ABINIT/inkpts [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Initialize k points (list of k points, weights, storage)
 for one particular dataset, characterized by jdtset.
 Note that nkpt (and nkpthf) can be computed by calling this routine with
 input value of nkpt=0, provided kptopt/=0.


 Copyright (C) 1998-2018 ABINIT group (DCA, XG, GMR)
 This file is distributed under the terms of the
 GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
 or .
 For the initials of contributors, see ~abinit/doc/developers/contributors.txt .


 bravais(11): bravais(1)=iholohedry
              bravais(3:11)=coordinates of rprim in the axes
               of the conventional bravais lattice (*2 if center/=0)
 chksymbreak= if 1, will check whether the k point grid is symmetric, and stop if not.
 impose_istwf_1= (optional argument):
                 0: no restriction on istwfk
                 1: impose istwfk=1 for all k points
                 2: impose istwfk=1 for all k points non equal to zero
 iout=unit number for echoed output
 iscf= ( <= 0 =>non-SCF), >0 => SCF)
 jdtset=number of the dataset looked for
 lenstr=actual length of the string
 kptopt=option for the generation of k points
 msym=default maximal number of symmetries
 nqpt=number of q points (0 or 1)
 nsym=number of symetries
 occopt=option for occupation numbers
 qptn(3)=reduced coordinates of eventual q point shift (already normalized).
 response=0 if GS case, =1 if RF case.
 rprimd(3,3)=dimensional real space primitive translations (bohr)
 string*(*)=character string containing all the input data.
  Initialized previously in instrng.
 symafm(nsym)=(anti)ferromagnetic part of symmetry operations
 symrel(3,3,nsym)=symmetry operations in real space in terms of primitive translations
 vacuum(3)=for each direction, 0 if no vacuum, 1 if vacuum


 fockdownsampling(3)=echo of input variable fockdownsampling(3)
 kptnrm=normalisation of k points
 kptrlatt_orig(3,3)=Original value of kptrlatt as specified in the input file (if kptopt/=0)
 kptrlatt(3,3)=k-point lattice specification (if kptopt/=0)
 kptrlen=length of the smallest real space supercell vector
 nshiftk_orig=Original number of k-point shifts (0 if not read)
 nshiftk=actual number of k-point shifts in shiftk (if kptopt/=0)
 shiftk(3,210)=shift vectors for k point generation (if kptopt/=0)
 If nkpt/=0  the following arrays are also output :
  istwfk(nkpt)=option parameters that describes the storage of wfs
  kpt(3,nkpt)=reduced coordinates of k points.
  kpthf(3,nkpthf)=reduced coordinates of k points for Fock operator.
  wtk(nkpt)=weight assigned to each k point.
 ngkpt(3)=Number of divisions along the three reduced directions
   (0 signals that this variable has not been used.
 shiftk_orig(3,210)=Original shifts read from the input file
   (0 signals that this variable has not been read).


 nkpt=number of k points
  if non-zero at input, is only an input variable
  if zero at input, its actual value will be computed
 nkpthf=number of k points for Fock operator, computed if nkpt=0 at input


 Warning: this routine can be called with nkpt=0 (in which
 case it returns the true value of nkpt), which can lead
 to strange bugs in the debugging procedure, if
 one tries to print wtk or istwfk, in this case !






 88 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
 89 #include "config.h"
 90 #endif
 92 #include "abi_common.h"
 94 subroutine inkpts(bravais,chksymbreak,fockdownsampling,iout,iscf,istwfk,jdtset,&
 95 & kpt,kpthf,kptopt,kptnrm,kptrlatt_orig,kptrlatt,kptrlen,lenstr,msym,&
 96 & nkpt,nkpthf,nqpt,ngkpt,nshiftk,nshiftk_orig,shiftk_orig,nsym,&
 97 & occopt,qptn,response,rprimd,shiftk,string,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,&
 98 & impose_istwf_1) ! Optional argument
100  use defs_basis
101  use m_profiling_abi
102  use m_errors
104  use m_geometry,     only : metric
105  use m_cgtools,  only : set_istwfk
106  use m_parser,  only : intagm
108 !This section has been created automatically by the script Abilint (TD).
