ABINIT/nonlop_ylm [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 * Compute application of a nonlocal operator Vnl in order to get:
    - contracted elements (energy, forces, stresses, ...), if signs=1
    - a function in reciprocal space (|out> = Vnl|in>), if signs=2
   Operator Vnl, as the following general form:
    $Vnl=sum_{R,lmn,l''m''n''} {|P_{Rlmn}> Enl^{R}_{lmn,l''m''n''} <P_{Rl''m''n''}|}$
   Operator Vnl is -- in the typical case -- the nonlocal potential.
   - With norm-conserving pseudopots, $Enl^{R}_{lmn,l''m''n''}$ is the
     Kleinmann-Bylander energy $Ekb^{R}_{ln}$.
   - In a PAW calculation, $Enl^{R}_{lmn,l''m''n''}$ are the nonlocal
     coefficients to connect projectors $D_{ij}$.
   - The |P_{Rlmn}> are the projector functions.
 * Optionnaly, in case of PAW calculation, compute:
   - Application of the overlap matrix in reciprocal space
     (<in|S|in> or (I+S)|in>).
   - Application of (Vnl-lambda.S) in reciprocal space
     (<in|Vnl-lambda.S|in> and derivatives or (Vnl-lambda.S)|in>).
 * This routine uses spherical harmonics Ylm to express Vnl.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (MT)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt.


  atindx1(natom)=index table for atoms, inverse of atindx
  choice: chooses possible output:
    choice=0 => do nothing (only compute WF projected with NL projectors)
          =1 => non-local energy contribution
          =2 => 1st derivative(s) with respect to atomic position(s)
          =3 => 1st derivative(s) with respect to strain(s)
          =23=> 1st derivative(s) with respect to atomic pos. and
                1st derivative(s) with respect to atomic pos. and strains
          =4 => 2nd derivative(s) with respect to 2 atomic pos.
          =24=> 1st derivative(s) with respect to atm. pos. and
                2nd derivative(s) with respect to 2 atomic pos.
          =5 => 1st derivative(s) with respect to k wavevector, typically
                sum_ij [ |p_i> D_ij <dp_j/dk| + |dp_i/dk> D_ij < p_j| ]
          =6 => 2nd derivative(s) with respect to 2 strains and
                mixed 2nd derivative(s) with respect to strains & atomic pos.
          =51 =>right 1st derivative(s) with respect to k wavevector, typically
                sum_ij [ |p_i> D_ij <dp_j/dk| ]
          =52 =>left 1st derivative(s) with respect to k wavevector, typically
                sum_ij [ |dp_i/dk> D_ij < p_j| ]
          =53 =>twist 1st derivative(s) with respect to k, typically
                sum_ij [ |dp_i/dk_(idir+1)> D_ij <dp_j//dk_(idir-1)|
                        -|dp_i/dk_(idir-1)> D_ij <dp_j//dk_(idir+1)|]
          =54=> mixed 2nd derivative(s) with respect to atomic pos. and left k wavevector
          =55=> mixed 2nd derivative(s) with respect to strain and right k wavevector
          =7 => apply operator $\sum_i [ |p_i> <p_i| ],
                same as overlap operator with s_ij=identity (paw_opt==3 only)
          =8 => 2nd derivatives with respect to 2 k wavevectors
          =81=> partial 2nd derivatives with respect to 2 k wavevectors,
                full derivative with respect to k1, right derivative with respect to k2,
                (derivative with respect to k of choice 51), typically
                sum_ij [ |dp_i/dk1> D_ij <dp_j/dk2| + |p_i> D_ij < d2p_j/dk1dk2| ]
    Only choices 1,2,3,23,4,5,6 are compatible with useylm=0.
    Only choices 1,2,3,5,51,52,53,7,8,81 are compatible with signs=2
  cpopt=flag defining the status of cprjin%cp(:)=<Proj_i|Cnk> scalars (see below, side effects)
  dimenl1,dimenl2=dimensions of enl (see enl)
  dimffnlin=second dimension of ffnlin (1+number of derivatives)
  dimffnlout=second dimension of ffnlout (1+number of derivatives)
  ->Norm conserving : ==== when paw_opt=0 ====
                      (Real) Kleinman-Bylander energies (hartree)
                      dimenl1=lmnmax  -  dimenl2=ntypat
  ->PAW :             ==== when paw_opt=1, 2 or 4 ====
                      (Real or complex, hermitian) Dij coefs to connect projectors
                      dimenl1=cplex_enl*lmnmax*(lmnmax+1)/2  -  dimenl2=natom
                      These are complex numbers if cplex_enl=2
                        enl(:,:,1) contains Dij^up-up
                        enl(:,:,2) contains Dij^dn-dn
                        enl(:,:,3) contains Dij^up-dn (only if nspinor=2)
                        enl(:,:,4) contains Dij^dn-up (only if nspinor=2)
  ffnlin(npwin,dimffnlin,lmnmax,ntypat)=nonlocal form factors to be used
          for the application of the nonlocal operator to the |in> vector
  ffnlout(npwout,dimffnlout,lmnmax,ntypat)=nonlocal form factors to be used
          for the application of the nonlocal operator to the |out> vector
  gprimd(3,3)=dimensional reciprocal space primitive translations
  hermdij,optional,logical :: if true forces Hermitial Dij behavior in opernlc_ylm
  idir=direction of the - atom to be moved in the case (choice=2,signs=2),
                        - k point direction in the case (choice=5,signs=2S)
                          for choice 53, twisted derivative involves idir+1 and idir-1
                        - strain component (1:6) in the case (choice=3,signs=2) or (choice=6,signs=1)
  indlmn(6,i,ntypat)= array giving l,m,n,lm,ln,s for i=lmn
  istwf_k=option parameter that describes the storage of wfs
  kgin(3,npwin)=integer coords of planewaves in basis sphere, for the |in> vector
  kgout(3,npwout)=integer coords of planewaves in basis sphere, for the |out> vector
  kpgin(npw,npkgin)= (k+G) components and related data, for the |in> vector
  kpgout(npw,nkpgout)=(k+G) components and related data, for the |out> vector
  kptin(3)=k point in terms of recip. translations, for the |in> vector
  kptout(3)=k point in terms of recip. translations, for the |out> vector
  lambda=factor to be used when computing (Vln-lambda.S) - only for paw_opt=2
         Typically lambda is the eigenvalue (or its guess)
  lmnmax=max. number of (l,m,n) components over all types of atoms
  matblk=dimension of the arrays ph3din and ph3dout
  mgfft=maximum size of 1D FFTs
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  natom=number of atoms in cell
  nattyp(ntypat)=number of atoms of each type
  ngfft(18)=contain all needed information about 3D FFT, see ~abinit/doc/variables/vargs.htm#ngfft
  nkpgin,nkpgout=second sizes of arrays kpgin/kpgout
  nloalg(3)=governs the choice of the algorithm for nonlocal operator
  nnlout=dimension of enlout (when signs=1 and choice>0):
         ==== if paw_opt=0, 1 or 2 ====
         choice   nnlout     |  choice   nnlout
              1   1          |      51   6 (complex)
              2   3*natom    |      52   6 (complex)
              3   6          |      53   6
              4   6*natom    |      54   9*natom
             23   6+3*natom  |      55   36 (complex)
             24   9*natom    |       6   36+18*natom
              5   3          |       8   6
                             |      81   18 (complex)
         ==== if paw_opt=3 ====
         choice   nnlout
              1   1
              2   3*natom
              5   3
             51   3
             52   3
             54   9*natom
             55   36
              7   1
              8   6
             81   9
         ==== if paw_opt=4 ====
         not available
  npwin=number of planewaves for given k point, for the |in> vector
  npwout=number of planewaves for given k point, for the |out> vector
  nspinor=number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions (on current proc)
  nspinortot=total number of spinorial components of the wavefunctions
  ntypat=number of types of atoms in cell
  paw_opt= define the nonlocal operator concerned with:
           paw_opt=0 : Norm-conserving Vnl (use of Kleinman-Bylander ener.)
