section
 90   implicit none
 92   !Arguments ------------------------------------
 93   !scalars
 94   integer, intent(in)           :: nhatdim,nspden,n3xccc
 95   integer, intent(in)           :: nfft, icoulomb, ixc, nscforder, usewvl
 96   integer,intent(in)            :: usexcnhat,usepaw,xclevel
 97   real(dp),intent(in)           :: rprimd(3,3)
 98   real(dp), intent(in)          :: xc_denpos
 99   real(dp), intent(out)         :: enxc, envxc, enhartr, vxcavg
100   type(mpi_type), intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
101   type(wvl_internal_type), intent(in) :: wvl
102   type(wvl_denspot_type), intent(inout) :: wvl_den
103   type(wvl_energy_terms), intent(inout) :: wvl_e
104   !arrays
105   integer, intent(in)    :: ngfft(18)
106   real(dp),intent(in) :: xccc3d(n3xccc)
107   real(dp),intent(in) :: nhat(nfft,nspden*nhatdim)
108   real(dp),intent(inout) :: rhor(nfft, nspden)
109   real(dp),intent(out)   :: vhartr(nfft)
110   real(dp),intent(out)   :: vxc(nfft, nspden)
112   !Local variables-------------------------------
113 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
114 ! n_c and \hat{n} can be added/rested inside bigdft by passing
115 ! them as pointers (rhocore and rhohat):
116   logical, parameter :: add_n_c_here=.true.  !Add n_c here or inside bigdft
117   logical, parameter :: rest_hat_n_here=.true.  !Rest \hat{n} here or inside bigdft
118   !scalars
119   integer :: me,nproc,comm
120   integer :: ifft,ispin
121   integer :: iwarn, opt_mkdenpos
122   integer :: nfftot,ngrad
123   integer :: n1i,n2i,n3d,n3i
124   real(dp) :: tmpDown, tmpUp, tmpPot,ucvol,ucvol_local
125   logical :: sumpion,test_nhat,use_psolver=.false.
126   character(len=500) :: message
127   character(len = 1) :: datacode, bndcode
128   !arrays
129   real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3)
130   real(dp) :: hgrid(3)
131   real(dp) :: vxcmean(1)
132   real(dp), pointer :: rhocore(:,:,:,:),rhohat(:,:,:,:)
133   real(dp), pointer :: pot_ion(:,:,:,:),rhonow(:,:)
134   real(dp), dimension(6) :: xcstr
135   type(coulomb_operator) ::  kernel
136 #endif
138 ! *********************************************************************
142 #if defined HAVE_BIGDFT
144  nfftot=PRODUCT(ngfft(1:3))
145  comm=mpi_enreg%comm_fft
146  if(usewvl==1) comm=mpi_enreg%comm_wvl
147  me=xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
148  nproc=xmpi_comm_size(comm)
150  if(n3xccc>0) then
151    if(nfft .ne. n3xccc)then
152      write(message,'(a,a,a,2(i0,1x))')&
153 &     'nfft and n3xccc should be equal,',ch10,&
154 &     'however, nfft and n3xccc=',nfft,n3xccc
155      MSG_BUG(message)
156    end if
157  end if
158  if(nspden==4) then
159    MSG_ERROR('nspden==4 not coded yet')
160  end if
162  if (ixc==0) then
163    vxcavg=zero
164    test_nhat=.false.
166 !  No xc at all is applied (usually for testing)
167    MSG_WARNING('Note that no xc is applied (ixc=0).')
169  else if (ixc/=20) then
171 !  ngrad=1 is for LDAs or LSDs, ngrad=2 is for GGAs
172    ngrad=1;if(xclevel==2)ngrad=2
173 !  ixc 31 to 34 are for mgga test purpose only (fake functionals based on LDA but need the gradients too)
174    if(ixc>=31 .and. ixc<=34)ngrad=2
175 !  Test: has a compensation density to be added/substracted (PAW) ?
176 !  test_nhat=((nhatdim==1).and.(usexcnhat==0.or.(ngrad==2.and.nhatgrdim==1)))
177    test_nhat=((nhatdim==1).and.(usexcnhat==0))
178  end if
181 !Compute different geometric tensor, as well as ucvol, from rprimd
182  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
184  if (icoulomb == 0) then
185 !  The kernel is built with 'P'eriodic boundary counditions.