109 !Do not modify the following lines by hand.
110 #undef ABI_FUNC
111 #define ABI_FUNC 'inkpts'
112  use interfaces_14_hidewrite
113  use interfaces_18_timing
114  use interfaces_32_util
115  use interfaces_56_recipspace
116 !End of the abilint section
118  implicit none
120 !Arguments ------------------------------------
121 !scalars
122  integer,intent(in) :: chksymbreak,iout,iscf,jdtset,kptopt,lenstr,msym,nqpt,nsym,occopt
123  integer,intent(in) :: response
124  integer,intent(in),optional :: impose_istwf_1
125  integer,intent(inout) :: nkpt,nkpthf
126  integer,intent(out) :: nshiftk,nshiftk_orig
127  integer,intent(out) :: fockdownsampling(3)
128  real(dp),intent(out) :: kptnrm,kptrlen
129  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
130 !arrays
131  integer,intent(in) :: bravais(11),symafm(msym),symrel(3,3,msym),vacuum(3)
132  integer,intent(out) :: istwfk(nkpt),kptrlatt(3,3),kptrlatt_orig(3,3),ngkpt(3)
133  real(dp),intent(in) :: rprimd(3,3),qptn(3)
134  real(dp),intent(out) :: kpt(3,nkpt),kpthf(3,nkpthf),shiftk(3,210),wtk(nkpt),shiftk_orig(3,210)
136 !Local variables-------------------------------
137 !scalars
138  integer :: dkpt,ii,ikpt,jkpt,marr,ndiv_small,nkpt_computed
139  integer :: nsegment,prtkpt,tread,tread_kptrlatt,tread_ngkpt
140  real(dp) :: fraction,norm,ucvol,wtksum
141  character(len=500) :: message
142 !arrays
143  integer,allocatable :: ndivk(:),intarr(:)
144  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),kpoint(3),rmet(3,3),tsec(2)
145  real(dp),allocatable :: kptbounds(:,:),dprarr(:)
147 ! *************************************************************************
149  call timab(192,1,tsec)
151 !Compute the maximum size of arrays intarr and dprarr
152  marr=max(3*nkpt,3*210)
153  ABI_ALLOCATE(intarr,(marr))
154  ABI_ALLOCATE(dprarr,(marr))
156 !Use zero to signal that these values have not been read.
157  ngkpt = 0
158  shiftk_orig = zero
159  kptrlatt_orig = 0; kptrlatt = 0
160  nshiftk_orig = 1; nshiftk = 1
162  ! MG: FIXME These values should be initialized because they are intent(out)
163  ! but several tests fails. So we keep this bug to avoid problems somewhere else
164  ! The initialization of the kpoints should be rewritten in a cleaner way
165  ! without all these side effects!
166  !shiftk = zero
167  ! Initializing these three variables is OK but we keep the bug to preserve the old behavior
168  !wtk = one
169  !kpt = zero
170  !istwfk = 1
172 !Initialize kptrlen
173  kptrlen=30.0_dp
174  call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptrlen',tread,'DPR')
175  if(tread==1)kptrlen=dprarr(1)
177 !Initialize kpt, kptnrm and wtk according to kptopt.
178 !For kptopt==0, one must have nkpt defined.
179  if(kptopt==0)then
181    kpt(:,:)=zero
182    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'kpt',tread,'DPR')
183    if(tread==1) kpt(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nkpt), [3,nkpt])
185    kptnrm=one
186    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptnrm',tread,'DPR')
187    if(tread==1) kptnrm=dprarr(1)
189 !  Only read wtk when iscf >0 or iscf=-1 or iscf=-3 or (iscf=-2 and response=1)
190 !  (this last option is for Zach Levine)
191 !  Normalize the k-point weights when occopt/=2
192 !  Check that k point weights add to 1 when occopt==2
193    if  (iscf>0.or.iscf==-1.or.iscf==-3.or.(iscf==-2.and.response==1))  then
195      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'wtk',tread,'DPR')
196      if(tread==1) wtk(1:nkpt)=dprarr(1:nkpt)
198      wtksum=sum(wtk(:))
199      write(message,'(a,i0,a,f12.6)')' inkpts: Sum of ',nkpt,' k point weights is',wtksum
200      call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
202      if (wtksum<1.d-6) then
203        write(message, '(6a)' )&
204 &       'This sum is too close to zero. ',ch10,&
205 &       'Action: correct the array wtk in the input file.'