           paw_opt=1 : PAW nonlocal part of H (use of Dij coeffs)
           paw_opt=2 : PAW: (Vnl-lambda.Sij) (Sij=overlap matrix)
           paw_opt=3 : PAW overlap matrix (Sij)
           paw_opt=4 : both PAW nonlocal part of H (Dij) and overlap matrix (Sij)
  phkxredin(2,natom)=phase factors exp(2 pi kptin.xred)
  phkxredout(2,natom)=phase factors exp(2 pi kptout.xred)
  ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)=1D structure factors phase information
  ph3din(2,npwin,matblk)=3D structure factors, for each atom and plane wave (in)
  ph3dout(2,npwout,matblk)=3-dim structure factors, for each atom and plane wave (out)
  signs= if 1, get contracted elements (energy, forces, stress, ...)
         if 2, applies the non-local operator to a function in reciprocal space
  sij(dimenl1,ntypat*(paw_opt/3))=overlap matrix components (only if paw_opt=2, 3 or 4)
  ucvol=unit cell volume (bohr^3)
  vectin(2,npwin*nspinor)=input cmplx wavefunction coefficients <G|in>
  [cprjin_left(natom,nspinor)]=The projected input wave function <p_nlm|in_left>
    for the left wavefunction. Data are assumed to be in memory, they are NOT recalculated here.


 ==== if (signs==1) ====
 --If (paw_opt==0, 1 or 2)
    enlout(nnlout)= contribution to the non-local part of the following properties:
      if choice=1 : enlout(1)             -> the energy
      if choice=2 : enlout(3*natom)       -> 1st deriv. of energy wrt atm. pos (forces)
      if choice=3 : enlout(6)             -> 1st deriv. of energy wrt strain (stresses)
      if choice=4 : enlout(6*natom)       -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt 2 atm. pos (dyn. mat.)
      if choice=23: enlout(6+3*natom)     -> 1st deriv. of energy wrt atm. pos (forces) and
                                             1st deriv. of energy wrt strain (stresses)
      if choice=24: enlout(9*natom)       -> 1st deriv. of energy wrt atm. pos (forces) and
                                             2nd deriv. of energy wrt 2 atm. pos (dyn. mat.)
      if choice=5 : enlout(3)             -> 1st deriv. of energy wrt k
      if choice=51: enlout(3)             -> 1st deriv. (right) of energy wrt k
      if choice=52: enlout(3)             -> 1st deriv. (left) of energy wrt k
      if choice=53: enlout(3)             -> 1st deriv. (twist) of energy wrt k
      if choice=54: enlout(18*natom)      -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt atm. pos and right k (Born eff. charge)
      if choice=55: enlout(36)            -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt strain and right k (piezoelastic tensor)
      if choice=6 : enlout(36+18*natom)   -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt 2 strains (elast. tensor) and
                                             2nd deriv. of energy wrt to atm. pos and strain (internal strain)
      if choice=8 : enlout(6)             -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt 2 k
      if choice=81: enlout(9)             -> 2nd deriv.of E: full derivative w.r.t. k1, right derivative w.r.t k2
 --If (paw_opt==3)
      if choice=1 : enlout(1)             -> contribution to <c|S|c> (note: not including <c|c>)
      if choice=2 : enlout(3*natom)       -> contribution to <c|dS/d_atm.pos|c>
      if choice=51: enlout(3)             -> contribution to <c|d(right)S/d_k|c>
      if choice=52: enlout(3)             -> contribution to <c|d(left)S/d_k|c>
      if choice=54: enlout(18*natom)      -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt atm. pos and right k (Born eff. charge)
      if choice=55: enlout(36)            -> 2nd deriv. of energy wrt strain and right k (piezoelastic tensor)
      if choice=7 : enlout(1)             -> contribution to <c|sum_i[p_i><p_i]|c>
      if choice=8 : enlout(6)             -> contribution to <c|d2S/d_k1d_k2|c>
      if choice=81: enlout(9)             -> contribution to <c|dS/d_k1[d(right)d_k2]|c>
 --If (paw_opt==4)
      not available
 ==== if (signs==2) ====
 --if (paw_opt=0, 1 or 4)
    vectout(2,npwout*my_nspinor*ndat)=result of the aplication of the concerned operator
                or one of its derivatives to the input vect.:
      if (choice=1)  <G|V_nonlocal|vect_in>
      if (choice=2)  <G|dV_nonlocal/d(atm. pos)|vect_in>
      if (choice=3)  <G|dV_nonlocal/d(strain)|vect_in>
      if (choice=5)  <G|dV_nonlocal/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=51) <G|d(right)V_nonlocal/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=52) <G|d(left)V_nonlocal/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=53) <G|d(twist)V_nonlocal/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=8)  <G|d2V_nonlocal/d(k)d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=81) <G|d[d(right)V_nonlocal/d(k)]/d(k)|vect_in>
 --if (paw_opt=2)
    vectout(2,npwout*my_nspinor*ndat)=final vector in reciprocal space:
      if (choice=1)  <G|V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)|vect_in>
      if (choice=2)  <G|d[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(atm. pos)|vect_in>
      if (choice=3)  <G|d[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(strain)|vect_in>
      if (choice=5)  <G|d[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=51) <G|d(right)[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=52) <G|d(left)[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=53) <G|d(twist)[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=8)  <G|d2[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=81) <G|d[d(right[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(k)]/d(k)|vect_in>
 --if (paw_opt=3 or 4)
    svectout(2,npwout*my_nspinor*ndat)=result of the aplication of Sij (overlap matrix)
                  or one of its derivatives to the input vect.:
      if (choice=1)  <G|I+S|vect_in>
      if (choice=2)  <G|dS/d(atm. pos)|vect_in>
      if (choice=3)  <G|dS/d(strain)|vect_in>
      if (choice=5)  <G|dS/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=51) <G|d(right)S/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=52) <G|d(left)S/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=53) <G|d(twist)S/d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=3)  <G|d[V_nonlocal-lamdba.(I+S)]/d(strain)|vect_in>
      if (choice=7)  <G|sum_i[p_i><p_i]|vect_in>
      if (choice=8)  <G|d2S/d(k)d(k)|vect_in>
      if (choice=81) <G|d[d(right)S/d(k)]/d(k)|vect_in>


  cprjin(natom,nspinor) <type(pawcprj_type)>=projected input wave function |in> on non-local projectors
                                            =<p_lmn|in> and derivatives
                    Treatment depends on cpopt parameter:
                     if cpopt=-1, <p_lmn|in> (and derivatives)
                                  are computed here (and not saved)
                     if cpopt= 0, <p_lmn|in> are computed here and saved
                                  derivatives are eventually computed but not saved
                     if cpopt= 1, <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are computed here and saved
                                  other derivatives are eventually computed but not saved
                     if cpopt= 2  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory;
                                  first (and 2nd) derivatives are computed here and not saved
                     if cpopt= 3  <p_lmn|in> are already in memory;
                                  first derivatives are computed here and saved
                                  other derivatives are eventually computed but not saved
                     if cpopt= 4  <p_lmn|in> and first derivatives are already in memory;
                                  other derivatives are not computed (except when choice=8 or 81)
                                  This option is not compatible with choice=4,24 or 6
                     Warning: for cpopt= 1 or 3, derivatives wrt strains do not contain
                              the contribution due to the volume change;
                              i.e. <dp_lmn/dEps|in> are incomplete.


 This application of the nonlocal operator is programmed using a direct
 implementation of spherical harmonics (Ylm). Abinit used historically
 Legendre polynomials for the application of nonlocal operator; but the
 implementation of PAW algorithm enforced the use of Ylm.

 In the case signs=1, the array vectout is not used, nor modified
 so that the same array as vectin can be used as a dummy argument;
 the same is true for the pairs npwin-npwout, ffnlin-ffnlout,
 kgin-kgout, ph3din-ph3dout, phkredin-phkxredout).