186    bndcode = 'P'
187  else if (icoulomb == 1) then
188 !  The kernel is built with 'F'ree boundary counditions.
189    bndcode = 'F'
190  else if (icoulomb == 2) then
191 !  The kernel is built with 'S'urface boundary counditions.
192    bndcode = 'S'
193  end if
195 !This makes the tests fail?
196 !For NC and n_c=0, call psolver, which uses less memory:
197 !if(usepaw==0 .and. n3xccc==0) use_psolver=.true.
199  if(nspden > 2)then
200    write(message, '(a,a,a,i0)' )&
201 &   'Only non-spin-polarised or collinear spin is allowed,',ch10,&
202 &   'while the argument nspden = ', nspden
203    MSG_ERROR(message)
204  end if
206 !We do the computation.
207  write(message, "(A,A,A,3I6)") "psolver_rhohxc(): compute potentials (Vhartree and Vxc)...", ch10, &
208 & " | dimension:", ngfft(1:3)
209  call wrtout(std_out, message,'COLL')
211  if(usewvl==1) then
212    hgrid=(/wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(1),wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(2),wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids(3)/)
213  else
214    hgrid=(/ rprimd(1,1) / ngfft(1), rprimd(2,2) / ngfft(2), rprimd(3,3) / ngfft(3) /)
215  end if
217  if (usewvl == 0) then
218 !  We get the kernel.
219    call psolver_kernel( hgrid, 2, icoulomb, me, kernel, comm, ngfft, nproc, nscforder)
220  elseif(usewvl==1) then
221 !  In this case, the kernel is already computed.
222 !  We just shallow copy it.
223    kernel = wvl_den%denspot%pkernel
224  end if
226  if(usewvl==1) then
227    if(wvl_den%denspot%rhov_is .ne. ELECTRONIC_DENSITY) then
228      message= "psolver_rhohxc: rhov should contain the electronic density"
229      MSG_ERROR(message)
230    end if
231  end if
233  if(usewvl==1) then
234    n1i=wvl%Glr%d%n1i; n2i=wvl%Glr%d%n2i; n3i=wvl%Glr%d%n3i
235    n3d=wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%n3d
236  else
237    n1i=ngfft(1); n2i=ngfft(2) ; n3i=ngfft(3)
238    n3d=ngfft(13)
239  end if
241  if (usewvl == 0) then
242 !  ucvol_local=product(hgrid)*half**3*real(n1i*n2i*n3i,dp)
243 !  write(*,*)'hgrid, n1i,n2i,n3i',hgrid,ngfft(1:3)
244 !  write(*,*)'ucvol_local',ucvol_local
245    ucvol_local = ucvol
246 !  write(*,*)'ucvol_local',ucvol_local
247  else
248 !  We need to tune the volume when wavelets are used because, not
249 !  all FFT points are used.
250 !  ucvol_local = (half * dtset%wvl_hgrid) ** 3 * ngfft(1)*ngfft(2)*ngfft(3)
251    ucvol_local = product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%hgrids) * real(product(wvl_den%denspot%dpbox%ndims), dp)
252  end if
254 !Core density array
255  if(n3xccc==0 .or. add_n_c_here) then
256    nullify(rhocore)
257 !  Pending, next line should follow the same logic that the rest
258    if(usewvl==1 .and. usepaw==0)  rhocore=> wvl_den%denspot%rho_C
259  else
260    if(usepaw==1) then
261      ABI_ALLOCATE(rhocore,(n1i,n2i,n3d,1)) !not spin dependent
262      call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,xccc3d,rhocore)
264 !    Make rhocore positive to avoid numerical instabilities in V_xc
265      iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
266      call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhocore, tol20 )
267    end if
268  end if
270 !write(*,*)'psolver_rhohxc, erase me, set rhocore=0'
271 !if( associated(wvl_den%denspot%rho_C))wvl_den%denspot%rho_C=zero
272 !if(associated(rhocore))rhocore=zero
274 !Rhohat array:
275  if(test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
276 !  rhohat => nhat !do not know how to point 4 index to 2 index
277 !  here we have to copy since convention for spin changes.
278    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhohat,(n1i,n2i,n3d,nspden))
279    call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,nhat,rhohat)
280  else
281    nullify(rhohat)
282  end if
284 !Data are always distributed when using the wavelets, even if nproc = 1.
285 !The size given is the complete size of the box, not the distributed size
286 !stored in ngfft.