206        MSG_ERROR(message)
207      end if
208      if (abs(wtksum - one)>1.d-06) then
209        if(occopt==2)then
210          write(message, '(a,1p,e18.8,a,a,a)' )&
211 &         'wtksum=',wtksum,' /=1.0 means wts do not add to 1 , while occopt=2.',ch10,&
212 &         'Action: correct the array wtk in input file.'
213          MSG_ERROR(message)
214        else
215          write(message,'(a,i0,a)')' With present occopt= ',occopt,', renormalize it to one'
216          call wrtout(std_out,message,'COLL')
217          norm=one/wtksum
218          wtk(1:nkpt)=wtk(1:nkpt)*norm
219        end if
220      end if
221    end if
223  else if (kptopt<0) then
225 !  Band structure calculation
226    nsegment=abs(kptopt)
228    if(iscf/=-2)then
229      write(message,  '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
230 &     'For a negative kptopt, iscf must be -2,',ch10,&
231 &     'while it is found to be ',iscf,'.',ch10,&
232 &     'Action: change the value of iscf in your input file, or change kptopt.'
233      MSG_ERROR(message)
234    end if
236    if(marr<3*nsegment+3)then
237      marr=3*nsegment+3
238      ABI_DEALLOCATE(dprarr)
239      ABI_DEALLOCATE(intarr)
240      ABI_ALLOCATE(dprarr,(marr))
241      ABI_ALLOCATE(intarr,(marr))
242    end if
244    ABI_ALLOCATE(kptbounds,(3,nsegment+1))
245    ABI_ALLOCATE(ndivk,(nsegment))
247    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nsegment+3,string(1:lenstr),'kptbounds',tread,'DPR')
249    if(tread==1)then
250      kptbounds(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nsegment+3), [3,nsegment+1])
251    else
252      write(message,'(5a)') &
253 &     'When kptopt is negative, kptbounds must be initialized ',ch10,&
254 &     'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
255 &     'Action: initialize kptbounds in your input file, or change kptopt.'
256      MSG_ERROR(message)
257    end if
259    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nsegment,string(1:lenstr),'ndivk',tread,'INT')
260    if(tread==1)then
261      ndivk(1:nsegment)=intarr(1:nsegment)
262 !    The 1 stand for the first point
263      nkpt_computed=1+sum(ndivk(1:nsegment))
265      ! ndivk and ndivsm are mutually exclusive
266      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'ndivsm',tread,'INT')
267      if (tread == 1) then
268        MSG_ERROR("ndivk and ndivsm are mutually exclusive. Choose only one variable")
269      end if
271    else
272 !    Calculate ndivk such as the path is normalized
273 !    Note that if both ndivk and ndivsm are defined in in input file, only ndivk is used !
274      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'ndivsm',tread,'INT')
275      if(tread==1)then
276        ndiv_small=intarr(1)
277        call metric(gmet,gprimd,std_out,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
278        call mknormpath(nsegment+1,kptbounds,gmet,ndiv_small,ndivk,nkpt_computed)
279      else
280        write(message,'(5a)') &
281 &       'When kptopt is negative, ndivsm or ndivk must be initialized ',ch10,&
282 &       'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
283 &       'Action : initialize ndivsm or ndivk in your input file, or change kptopt.'
284        MSG_ERROR(message)
285      end if
286    end if
288 !  Check that the argument nkpt is coherent with nkpt_computed,
289    if(nkpt/=0 .and. nkpt/=nkpt_computed)then
290      write(message,  '(a,i0,5a,i0,7a)' ) &
291 &     'The argument nkpt= ',nkpt,', does not match',ch10,&
292 &     'the number of k points generated by kptopt, ndivk, kptbounds,',ch10,&
293 &     'and the eventual symmetries, that is, nkpt= ',nkpt_computed,'.',ch10,&
294 &     'However, note that it might due to the user,',ch10,&
295 &     'if nkpt is explicitely defined in the input file.',ch10,&
296 &     'In this case, please check your input file.'