 * Complete implementation of spin-orbit






 279 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 280 #include "config.h"
 281 #endif
 283 #include "abi_common.h"
 285  subroutine nonlop_ylm(atindx1,choice,cpopt,cprjin,dimenl1,dimenl2,dimffnlin,dimffnlout,&
 286 &                      enl,enlout,ffnlin,ffnlout,gprimd,idir,indlmn,istwf_k,&
 287 &                      kgin,kgout,kpgin,kpgout,kptin,kptout,lambda,lmnmax,matblk,mgfft,&
 288 &                      mpi_enreg,natom,nattyp,ngfft,nkpgin,nkpgout,nloalg,nnlout,&
 289 &                      npwin,npwout,nspinor,nspinortot,ntypat,paw_opt,phkxredin,phkxredout,ph1d,&
 290 &                      ph3din,ph3dout,signs,sij,svectout,ucvol,vectin,vectout,cprjin_left,hermdij)
 292  use defs_basis
 293  use defs_abitypes
 294  use m_xmpi
 295  use m_profiling_abi
 296  use m_errors
 298  use m_kg,      only : ph1d3d
 299  use m_pawcprj, only : pawcprj_type
 301 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
 302 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
 303 #undef ABI_FUNC
 304 #define ABI_FUNC 'nonlop_ylm'
 305  use interfaces_41_geometry
 306  use interfaces_66_nonlocal, except_this_one => nonlop_ylm
 307 !End of the abilint section
 309  implicit none
 311 !Arguments ------------------------------------
 312 !scalars
 313  integer,intent(in) :: choice,cpopt,dimenl1,dimenl2,dimffnlin,dimffnlout,idir
 314  integer,intent(in) :: istwf_k,lmnmax,matblk,mgfft,natom,nkpgin,nkpgout,nnlout
 315  integer,intent(in) :: npwin,npwout,nspinor,nspinortot,ntypat,paw_opt,signs
 316  real(dp),intent(in) :: lambda,ucvol
 317  logical,optional,intent(in) :: hermdij
 318  type(MPI_type),intent(in) :: mpi_enreg
 319 !arrays
 320  integer,intent(in) :: atindx1(natom),kgin(3,npwin)
 321  integer,intent(in),target :: indlmn(6,lmnmax,ntypat)
 322  integer,intent(in) :: kgout(3,npwout),nattyp(ntypat),ngfft(18),nloalg(3)
 323  real(dp),intent(in) :: enl(dimenl1,dimenl2,nspinortot**2)
 324  real(dp),intent(in),target :: ffnlin(npwin,dimffnlin,lmnmax,ntypat)
 325  real(dp),intent(in),target :: ffnlout(npwout,dimffnlout,lmnmax,ntypat)
 326  real(dp),intent(in) :: gprimd(3,3)
 327  real(dp),intent(in),target :: kpgin(npwin,nkpgin),kpgout(npwout,nkpgout)
 328  real(dp),intent(in) :: kptin(3),kptout(3),ph1d(2,3*(2*mgfft+1)*natom)
 329  real(dp),intent(in) :: phkxredin(2,natom),phkxredout(2,natom)
 330  real(dp),intent(in) :: sij(dimenl1,ntypat*((paw_opt+1)/3))
 331  real(dp),intent(inout) :: ph3din(2,npwin,matblk),ph3dout(2,npwout,matblk)
 332  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vectin(:,:)
 333  real(dp),intent(out) :: enlout(:)
 334  real(dp),intent(out) :: svectout(:,:)
 335  real(dp),intent(inout) :: vectout (:,:)
 336  type(pawcprj_type),intent(inout) :: cprjin(:,:)
 337  type(pawcprj_type),optional,intent(in) :: cprjin_left(:,:)
 339 !Local variables-------------------------------
 340 !scalars
 341  integer :: choice_a,choice_b,cplex,cplex_enl,cplex_fac,ia,ia1,ia2,ia3,ia4,ia5
 342  integer :: iatm,ic,idir1,idir2,ii,ierr,ilmn,iln,ishift,ispinor,itypat,jc,mincat,mu,mua,mub,mu0
 343  integer :: n1,n2,n3,nd2gxdt,ndgxdt,ndgxdt_stored,nd2gxdtfac,ndgxdtfac
 344  integer :: nincat,nkpgin_,nkpgout_,nlmn,nu,nua1,nua2,nub1,nub2,optder
 345  real(dp) :: enlk
 346  logical :: check,hermdij_,testnl
 347  character(len=500) :: message
 348 !arrays
 349  integer,parameter :: alpha(6)=(/1,2,3,3,3,2/),beta(6)=(/1,2,3,2,1,1/)
 350  integer,parameter :: gamma(3,3)=reshape((/1,6,5,6,2,4,5,4,3/),(/3,3/))
 351  integer,allocatable :: cplex_dgxdt(:),cplex_d2gxdt(:)
 352  integer,ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: indlmn_typ(:,:)
 353  real(dp),allocatable :: d2gxdt(:,:,:,:,:),d2gxdtfac(:,:,:,:,:),d2gxdtfac_sij(:,:,:,:,:)
 354  real(dp),allocatable :: dgxdt(:,:,:,:,:),dgxdtfac(:,:,:,:,:),dgxdtfac_sij(:,:,:,:,:)
 355  real(dp),allocatable :: ddkk(:),fnlk(:),gmet(:,:)
 356  real(dp),allocatable :: gx(:,:,:,:),gxfac(:,:,:,:),gxfac_sij(:,:,:,:),gx_left(:,:,:,:)
 357  real(dp),allocatable :: sij_typ(:),strnlk(:)
 358  real(dp),allocatable :: work1(:),work2(:),work3(:,:),work4(:,:),work5(:,:,:),work6(:,:,:),work7(:,:,:)
 359  real(dp),ABI_CONTIGUOUS pointer :: ffnlin_typ(:,:,:),ffnlout_typ(:,:,:),kpgin_(:,:),kpgout_(:,:)
 361 ! **********************************************************************
 365 !Check consistency of arguments
 366 !==============================================================
 368  hermdij_=.FALSE.; if(present(hermdij)) hermdij_=hermdij
 370 !signs=1, almost all choices
 371  if (signs==1) then
 372    if(paw_opt<3) then
 373      check=(choice==0 .or.choice==1 .or.choice==2 .or.choice==3 .or.choice==4 .or.&
 374 &     choice==23.or.choice==24.or.choice==5 .or.choice==51.or.choice==52.or.&
 375 &     choice==53.or.choice==54.or.choice==55.or.&
 376 &     choice==6 .or.choice==8 .or.choice==81)
 377    else if (paw_opt==3) then
 378      check=(choice== 0.or.choice== 1.or.choice== 2.or.choice==3.or.choice==5.or.&
 379 &     choice==23.or.choice==51.or.choice==52.or.choice==54.or.choice==55.or.&
 380 &     choice== 8.or.choice==81)
 381    else
 382      check = .false.