287  if (nproc > 1 .or. usewvl > 0) then
288    datacode = 'D'
289  else
290    datacode = 'G'
291  end if
293 !If usewvl=1, vpsp(or v_ext) will be summed to vhartree
294  if(usewvl==1) then
295    pot_ion=>wvl_den%denspot%V_ext
296    sumpion=.false.
297 !  Note:
298 !  if sumpion==.true.
299 !  call wvl_newvtr in setvtr and rhotov
300 !  if sumpion==.false.
301 !  modify setvtr and rhotov to not use wvl_newvtr and follow the normal ABINIT flow.
302  else
303 !  This is not allowed
304 !  pot_ion=>vxc !this is a dummy variable here
305    sumpion=.false.
306  end if
309 !To make this work, make sure that xc_init has been called
310 !in gstate.
311  if(.not. use_psolver) then
312 !  T.Rangel:
313 !  Use this approach for PAW and sometimes for NC since
314 !  in psolver() the core density is not added.
315 !
316 !  PAW case:
317 !  It is important to call H_potential before XC_potential:
318 !  In XC_potential, if test_nhat, we do:
319 !  1) rhor=rhor-rhohat,
320 !  2) makepositive(rhor,tol20)
321 !  3) after Psolver, we do rhor=rhor+rhohat,
322 !  I found that rhor at input and output are slightly different,
323 !  These differences lead to a difference of ~0.01 hartree in V_hartree.
324 !  If PAW, substract compensation density from effective density:
325 !  - if GGA, because nhat gradients are computed separately
326 !  - if nhat does not have to be included in XC
328 !  save rhor in rhonow to avoid modifying it.
329    ABI_ALLOCATE(rhonow,(nfft,nspden))
330 !  copy rhor into rhonow:
331 !  ABINIT convention is followed: (ispin=1: for spin up + spin down)
332    do ispin=1,nspden
333      do ifft=1,nfft
334        rhonow(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhor(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
335      end do
336    end do
338    if(usewvl==1) then
339      call H_potential(datacode,&
340 &     kernel,rhonow,pot_ion,enhartr,&
341 &     zero,sumpion)
342    else
343 !    Vxc is passed as a dummy argument
344      call H_potential(datacode,&
345 &     kernel,rhonow,vxc,enhartr,&
346 &     zero,sumpion)
347    end if
348 !
349    do ifft=1,nfft
350      vhartr(ifft)=rhonow(ifft,1)
351    end do
352 !  write(*,*)'erase me psolver_rhohxc l350, set vhartr=0'
353 !  vhartr=zero ; enhartr=zero
354 !
355 !  Since rhonow was modified inside H_potential:
356 !  copy rhor again into rhonow following the BigDFT convention:
357    call wvl_rhov_abi2big(1,rhor,rhonow)
359 !  Add n_c here:
360    if(n3xccc>0 .and. add_n_c_here) then
361      do ispin=1,nspden
362        do ifft=1,nfft
363          rhonow(ifft,ispin)=rhonow(ifft,ispin)+xccc3d(ifft)
364        end do
365      end do
366    end if
367 !  Remove \hat{n} here:
368    if(test_nhat .and. rest_hat_n_here) then
369      do ispin=1,nspden
370        do ifft=1,nfft
371          rhonow(ifft,ispin)=rhonow(ifft,ispin)-nhat(ifft,ispin)
372        end do
373      end do
374    end if
376 !  Make the density positive everywhere (but do not care about gradients)
377    iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
378    call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhonow, xc_denpos)
379 !  do ispin=1,nspden
380 !  do ifft=1,nfft
381 !  rhonow(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhonow(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
382 !  end do
383 !  end do
385 !  If PAW, substract compensation density from effective density:
386 !  - if GGA, because nhat gradients are computed separately
387 !  - if nhat does not have to be included in XC
388    if (test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
390      call XC_potential(bndcode,datacode,me,nproc,comm,&
391 &     n1i,n2i,n3i,&
392 &     wvl_den%denspot%xc,hgrid(1),hgrid(2),hgrid(3),&
393 &     rhonow,enxc,envxc,nspden,rhocore,&
394 &     vxc,xcstr,rhohat=rhohat)
396    else
398      call XC_potential(bndcode,datacode,me,nproc,comm,&
399 &     n1i,n2i,n3i,&
400 &     wvl_den%denspot%xc,hgrid(1),hgrid(2),hgrid(3),&
401 &     rhonow,enxc,envxc,nspden,rhocore,&
402 &     vxc,xcstr)
404    end if
406 !  write(*,*)'psolver_rhohxc: erase me, set vxc=0'
407 !  vxc=zero
408 !  enxc=zero
409 !  envxc=zero
411 !  deallocate temporary array
412    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhonow)
414  else
415 !  NC case: here we optimize memory, and we reuse vhartree to store rhor:
417 !  We save total rhor in vhartr
418    do ifft=1,nfft
419      vhartr(ifft)  = rhor(ifft, 1)
420    end do
422 !  In non-wavelet case, we change the rhor values.