297      MSG_ERROR(message)
298    end if
300    if (nkpt/=0) then
301 !    the array kpt has the right dimension and we can generate the k-path
302      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nsegment+3,string(1:lenstr),'kptbounds',tread,'DPR')
303      if(tread==1)then
304        kptbounds(:,:)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nsegment+3), [3,nsegment+1])
305      else
306        write(message, '(5a)') &
307 &       'When kptopt is negative, kptbounds must be initialized ',ch10,&
308 &       'in the input file, which is not the case.',ch10,&
309 &       'Action: initialize kptbounds in your input file, or change kptopt.'
310        MSG_ERROR(message)
311      end if
313 !    First k point
314      jkpt=1
315      kpt(:,1)=kptbounds(:,1)
316      do ii=1,nsegment
317        dkpt=ndivk(ii)
318        do ikpt=1,dkpt
319          fraction=dble(ikpt)/dble(dkpt)
320          kpt(:,ikpt+jkpt)=fraction *kptbounds(:,ii+1)+(one-fraction)*kptbounds(:,ii)
321        end do
322        jkpt=jkpt+dkpt
323      end do
325    end if
327    kptnrm=one
328    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'kptnrm',tread,'DPR')
329    if(tread==1) kptnrm=dprarr(1)
331    ABI_DEALLOCATE(kptbounds)
332    ABI_DEALLOCATE(ndivk)
334  else if (kptopt>=1 .and. kptopt<=4) then
335 !  Read ngkpt
336    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'ngkpt',tread_ngkpt,'INT')
337    if(tread_ngkpt==1)then
338      ngkpt(1:3)=intarr(1:3)
339      do ii=1,3
340        if(ngkpt(ii)<1)then
341          write(message,'(a,i0,3a,i0,3a)') &
342 &         'The input variable ngkpt(',ii,') must be strictly positive,',ch10,&
343 &         'while it is found to be',ngkpt(ii),'.',ch10,&
344 &         'Action: change it in your input file, or change kptopt.'
345          MSG_ERROR(message)
346        end if
347      end do
348    end if
350    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,9,string(1:lenstr),'kptrlatt',tread_kptrlatt,'INT')
351    if(tread_kptrlatt==1) kptrlatt(:,:)=reshape(intarr(1:9), [3,3])
353    if(tread_ngkpt==1 .and. tread_kptrlatt==1)then
354      write(message,  '(5a)' ) &
355 &     'The input variables ngkpt and kptrlatt cannot both ',ch10,&
356 &     'be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
357 &     'Action : change one of ngkpt or kptrlatt in your input file.'
358      MSG_ERROR(message)
359    else if(tread_ngkpt==1)then
360      kptrlatt(:,:)=0
361      kptrlatt(1,1)=ngkpt(1)
362      kptrlatt(2,2)=ngkpt(2)
363      kptrlatt(3,3)=ngkpt(3)
364      ! Save kptrlatt for reference.
365      kptrlatt_orig = kptrlatt
366    end if
368    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nshiftk',tread,'INT')
369    if(tread==1)nshiftk=intarr(1)
371    if(nshiftk<1 .or. nshiftk>210 )then
372      write(message,  '(3a,i0,3a)' )&
373 &     'The only allowed values of nshiftk are between 1 and 210,',ch10,&
374 &     'while it is found to be',nshiftk,'.',ch10,&
375 &     'Action: change the value of nshiftk in your input file, or change kptopt.'
376      MSG_ERROR(message)
377    end if
379    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3*nshiftk,string(1:lenstr),'shiftk',tread,'DPR')
380    if(tread==1)then
381      shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)=reshape( dprarr(1:3*nshiftk), [3,nshiftk])
382 !    Save input shifts as they will be changes in getkgrid.