 383    end if
 384    ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: choice not compatible (for signs=1)')
 385  end if
 387 !signs=2, less choices
 388  if (signs==2) then
 389    check=(choice==0.or.choice==1.or.choice==2.or.choice==3 .or.&
 390 &   choice==5.or.choice==51.or.choice==52.or.choice==53.or.choice==54.or.&
 391 &   choice==7.or.choice==8.or.choice==81)
 392    ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: choice not compatible (for signs=2)')
 393  end if
 394 !1<=idir<=6 is required when choice=3 and signs=2
 395  if (choice==3.and.signs==2) then
 396    check=(idir>=1.and.idir<=6)
 397    ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: choice=3 and signs=2 requires 1<=idir<=6')
 398 !1<=idir<=9 is required when choice==8/81 and signs=2
 399  else if ((choice==8.or.choice==81.or.choice==54).and.signs==2) then
 400    check=(idir>=1.and.idir<=9)
 401    ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: choice=8/81 and signs=2 requires 1<=idir<=9')
 402  else
 403 !  signs=2 requires 1<=idir<=3 when choice>1
 404    check=(signs/=2.or.choice<=1.or.choice==7.or.(idir>=1.and.idir<=3))
 405    ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: signs=2 requires 1<=idir<=3')
 406  end if
 407 !check allowed values for cpopt
 408  check=(cpopt>=-1.and.cpopt<=4)
 409  ABI_CHECK(check,'bad value for cpopt')
 410  check=(cpopt/=4.or.(choice/=4.and.choice/=24.and.choice/=6))
 411  ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: cpopt=4 not allowed for 2nd derivatives')
 412  check=(cpopt/=2.or.(choice/=8.and.choice/=81))
 413  ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: cpopt=2 not allowed for choice=8,81, use cpopt=4 instead')
 414 !check conditions for optional arguments
 415  check=((.not.present(cprjin_left)).or.(signs==1.and.choice==1))
 416  ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: when cprjin_left is present, must have choice=1,signs=1')
 417 !protect special case choice==7
 418  check=(choice/=7.or.paw_opt==3)
 419  ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: when choice=7, paw_opt must be 3')
 420 !spin-orbit not yet allowed
 421  check=(maxval(indlmn(6,:,:))<=1)
 422  ABI_CHECK(check,'BUG: spin-orbit not yet allowed')
 424 !Test: size of blocks of atoms
 425  mincat=min(NLO_MINCAT,maxval(nattyp))
 426  if (nloalg(2)<=0.and.mincat>matblk) then
 427    write(message, '(a,a,a,i4,a,i4,a)' ) &
 428 &   'With nloc_mem<=0, mincat must be less than matblk.',ch10,&
 429 &   'Their value is ',mincat,' and ',matblk,'.'
 430    MSG_BUG(message)
 431  end if
 433 !Define dimensions of projected scalars
 434 !==============================================================
 436 !Define some useful variables
 437  n1=ngfft(1);n2=ngfft(2);n3=ngfft(3)
 438  choice_a=merge(choice,1,choice/=7);choice_b=choice_a
 439  if (cpopt>=2) choice_a=-choice_a
 440  cplex=2;if (istwf_k>1) cplex=1 !Take into account TR-symmetry
 441  cplex_enl=1;if (paw_opt>0) cplex_enl=2*dimenl1/(lmnmax*(lmnmax+1))
 442  cplex_fac=cplex;if ((nspinortot==2.or.cplex_enl==2).and.paw_opt>0.and.choice/=7) cplex_fac=2
 444 !Define dimensions of projected scalars
 445  ndgxdt=0;ndgxdtfac=0;nd2gxdt=0;nd2gxdtfac=0
 446  if (choice==2) then
 447    if (signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 448    if (signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 449    if (signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 450  end if
 451  if (choice==3) then
 452    if (signs==1) ndgxdt=6
 453    if (signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 454    if (signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 455  end if
 456  if (choice==23) then
 457    if (signs==1) ndgxdt=9
 458  end if
 459  if (choice==4) then
 460    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 461    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=3
 462    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=6
 463  end if
 464  if (choice==24) then
 465    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 466    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=3
 467    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=6
 468  end if
 469  if (choice==5) then
 470    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 471    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 472    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 473  end if
 474  if (choice==51) then
 475    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 476    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 477    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 478  end if
 479  if (choice==52) then
 480    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 481    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 482    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 483  end if
 484  if (choice==53) then
 485    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 486    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=3
 487    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=2
 488    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=2
 489  end if
 490  if (choice==54) then
 491    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=6
 492    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=6
 493    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=9
 494    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 495    if(signs==2) nd2gxdt=1
 496    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 497    if(signs==2) nd2gxdtfac=1
 498  end if
 499  if (choice==55) then
 500    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=9
 501    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=9
 502    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=18
 503  end if
 504  if (choice==6) then
 505    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=9
 506    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=9
 507    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=54
 508  end if
 509  if (choice==8) then
 510    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 511    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=3
 512    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=6
 513    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=2
 514    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=2
 515    if(signs==2) nd2gxdt=1
 516    if(signs==2) nd2gxdtfac=1
 517  end if
 518  if (choice==81) then
 519    if(signs==1) ndgxdt=3
 520    if(signs==1) ndgxdtfac=3
 521    if(signs==1) nd2gxdt=6
 522    if(signs==2) ndgxdt=1
 523    if(signs==2) ndgxdtfac=1
 524    if(signs==2) nd2gxdt=1
 525    if(signs==2) nd2gxdtfac=1
 526  end if
 527  ABI_CHECK(ndgxdtfac<=ndgxdt,"BUG: ndgxdtfac>ndgxdt!")
 528  optder=0;if (ndgxdtfac>0) optder=1
 529  if (nd2gxdtfac>0) optder=2
 531 !Consistency tests
 532  if (cpopt==4) then
 533    if (ndgxdt>0.and.cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr<=0) then
 534      message='cprjin%ncpgr=0 not allowed with cpopt=4 and these (choice,signs) !'
 535      MSG_BUG(message)
 536    end if
 537  end if
 538  if (cpopt==1.or.cpopt==3) then
 539    if (cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr<ndgxdt) then
 540      message='should have cprjin%ncpgr>=ndgxdt with cpopt=1 or 3 !'
 541      MSG_BUG(message)
 542    end if
 543  end if
 545 !Additional steps before calculation
 546 !==============================================================
 548 !Initialize output arrays
 549  if (signs==1) then
 550    ABI_ALLOCATE(fnlk,(3*natom))
 551    ABI_ALLOCATE(ddkk,(6))
 552    ABI_ALLOCATE(strnlk,(6))
 553    enlk=zero;fnlk=zero;ddkk=zero;strnlk=zero
 554    enlout(:)=zero
 555  end if
 556  if (signs==2) then
 557    if (paw_opt==0.or.paw_opt==1.or.paw_opt==4) vectout(:,:)=zero
 558    if (paw_opt==2.and.choice==1) vectout(:,:)=-lambda*vectin(:,:)
 559    if (paw_opt==2.and.choice> 1) vectout(:,:)=zero
 560    if (paw_opt==3.or.paw_opt==4) then
 561      if (choice==1) svectout(:,:)=vectin(:,:)
 562      if (choice> 1) svectout(:,:)=zero
 563    end if
 564  end if
 566 !Eventually re-compute (k+G) vectors (and related data)
 567  nkpgin_=0
 568  if (choice==2.or.choice==54) nkpgin_=3
 569  if (signs==1) then
 570    if (choice==4.or.choice==24) nkpgin_=9
 571    if (choice==3.or.choice==23.or.choice==6) nkpgin_=3
 572    if (choice==55) nkpgin_=3
 573  end if
 574  if (nkpgin<nkpgin_) then
 575    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpgin_,(npwin,nkpgin_))
 576    call mkkpg(kgin,kpgin_,kptin,nkpgin_,npwin)
 577  else
 578    nkpgin_ = nkpgin
 579    kpgin_  => kpgin
 580  end if
 581  nkpgout_=0
 582  if ((choice==2.or.choice==54).and.signs==2) nkpgout_=3
 583  if (nkpgout<nkpgout_) then
 584    ABI_ALLOCATE(kpgout_,(npwout,nkpgout_))
 585    call mkkpg(kgout,kpgout_,kptout,nkpgout_,npwout)
 586  else
 587    nkpgout_ = nkpgout
 588    kpgout_ => kpgout
 589  end if
 591 !Big loop on atom types
 592 !==============================================================
 594  ia1=1;iatm=0
 595  do itypat=1,ntypat
 597 !  Get atom loop indices for different types:
 598    ia2=ia1+nattyp(itypat)-1;ia5=1
 600 !  Select quantities specific to the current type of atom
 601    nlmn=count(indlmn(3,:,itypat)>0)
 603 !  Temporary test on local part
 604    testnl=(paw_opt/=0)
 605    if (paw_opt==0) then
 606      do ispinor=1,nspinortot
 607        do ilmn=1,nlmn
 608          iln=indlmn(5,ilmn,itypat)
 609          if (abs(enl(iln,itypat,ispinor))>tol10) testnl=.true.