423    if (nspden == 2) then
424      do ifft = 1, nfft
425 !      We change rhor for psolver call.
426        tmpDown = rhor(ifft, 1) - rhonow(ifft, 2)
427        tmpUp   = rhor(ifft, 2)
428        rhor(ifft, 1) = tmpUp
429        rhor(ifft, 2) = tmpDown
430      end do
431    end if
432 !  Make the density positive everywhere (but do not care about gradients)
433    iwarn=0 ; opt_mkdenpos=0
434    call mkdenpos(iwarn, nfft, nspden, opt_mkdenpos, rhor, xc_denpos)
435 !  do ispin=1,nspden
436 !  do ifft=1,nfft
437 !  rhor(ifft,ispin)=abs(rhor(ifft,ispin))+1.0d-20
438 !  end do
439 !  end do
441 !  Call Poisson solver, here rhor(:,1) will contain Vhartree at output
442 !  This does not compile, check mklocl_realspace where it do work.
443 !   call psolver(bndcode, datacode, me, nproc, n1i, &
444 !&   n2i,n3i, ixc, hgrid(1), hgrid(2), hgrid(3), &
445 !&   rhor, kernel, vxc, enhartr, enxc, envxc, 0.d0, .false., nspden)
447 !  PSolver work in place, we set back the rhor values.
448    do ifft = 1, nfft, 1
449      tmpPot     = rhor(ifft, 1)
450 !    Rhor total was saved in vhartr and current rhor(:,2) is down spin
451      rhor(ifft, 1) = vhartr(ifft)
452      if (nspden == 2) rhor(ifft, 2) = rhor(ifft, 1) - rhor(ifft, 2)
453      vhartr(ifft)  = tmpPot
454    end do
455  end if
457 !Pass vhartr and vxc to BigDFT objects (useless?)
458 !if(usewvl==1) then
459 !  write(message, '(a,a,a,a)' ) ch10, ' rhotoxc_wvlpaw : but why are you copying me :..o('
460 ! call wvl_vhartr_abi2big(1,vhartr,wvl_den)
461 !  (this can be commented out, since we do not use denspot%v_xc
462 ! call wvl_vxc_abi2big(1,vxc,wvl_den)
463 !end if
465 !Compute vxcavg
466  call mean_fftr(vxc, vxcmean, nfft, nfftot, nspden,mpi_comm_sphgrid=comm)
467  vxcavg = vxcmean(1)
469 !Pass energies to wvl object:
470  if(usewvl==1) then
471    wvl_e%energs%eh  = enhartr
472    wvl_e%energs%exc = enxc
473    wvl_e%energs%evxc= envxc
474  end if
476 !Nullify pointers and deallocate arrays
477  if(test_nhat .and. .not. rest_hat_n_here) then
478 !  if(nspden==2) ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhohat)
479    ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhohat)
480    if(associated(rhohat)) nullify(rhohat)
481  end if
482  if( n3xccc>0 .and. .not. add_n_c_here) then
483    if(usepaw==1) then
484      ABI_DEALLOCATE(rhocore)
485    end if
486  end if
487  if(associated(rhocore))  nullify(rhocore)
488  if(associated(pot_ion)) nullify(pot_ion)
490 #else
492  if (.false.) write(std_out,*) nhatdim,nspden,n3xccc,nfft,icoulomb,ixc,nscforder,usewvl,&
493 & usexcnhat,usepaw,xclevel,rprimd(1,1),xc_denpos,enxc,envxc,enhartr,vxcavg,mpi_enreg%nproc,&
494 & wvl%h(1),wvl_den%symObj,wvl_e%energs,ngfft(1),xccc3d(1),nhat(1,1),rhor(1,1),vhartr(1),vxc(1,1)
495 #endif
499 end subroutine psolver_rhohxc