383      nshiftk_orig = nshiftk
384      shiftk_orig(:,1:nshiftk) = shiftk(:,1:nshiftk)
385    else
386      if(nshiftk/=1)then
387        write(message,  '(3a,i0,2a)' )&
388 &       'When nshiftk is not equal to 1, shiftk must be defined in the input file.',ch10,&
389 &       'However, shiftk is not defined, while nshiftk=',nshiftk,ch10,&
390 &       'Action: change the value of nshiftk in your input file, or define shiftk.'
391        MSG_ERROR(message)
392      end if
393 !    Default values used in indefo
394      nshiftk_orig = 1
395      shiftk_orig(:,1:nshiftk) = half
396    end if
398    prtkpt=0
399    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'prtkpt',tread,'INT')
400    if(tread==1)prtkpt=intarr(1)
402    if(sum(abs(kptrlatt(:,:)))==0)then
403      kptrlatt_orig = 0
404      do ii=1,3
405        kptrlatt_orig(ii,ii) = ngkpt(ii)
406      end do
408 !    The parameters of the k lattice are not known, compute kptrlatt, nshiftk, shiftk.
409      call testkgrid(bravais,iout,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
410 &     msym,nshiftk,nsym,prtkpt,rprimd,shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum)
412    end if
414    fockdownsampling(:)=1
415    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,3,string(1:lenstr),'fockdownsampling',tread,'INT')
416    if(tread==1)fockdownsampling=intarr(1:3)
418    call getkgrid(chksymbreak,0,iscf,kpt,kptopt,kptrlatt,kptrlen,&
419 &   msym,nkpt,nkpt_computed,nshiftk,nsym,rprimd,&
420 &   shiftk,symafm,symrel,vacuum,wtk,nkpthf=nkpthf,kpthf=kpthf,downsampling=fockdownsampling)
422    kptnrm=one
424  else
426    write(message,  '(3a,i0,3a)' ) &
427 &   'The only values of kptopt allowed are smaller than 4.',ch10,&
428 &   'The input value of kptopt is',kptopt,'.',ch10,&
429 &   'Action: change kptopt in your input file.'
430    MSG_ERROR(message)
431  end if
433  if(kptnrm<tol10)then
434    write(message, '(5a)' )&
435 &   'The input variable kptnrm is lower than 1.0d-10,',ch10,&
436 &   'while it must be a positive, non-zero number.   ',ch10,&
437 &   'Action: correct the kptnrm in the input file.'
438    MSG_ERROR(message)
439  end if
441 !The k point number has been computed, and, if nkpt/=0, also the list of k points.
442 !Also nkpthf has been computed, and, if nkpt/=0, also the list kpthf.
444 !Now, determine istwfk, and eventually shift the k points by the value of qptn.
446  if(nkpt/=0)then
448    istwfk(1:nkpt)=0
449    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,nkpt,string(1:lenstr),'istwfk',tread,'INT')
450    if(tread==1) istwfk(1:nkpt)=intarr(1:nkpt)
452    if(response==1)istwfk(1:nkpt)=1 !  Impose istwfk=1 for RF calculations
454 !  Also impose istwfk=1 for spinor calculations
455    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nspinor',tread,'INT')
456    if(tread/=0 .and. intarr(1)/=1)istwfk(1:nkpt)=1
458    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'pawspnorb',tread,'INT')
459    if(tread/=0 .and. intarr(1)/=0)istwfk(1:nkpt)=1
461    do ikpt=1,nkpt
462      if(istwfk(ikpt)==0)then
463        kpoint=kpt(:,ikpt)/kptnrm; if (nqpt/=0.and.response==0) kpoint=kpoint+qptn
464        istwfk(ikpt) = set_istwfk(kpoint)
465      end if
466      if (present(impose_istwf_1)) then
467        if (impose_istwf_1==1) then
468          istwfk(ikpt)=1
469        else if (impose_istwf_1==2.and.any(kpt(:,ikpt)>tol10)) then
470          istwfk(ikpt)=1
471        end if
472      end if
473    end do
474  end if
476 !If nkpt was to be computed, transfer it from nkpt_computed
477  if(nkpt==0)nkpt=nkpt_computed
479  ABI_DEALLOCATE(intarr)
480  ABI_DEALLOCATE(dprarr)
482  call timab(192,2,tsec)
484 end subroutine inkpts