 610        end do
 611      end do
 612    end if
 614 !  Some non-local part is to be applied for that type of atom
 615    if (testnl) then
 617 !    Store some quantities depending only of the atom type
 618      ffnlin_typ => ffnlin(:,:,:,itypat)
 619      indlmn_typ => indlmn(:,:,itypat)
 620      if (signs==2) then
 621        ffnlout_typ => ffnlout(:,:,:,itypat)
 622      end if
 623      if (paw_opt>=2) then
 624        ABI_ALLOCATE(sij_typ,(nlmn*(nlmn+1)/2))
 625        if (cplex_enl==1) then
 626          do ilmn=1,nlmn*(nlmn+1)/2
 627            sij_typ(ilmn)=sij(ilmn,itypat)
 628          end do
 629        else
 630          do ilmn=1,nlmn*(nlmn+1)/2
 631            sij_typ(ilmn)=sij(2*ilmn-1,itypat)
 632          end do
 633        end if
 634      else
 635        ABI_ALLOCATE(sij_typ,(0))
 636      end if
 638 !    Loop over atoms of the same type
 639 !    ==============================================================
 641 !    Cut the sum on different atoms in blocks, to allow memory saving.
 642 !    Inner summations on atoms will be done from ia3 to ia4.
 643 !    Note: the maximum range from ia3 to ia4 is mincat (max. increment of atoms).
 645      do ia3=ia1,ia2,mincat
 646        ia4=min(ia2,ia3+mincat-1)
 647 !      Give the increment of number of atoms in this subset.
 648        nincat=ia4-ia3+1
 650 !      Prepare the phase factors if they were not already computed
 651        if (nloalg(2)<=0) then
 652          call ph1d3d(ia3,ia4,kgin,matblk,natom,npwin,n1,n2,n3,phkxredin,ph1d,ph3din)
 653        end if
 655 !      Allocate memory for projected scalars
 656        ABI_ALLOCATE(gx,(cplex,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 657        ABI_ALLOCATE(dgxdt,(cplex,ndgxdt,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 658        ABI_ALLOCATE(d2gxdt,(cplex,nd2gxdt,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 659        ABI_ALLOCATE(d2gxdtfac,(cplex_fac,nd2gxdtfac,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 660        ABI_ALLOCATE(dgxdtfac,(cplex_fac,ndgxdtfac,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 661        ABI_ALLOCATE(gxfac,(cplex_fac,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 662        gx(:,:,:,:)=zero;gxfac(:,:,:,:)=zero
 663        if (ndgxdt>0) dgxdt(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 664        if (ndgxdtfac>0) dgxdtfac(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 665        if (nd2gxdt>0) d2gxdt(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 666        if (nd2gxdtfac>0) d2gxdtfac(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 667        if (paw_opt>=3) then
 668          ABI_ALLOCATE(gxfac_sij,(cplex,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 669          ABI_ALLOCATE(dgxdtfac_sij,(cplex,ndgxdtfac,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 670          ABI_ALLOCATE(d2gxdtfac_sij,(cplex,nd2gxdtfac,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 671          gxfac_sij(:,:,:,:)=zero
 672          if (ndgxdtfac>0) dgxdtfac_sij(:,:,:,:,:)=zero
 673          if (nd2gxdtfac>0) d2gxdtfac_sij(:,:,:,:,:) = zero
 674        else
 675          ABI_ALLOCATE(gxfac_sij,(0,0,0,0))
 676          ABI_ALLOCATE(dgxdtfac_sij,(0,0,0,0,0))
 677          ABI_ALLOCATE(d2gxdtfac_sij,(0,0,0,0,0))
 678        end if
 680 !      When istwf_k > 1, gx derivatives can be real or pure imaginary
 681 !      cplex_dgxdt(i)  = 1 if dgxdt(1,i,:,:)  is real, 2 if it is pure imaginary
 682 !      cplex_d2gxdt(i) = 1 if d2gxdt(1,i,:,:) is real, 2 if it is pure imaginary
 683        ABI_ALLOCATE(cplex_dgxdt,(ndgxdt))
 684        ABI_ALLOCATE(cplex_d2gxdt,(nd2gxdt))
 685        cplex_dgxdt(:) = 1 ; cplex_d2gxdt(:) = 1
 686        if(ndgxdt > 0) then
 687          if (choice==5.or.choice==51.or.choice==52.or.choice==53.or. &
 688 &         choice==8.or.choice==81) cplex_dgxdt(:) = 2
 689          if (choice==54.and.signs==1) cplex_dgxdt(4:6) = 2
 690          if (choice==54.and.signs==2) cplex_dgxdt(:)   = 2
 691          if (choice==55.and.signs==1) cplex_dgxdt(7:9) = 2
 692        end if
 693        if(nd2gxdt > 0) then
 694          if (choice==54) cplex_d2gxdt(:) = 2
 695          if (choice==55.and.signs==1) cplex_d2gxdt(1:18)= 2
 696        end if
 698 !      Compute projection of current wave function |c> on each
 699 !      non-local projector: <p_lmn|c>
 700 !      ==============================================================
 702 !      Retrieve eventually <p_lmn|c> coeffs (and derivatives)
 703        if (cpopt>=2) then
 704          do ispinor=1,nspinor
 705            do ia=1,nincat
 706              gx(1:cplex,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%cp(1:cplex,1:nlmn)
 707            end do
 708          end do
 709        end if
 710        if (cpopt==4.and.ndgxdt>0) then
 711          ndgxdt_stored = cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr
 712          ishift=0
 713          if (((choice==2).or.(choice==3)).and.(ndgxdt_stored>ndgxdt).and.(signs==2)) ishift=idir-ndgxdt
 714          if ((choice==2).and.(ndgxdt_stored==9).and.(signs==2)) ishift=ishift+6
 715          if (choice==2.and.(ndgxdt_stored>ndgxdt).and.(signs==1)) ishift=ndgxdt_stored-ndgxdt
 716          if(cplex == 2) then
 717            do ispinor=1,nspinor
 718              do ia=1,nincat
 719                if (ndgxdt_stored==ndgxdt.or.(ndgxdt_stored>ndgxdt.and.((choice==2).or.(choice==3)))) then
 720                  dgxdt(1:2,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,1+ishift:ndgxdt+ishift,1:nlmn)
 721                else if (signs==2.and.ndgxdt_stored==3) then
 722                  if (choice==5.or.choice==51.or.choice==52) then ! ndgxdt=1
 723                    dgxdt(1:2,1,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,idir,1:nlmn)
 724                  else if (choice==8) then ! ndgxdt=2
 725                    idir1=(idir-1)/3+1; idir2=mod((idir-1),3)+1
 726                    dgxdt(1:2,1,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,idir1,1:nlmn)
 727                    dgxdt(1:2,2,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,idir2,1:nlmn)
 728                  else if (choice==81) then ! ndgxdt=1
 729                    idir1=(idir-1)/3+1; idir2=mod((idir-1),3)+1
 730                    dgxdt(1:2,1,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,idir2,1:nlmn)
 731                  end if
 732                end if
 733              end do
 734            end do
 735          else
 736            do ispinor=1,nspinor
 737              do ia=1,nincat
 738                do ilmn=1,nlmn
 739                  if (ndgxdt_stored==ndgxdt.or.(ndgxdt_stored>ndgxdt.and.((choice==2).or.(choice==3)))) then
 740                    do ii=1,ndgxdt
 741                      ic = cplex_dgxdt(ii)
 742                      dgxdt(1,ii,ilmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(ic,ii+ishift,ilmn)
 743                    end do
 744                  else if (signs==2.and.ndgxdt_stored==3) then
 745                    if (choice==5.or.choice==51.or.choice==52) then ! ndgxdt=1
 746                      dgxdt(1,1,ilmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(cplex_dgxdt(1),idir,ilmn)
 747                    else if (choice==8) then ! ndgxdt=2
 748                      idir1=(idir-1)/3+1; idir2=mod((idir-1),3)+1
 749                      dgxdt(1,1,ilmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(cplex_dgxdt(1),idir1,ilmn)
 750                      dgxdt(1,2,ilmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(cplex_dgxdt(2),idir2,ilmn)
 751                    else if (choice==81) then ! ndgxdt=1
 752                      idir1=(idir-1)/3+1; idir2=mod((idir-1),3)+1
 753                      dgxdt(1,1,ilmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(cplex_dgxdt(1),idir2,ilmn)
 754                    end if
 755                  end if
 756                end do
 757              end do
 758            end do
 759          end if
 760        end if
 762 !      Computation or <p_lmn|c> (and derivatives) for this block of atoms
 763        if ((cpopt<4.and.choice_a/=-1).or.choice==8.or.choice==81) then
 764          call opernla_ylm(choice_a,cplex,cplex_dgxdt,cplex_d2gxdt,dimffnlin,d2gxdt,dgxdt,ffnlin_typ,gx,&
 765 &         ia3,idir,indlmn_typ,istwf_k,kpgin_,matblk,mpi_enreg,nd2gxdt,ndgxdt,nincat,nkpgin_,nlmn,&
 766 &         nloalg,npwin,nspinor,ph3din,signs,ucvol,vectin)
 767        end if
 769 !      Transfer result to output variable cprj (if requested)
 770 !      cprj(:)%cp receive the <p_i|Psi> factors (p_i: non-local projector)
 771 !      Be careful: cprj(:)%dcp does not exactly contain the derivative of cprj(:)%cp.
 772 !                  - Volume contributions (in case of strain derivative) are not included,
 773 !                  - Global coordinate transformation are not applied,
 774 !                  cprj(:)%dcp is meant to be a restart argument of the present nonlop routine.
 775        if (cpopt==0.or.cpopt==1) then
 776          do ispinor=1,nspinor
 777            do ia=1,nincat
 778              cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%nlmn=nlmn
 779              cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%cp(1:cplex,1:nlmn)=gx(1:cplex,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)
 780              if (cplex==1) cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%cp(2,1:nlmn)=zero
 781            end do
 782          end do
 783        end if
 784        if ((cpopt==1.or.cpopt==3).and.ndgxdt>0) then
 785          ishift=0
 786          if ((choice==2).and.(cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr>ndgxdt)) ishift=cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr-ndgxdt
 787          if(cplex==2)then
 788            do ispinor=1,nspinor
 789              do ia=1,nincat
 790                cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,1+ishift:ndgxdt+ishift,1:nlmn)=dgxdt(1:2,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)
 791 !               cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:2,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn)=dgxdt(1:2,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)
 792              end do
 793            end do
 794          else
 795            do ispinor=1,nspinor
 796              do ia=1,nincat
 797                do ilmn=1,nlmn
 798                  do ii=1,ndgxdt
 799                    ic = cplex_dgxdt(ii) ; jc = 3 - ic
 800                    cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(ic,ii+ishift,ilmn)=dgxdt(1,ii,ilmn,ia,ispinor)
 801                    cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(jc,ii+ishift,ilmn)=zero
 802 !                   cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(ic,ii,ilmn)=dgxdt(1,ii,ilmn,ia,ispinor)
 803 !                   cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(jc,ii,ilmn)=zero
 804                  end do
 805                end do
 806              end do
 807            end do
 808          end if
 809        end if
 811 !      If choice==0, that's all for these atoms !
 812        if (choice>0) then
 813          if(choice/=7) then
 814 !          Contraction from <p_i|c> to Sum_j[Dij.<p_j|c>] (and derivatives)
 815            call opernlc_ylm(atindx1,cplex,cplex_dgxdt,cplex_d2gxdt,cplex_enl,cplex_fac,dgxdt,dgxdtfac,dgxdtfac_sij,&
 816 &           d2gxdt,d2gxdtfac,d2gxdtfac_sij,dimenl1,dimenl2,enl,gx,gxfac,gxfac_sij,&
 817 &           iatm,indlmn_typ,itypat,lambda,mpi_enreg,natom,ndgxdt,ndgxdtfac,nd2gxdt,nd2gxdtfac,&
 818 &           nincat,nlmn,nspinor,nspinortot,optder,paw_opt,sij_typ,hermdij=hermdij_)
 819          else
 820            gxfac_sij=gx
 821          end if
 823 !        Operate with the non-local potential on the projected scalars,
 824 !        in order to get contributions to energy/forces/stress/dyn.mat
 825 !        ==============================================================
 826          if (signs==1) then
 827            if (.not.present(cprjin_left)) then
 828              call opernld_ylm(choice_b,cplex,cplex_fac,ddkk,dgxdt,dgxdtfac,dgxdtfac_sij,d2gxdt,&
 829 &             enlk,enlout,fnlk,gx,gxfac,gxfac_sij,ia3,natom,nd2gxdt,ndgxdt,ndgxdtfac,&
 830 &             nincat,nlmn,nnlout,nspinor,paw_opt,strnlk)
 831            else
 832              ABI_ALLOCATE(gx_left,(cplex,nlmn,nincat,nspinor))
 833 !            Retrieve <p_lmn|c> coeffs
 834              do ispinor=1,nspinor
 835                do ia=1,nincat
 836                  gx_left(1:cplex,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin_left(iatm+ia,ispinor)%cp(1:cplex,1:nlmn)
 837                end do
 838              end do
 839 !            TODO
 840 !            if (cpopt==4.and.ndgxdt>0) then
 841 !            do ispinor=1,nspinor
 842 !            do ia=1,nincat
 843 !            dgxdt_left(1:cplex,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn,ia,ispinor)=cprjin_left(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(1:cplex,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn)
 844 !            end do
 845 !            end do
 846 !            end if
 847              call opernld_ylm(choice_b,cplex,cplex_fac,ddkk,dgxdt,dgxdtfac,dgxdtfac_sij,d2gxdt,&
 848 &             enlk,enlout,fnlk,gx_left,gxfac,gxfac_sij,ia3,natom,nd2gxdt,ndgxdt,ndgxdtfac,&
 849 &             nincat,nlmn,nnlout,nspinor,paw_opt,strnlk)
 850              ABI_DEALLOCATE(gx_left)
 851            end if
 852          end if
 854 !        Operate with the non-local potential on the projected scalars,
 855 !        in order to get matrix element
 856 !        ==============================================================
 857          if (signs==2) then
 858 !          Prepare the phase factors if they were not already computed
 859            if(nloalg(2)<=0) then
 860              call ph1d3d(ia3,ia4,kgout,matblk,natom,npwout,n1,n2,n3,phkxredout,ph1d,ph3dout)
 861            end if
 862            call opernlb_ylm(choice_b,cplex,cplex_dgxdt,cplex_d2gxdt,cplex_fac,&
 863 &           d2gxdtfac,d2gxdtfac_sij,dgxdtfac,dgxdtfac_sij,dimffnlout,ffnlout_typ,gxfac,gxfac_sij,ia3,&
 864 &           idir,indlmn_typ,kpgout_,matblk,ndgxdtfac,nd2gxdtfac,nincat,nkpgout_,nlmn,&
 865 &           nloalg,npwout,nspinor,paw_opt,ph3dout,svectout,ucvol,vectout)
 866          end if
 868        end if ! choice==0
 870 !      Deallocate temporary projected scalars
 871        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gx)
 872        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gxfac)
 873        ABI_DEALLOCATE(dgxdt)
 874        ABI_DEALLOCATE(dgxdtfac)
 875        ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2gxdt)
 876        ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2gxdtfac)
 877        ABI_DEALLOCATE(dgxdtfac_sij)
 878        ABI_DEALLOCATE(d2gxdtfac_sij)
 879        ABI_DEALLOCATE(gxfac_sij)
 880        ABI_DEALLOCATE(cplex_dgxdt)
 881        ABI_DEALLOCATE(cplex_d2gxdt)
 883 !      End sum on atom subset loop
 884        iatm=iatm+nincat;ia5=ia5+nincat
 885      end do
 886      !if (paw_opt>=2)  then
 887      ABI_DEALLOCATE(sij_typ)
 888      !end if
 890 !    End condition of existence of a non-local part
 891    else
 892      if (cpopt==0.or.cpopt==1) then
 893        do ispinor=1,nspinor
 894          do ia=1,nattyp(itypat)
 895            cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%cp(:,1:nlmn)=zero
 896          end do
 897        end do
 898      end if
 899      if ((cpopt==1.or.cpopt==3).and.ndgxdt>0) then
 900        ishift=0
 901        if ((choice==2).and.(cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr>ndgxdt)) ishift=cprjin(1,1)%ncpgr-ndgxdt
 902        do ispinor=1,nspinor
 903          do ia=1,nattyp(itypat)
 904            cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(:,1+ishift:ndgxdt+ishift,1:nlmn)=zero
 905 !           cprjin(iatm+ia,ispinor)%dcp(:,1:ndgxdt,1:nlmn)=zero
 906          end do
 907        end do
 908      end if
 909      iatm=iatm+nattyp(itypat)
 910    end if
 912 !  End atom type loop
 913    ia1=ia2+1
 914  end do
 917 !Reduction in case of parallelism
 918 !==============================================================
 920  if (signs==1.and.mpi_enreg%paral_spinor==1) then
 921    if (nnlout/=0) then
 922      call xmpi_sum(enlout,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
 923    end if
 924    if (choice==3.or.choice==6.or.choice==23) then
 925      call xmpi_sum(enlk,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
 926    end if
 927    if (choice==6) then
 928      call xmpi_sum(fnlk,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
 929      call xmpi_sum(strnlk,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
 930    end if
 931    if (choice==55) then
 932      call xmpi_sum(ddkk,mpi_enreg%comm_spinor,ierr)
 933    end if
 934  end if
 936 !Coordinate transformations
 937 !==============================================================
 939 !Need sometimes gmet
 940  if ((signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3).and. &
 941 & (choice==5 .or.choice==51.or.choice==52.or.choice==53.or.&
 942 & choice==54.or.choice==55)) then
 943    ABI_ALLOCATE(gmet,(3,3))
 944    gmet = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(gprimd),gprimd)
 945  end if
 947 !1st derivative wrt to strain (stress tensor):
 948 ! - convert from reduced to cartesian coordinates
 949 ! - substract volume contribution
 950  if ((choice==3.or.choice==23).and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
 951    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
 952    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(6))
 953    work1(1:6)=enlout(mu0+1:mu0+6)
 954    call strconv(work1,gprimd,work1)
 955    enlout(mu0+1:mu0+3)=(work1(1:3)-enlk)
 956    enlout(mu0+4:mu0+6)= work1(4:6)
 957    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
 958  end if
 960 !1st derivative wrt to k wave vector (ddk):
 961 ! - convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates
 962  if ((choice==5.or.choice==53).and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
 963    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
 964    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(3))
 965    work1(:)=enlout(mu0+1:mu0+3)
 966    enlout(mu0+1:mu0+3)=gmet(:,1)*work1(1)+gmet(:,2)*work1(2)+gmet(:,3)*work1(3)
 967    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
 968  end if
 969  if ((choice==51.or.choice==52).and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
 970    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
 971    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(3))
 972    do mu=1,2 ! Loop for Re,Im
 973      work1(1:3)=(/enlout(mu0+1),enlout(mu0+3),enlout(mu0+5)/)
 974      enlout(mu0+1)=gmet(1,1)*work1(1)+gmet(1,2)*work1(2)+gmet(1,3)*work1(3)
 975      enlout(mu0+3)=gmet(2,1)*work1(1)+gmet(2,2)*work1(2)+gmet(2,3)*work1(3)
 976      enlout(mu0+5)=gmet(3,1)*work1(1)+gmet(3,2)*work1(2)+gmet(3,3)*work1(3)
 977      mu0=mu0+1
 978    end do
 979    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
 980  end if
 982 !2nd derivative wrt to k wave vector and atomic position (effective charges):
 983 ! - convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates
 984  if (choice==54.and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
 985    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
 986    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(3))
 987    ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(3))
 988    do mu=1,3*natom
 989 !    First, real part
 990      work1(1)=enlout(mu0+1);work1(2)=enlout(mu0+3);work1(3)=enlout(mu0+5)
 991      work2(:)=gmet(:,1)*work1(1)+gmet(:,2)*work1(2)+gmet(:,3)*work1(3)
 992      enlout(mu0+1)=work2(1);enlout(mu0+3)=work2(2);enlout(mu0+5)=work2(3)
 993 !    Then imaginary part
 994      work1(1)=enlout(mu0+2);work1(2)=enlout(mu0+4);work1(3)=enlout(mu0+6)
 995      work2(:)=gmet(:,1)*work1(1)+gmet(:,2)*work1(2)+gmet(:,3)*work1(3)
 996      enlout(mu0+2)=work2(1);enlout(mu0+4)=work2(2);enlout(mu0+6)=work2(3)
 997      mu0=mu0+6
 998    end do
 999    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
1000    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
1001  end if
1003 !2nd derivative wrt to k wave vector and strain (piezoelectric tensor):
1004 ! - convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates (k point)
1005 ! - convert from reduced to cartesian coordinates (strain)
1006 ! - substract volume contribution
1007 ! - symetrize strain components
1008  if (choice==55.and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
1009    ABI_ALLOCATE(work3,(2,3))
1010    ABI_ALLOCATE(work4,(2,3))
1011    ABI_ALLOCATE(work5,(2,3,6))
1012    ABI_ALLOCATE(work7,(2,3,6))
1013    ABI_ALLOCATE(work6,(2,3,3))
1014    do ic=1,3 ! gamma
1015      work5=zero
1016      do jc=1,3 ! nu
1017        do ii=1,3 ! lambda
1018          mu=(gamma(jc,ii)-1)*3+1
1019          work5(1,jc,ii)=gmet(ic,1)*enlout(2*mu-1)+gmet(ic,2)*enlout(2*mu+1) &
1020 &         +gmet(ic,3)*enlout(2*mu+3)
1021          work5(2,jc,ii)=gmet(ic,1)*enlout(2*mu  )+gmet(ic,2)*enlout(2*mu+2) &
1022 &         +gmet(ic,3)*enlout(2*mu+4)
1023        end do
1024      end do
1025      work6=zero
1026      do jc=1,3 ! nu
1027        do ii=1,3 ! beta
1028          work6(1:cplex,ii,jc)=gprimd(ii,1)*work5(1:cplex,jc,1)+gprimd(ii,2)*work5(1:cplex,jc,2) &
1029 &         +gprimd(ii,3)*work5(1:cplex,jc,3)
1030        end do
1031      end do
1032      do jc=1,3 ! alpha
1033        do ii=1,3 ! beta
1034          mu=gamma(jc,ii)
1035          work7(1:cplex,ic,mu)=gprimd(jc,1)*work6(1:cplex,ii,1)+gprimd(jc,2)*work6(1:cplex,ii,2) &
1036 &         +gprimd(jc,3)*work6(1:cplex,ii,3)
1037        end do
1038      end do
1039    end do ! gamma
1041    do ii=1,3 ! alpha
1042      work3(1,ii)=gprimd(ii,1)*ddkk(2*1-1)+gprimd(ii,2)*ddkk(2*2-1) &
1043 &     +gprimd(ii,3)*ddkk(2*3-1)
1044      work3(2,ii)=gprimd(ii,1)*ddkk(2*1  )+gprimd(ii,2)*ddkk(2*2  ) &
1045 &     +gprimd(ii,3)*ddkk(2*3  )
1046    end do
1047    do ii=1,3 ! gamma
1048      work4(1,ii)=gmet(ii,1)*ddkk(2*1-1)+gmet(ii,2)*ddkk(2*2-1) &
1049 &     +gmet(ii,3)*ddkk(2*3-1)
1050      work4(2,ii)=gmet(ii,1)*ddkk(2*1  )+gmet(ii,2)*ddkk(2*2  ) &
1051 &     +gmet(ii,3)*ddkk(2*3  )
1052    end do
1054    do mu=1,6
1055      ii=alpha(mu) ! alpha
1056      ic=beta(mu) ! beta
1057      do jc=1,3 ! gamma
1058        work7(1:cplex,jc,mu)=work7(1:cplex,jc,mu)-half &
1059 &       *(gprimd(ic,jc)*work3(1:cplex,ii)+gprimd(ii,jc)*work3(1:cplex,ic))
1060        if (ii==ic) work7(1:cplex,jc,mu)=work7(1:cplex,jc,mu)-work4(1:cplex,jc)
1061      end do
1062    end do
1063    do mu=1,6 ! alpha,beta
1064      do nu=1,3 ! gamma
1065        mu0=3*(mu-1)+nu
1066        enlout(2*mu0-1)=work7(1,nu,mu)
1067        enlout(2*mu0  )=work7(2,nu,mu)
1068      end do
1069    end do
1070    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gmet)
1071    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work3)
1072    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work4)
1073    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work5)
1074    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work6)
1075    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work7)
1076  end if
1078 !2nd derivative wrt to 2 k wave vectors (effective mass):
1079 ! - convert from cartesian to reduced coordinates
1080  if ((choice==8.or.choice==81).and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
1081    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
1082    ABI_ALLOCATE(work3,(3,3))
1083    ABI_ALLOCATE(work4,(3,3))
1084    mua=1;if (choice==81) mua=2
1085    do ii=1,mua ! Loop Re,Im
1086      if (choice==8) then ! enlout is real in Voigt notation
1087        work3(1,1)=enlout(mu0+1) ; work3(1,2)=enlout(mu0+6) ; work3(1,3)=enlout(mu0+5)
1088        work3(2,1)=enlout(mu0+6) ; work3(2,2)=enlout(mu0+2) ; work3(2,3)=enlout(mu0+4)
1089        work3(3,1)=enlout(mu0+5) ; work3(3,2)=enlout(mu0+4) ; work3(3,3)=enlout(mu0+3)
1090      else                ! enlout is complex in matrix notation
1091        work3(1,1)=enlout(mu0+1 ) ; work3(1,2)=enlout(mu0+3 ) ; work3(1,3)=enlout(mu0+5 )
1092        work3(2,1)=enlout(mu0+7 ) ; work3(2,2)=enlout(mu0+9 ) ; work3(2,3)=enlout(mu0+11)
1093        work3(3,1)=enlout(mu0+13) ; work3(3,2)=enlout(mu0+15) ; work3(3,3)=enlout(mu0+17)
1094      end if
1095      do mu=1,3
1096        work4(:,mu)=gprimd(:,1)*work3(mu,1)+gprimd(:,2)*work3(mu,2)+gprimd(:,3)*work3(mu,3)
1097      end do
1098      do mu=1,3
1099        work3(:,mu)=gprimd(:,1)*work4(mu,1)+gprimd(:,2)*work4(mu,2)+gprimd(:,3)*work4(mu,3)
1100      end do
1101      do mu=1,3
1102        work4(:,mu)=gprimd(1,:)*work3(mu,1)+gprimd(2,:)*work3(mu,2)+gprimd(3,:)*work3(mu,3)
1103      end do
1104      do mu=1,3
1105        work3(:,mu)=gprimd(1,:)*work4(mu,1)+gprimd(2,:)*work4(mu,2)+gprimd(3,:)*work4(mu,3)
1106      end do
1107      if (choice==8) then ! enlout is real in Voigt notation
1108        enlout(mu0+1) = work3(1,1) ; enlout(mu0+2) = work3(2,2) ; enlout(mu0+3) = work3(3,3)
1109        enlout(mu0+4) = work3(3,2) ; enlout(mu0+5) = work3(1,3) ; enlout(mu0+6) = work3(2,1)
1110      else                ! enlout is complex in matrix notation
1111        enlout(mu0+1 )=work3(1,1) ; enlout(mu0+3 )=work3(1,2) ; enlout(mu0+5 )=work3(1,3)
1112        enlout(mu0+7 )=work3(2,1) ; enlout(mu0+9 )=work3(2,2) ; enlout(mu0+11)=work3(2,3)
1113        enlout(mu0+13)=work3(3,1) ; enlout(mu0+15)=work3(3,2) ; enlout(mu0+17)=work3(3,3)
1114      end if
1115      mu0=mu0+1
1116    end do
1117    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work3)
1118    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work4)
1119  end if
1121 !2nd derivative wrt to 2 strains (elastic tensor):
1122 ! - convert from reduced to cartesian coordinates
1123 ! - substract volume contribution
1124  if (choice==6.and.signs==1.and.paw_opt<=3) then
1125    mu0=0 ! Shift to be applied in enlout array
1126    ABI_ALLOCATE(work1,(6))
1127    ABI_ALLOCATE(work2,(6))
1128    ABI_ALLOCATE(work3,(6+3*natom,6))
1129    work3(:,:)=reshape(enlout(mu0+1:mu0+6*(6+3*natom)),(/6+3*natom,6/))
1130    do mu=1,6
1131      call strconv(work3(1:6,mu),gprimd,work3(1:6,mu))
1132    end do
1133    do mu=1,6+3*natom
1134      work1(1:6)=work3(mu,1:6)
1135      call strconv(work1,gprimd,work2)
1136      work3(mu,1:6)=work2(1:6)
1137    end do
1138    enlout(mu0+1:mu0+6*(6+3*natom))=reshape(work3(:,:),(/6*(6+3*natom)/))
1139    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work1)
1140    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work2)
1141    ABI_DEALLOCATE(work3)
1142    call strconv(strnlk,gprimd,strnlk)
1143    do mub=1,6
1144      nub1=alpha(mub);nub2=beta(mub)
1145      do mua=1,6
1146        mu=mu0+mua+(3*natom+6)*(mub-1)
1147        nua1=alpha(mua);nua2=beta(mua)
1148        if (mua<=3.and.mub<=3) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)+enlk
1149        if (mua<=3) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-strnlk(mub)
1150        if (mub<=3) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-strnlk(mua)
1151        if (nub1==nua2) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-0.25d0*strnlk(gamma(nua1,nub2))
1152        if (nub2==nua2) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-0.25d0*strnlk(gamma(nua1,nub1))
1153        if (nub1==nua1) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-0.25d0*strnlk(gamma(nua2,nub2))
1154        if (nub2==nua1) enlout(mu)=enlout(mu)-0.25d0*strnlk(gamma(nua2,nub1))
1155      end do
1156      if (mub<=3) then
1157        do nua1=1,natom
1158          nua2=3*(nua1-1);mu=mu0+nua2+6+(3*natom+6)*(mub-1)
1159          enlout(mu+1:mu+3)=enlout(mu+1:mu+3)-fnlk(nua2+1:nua2+3)
1160        end do
1161      end if
1162    end do
1163  end if
1165  if (allocated(gmet)) then
1166    ABI_DEALLOCATE(gmet)
1167  end if
1169 !Final deallocations
1170 !==============================================================
1172  if (signs==1)  then
1173    ABI_DEALLOCATE(fnlk)
1174    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ddkk)
1175    ABI_DEALLOCATE(strnlk)
1176  end if
1177  if (nkpgin<nkpgin_) then
1178    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpgin_)
1179  end if
1180  if (nkpgout<nkpgout_) then
1181    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kpgout_)
1182  end if
1184  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1186 end subroutine nonlop_ylm