ABINIT/compute_kgb_indicator [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Only for "KGB" parallelism (LOBPCG algorithm for Ground-state):
  Give an indicator of performance for a given distribution of processors
  (npband, npfft and bandpp).
  Determine best choice of parameters for Scalapack and/or Magma Linear Algebra routines.


  bandpp=internal lobpcg optimization variable
  glb_comm=communicator for global MPI communications
  mband=maximum number of bands.
  mband=maximum number of plane waves
  npband=number of processor 'band'
  npfft = number of processor 'fft'
  use_linalg_gpu=indicate if we also test the gpu linear algebra (compatible only with the legacy 2013 GPU code)


  acc_kgb = indicator of performance
  npslk = number of process to used in communicators


 This routine can be used to find an indicator in order to refine automatic process distribution.
   This indicator is returned in acc_kgb
 This routine can be used to find the optimal values of np_slk parameter (ScaLapack)
   and wheter or not we should use Magma for Linear Algebra in lobpcgwf


2076 subroutine compute_kgb_indicator(acc_kgb,bandpp,glb_comm,mband,mpw,npband,npfft,npslk,use_linalg_gpu)
2078  use m_abi_linalg
2080 !Arguments ------------------------------------
2081 !scalars
2082  integer,intent(in) :: bandpp,glb_comm,mband,mpw,npband,npfft
2083  integer,intent(inout) :: npslk,use_linalg_gpu
2084  real(dp),intent(inout) :: acc_kgb
2086 !Local variables-------------------------------
2087 !scalars
2088  integer,parameter :: max_number_of_npslk=10,max_number_of_iter=10
2089  integer :: blocksize,bigorder,ierr,ii,islk,islk1,iter,jj,keep_gpu
2090  integer :: kgb_comm,my_rank,np_slk,np_slk_max,np_slk_best,nranks
2091  integer :: use_lapack_gpu,use_slk,vectsize,wfoptalg
2092  real(dp) :: min_eigen,min_ortho,time_xeigen,time_xortho
2093  character(len=500) :: msg
2094 !arrays
2095  integer,allocatable :: ranks(:),val_npslk(:)
2096  real(dp),allocatable :: eigen(:),grama(:,:),gramb(:,:)
2097  complex(dpc),allocatable :: blockvectorbx(:,:),blockvectorx(:,:),sqgram(:,:)
2099 !******************************************************************
2103 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
2104  write(msg,'(a,3i3)') 'compute_kgb_indicator : (bpp,npb,npf) = ', bandpp, npband, npfft
2105  call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
2106 #endif
2108 !Create local communicator for test
2109  if (xmpi_paral==1) then
2110    nranks=npfft*npband
2111    ABI_MALLOC(ranks,(nranks))
2112    ranks=(/((my_rank-1),my_rank=1,nranks)/)
2113    kgb_comm=xmpi_subcomm(glb_comm,nranks,ranks,my_rank_in_group=my_rank)
2114    ABI_FREE(ranks)
2115  else
2116    kgb_comm=xmpi_comm_self
2117    my_rank=0
2118  end if
2120 !Only for process in the new subgroup
2121  if (my_rank/=xmpi_undefined) then
2123 !  We enforce vectsize >=blocksize  (This is not true in lobpcg but
2124 !  these are rare cases and this simplify the matrix constructions below...)
2125    blocksize=npband*bandpp
2126    vectsize=max(1+mpw/(npband*npfft),blocksize)
2127    bigorder=3*blocksize
2129    ABI_MALLOC(blockvectorx,(vectsize,blocksize))
2130    ABI_MALLOC(blockvectorbx,(vectsize,blocksize))
2131    ABI_MALLOC(sqgram,(blocksize,blocksize))
2132    ABI_MALLOC(grama,(2*bigorder,bigorder))
2133    ABI_MALLOC(gramb,(2*bigorder,bigorder))
2134    ABI_MALLOC(eigen,(bigorder))
2135    ABI_MALLOC(val_npslk,(max_number_of_npslk)) ! not too much values tested
2137    min_eigen=greatest_real
2138    min_ortho=greatest_real
2139    np_slk_best=-1 ; np_slk_max=0
2141    np_slk_max=min(max_number_of_npslk,npband*npfft)
2142 #endif
2144 !  Preselect a range of available np_slk values
2145    val_npslk(1:)=0 ; val_npslk(2)=1
2146    do islk=3,np_slk_max
2147      np_slk=val_npslk(islk-1)*2
2148      do while ((modulo(npband*npfft,np_slk)>0).and.(np_slk<(npband*npfft)))
2149        np_slk=np_slk+1
2150      end do
2151      if(np_slk>(npband*npfft).or.np_slk>mband) exit
2152      val_npslk(islk)=np_slk
2153    end do
2154    np_slk_max=islk-1
2156 !  Loop over np_slk values
2157    islk1=1
2159    if (use_linalg_gpu==ABI_GPU_LEGACY) islk1=0
2160 #endif
2161    do islk=islk1,np_slk_max
2163      time_xortho=zero ; time_xeigen=zero
2165      use_slk=0
2166      if (islk==0) then
2167 !      This is the test for the GPU
2168        use_lapack_gpu=1 ; np_slk=0
2169      else
2170        use_lapack_gpu=0 ; np_slk=val_npslk(islk)
2171        if (np_slk>0) use_slk=1
2172      end if
2174 !    Initialize linalg parameters for this np_slk value
2175 !    For the first np_slk value, everything is initialized
2176 !    For the following np_slk values, only Scalapack parameters are updated
2177      wfoptalg=14 ! Simulate use of LOBPCG
2178      call abi_linalg_init(bigorder,RUNL_GSTATE,wfoptalg,1,&
2179 &                         use_lapack_gpu,use_slk,np_slk,kgb_comm)
2181 !    We could do mband/blocksize iter as in lobpcg but it's too long
2182      do iter=1,max_number_of_iter
2184 !      Build matrixes
2185        do ii=1,vectsize
2186          do jj=1,blocksize
2187            if (ii>jj) then
2188              blockvectorx(ii,jj) =czero
2189              blockvectorbx(ii,jj)=czero
2190            else
2191              blockvectorx(ii,jj) =cone
2192              blockvectorbx(ii,jj)=cone
2193            end if
2194          end do
2195        end do
2196        grama=zero;gramb=zero
2197        do jj=1,bigorder
2198          do ii=jj,bigorder
2199            if (ii==jj) then
2200              grama(2*ii-1,jj)=one
2201              gramb(2*ii-1,jj)=one
2202            else
2203              grama(2*ii-1:2*ii,jj)=one
2204              grama(2*jj-1,ii)= one
2205              grama(2*jj  ,ii)=-one
2206            end if
2207          end do
2208        end do
2210 !      Call to abi_xorthonormalize
2211        time_xortho=time_xortho-abi_wtime()
2212        call abi_xorthonormalize(blockvectorx,blockvectorbx,blocksize,kgb_comm,sqgram,vectsize)
2213        time_xortho = time_xortho + abi_wtime()
2215 !      Call to abi_xhegv
2216        time_xeigen=time_xeigen-abi_wtime()
2217        call abi_xhegv(1,'v','u',bigorder,grama,bigorder,gramb,bigorder,eigen,&
2218 &       x_cplx=2,use_slk=use_slk,use_gpu_magma=use_lapack_gpu)
2219        time_xeigen=time_xeigen+abi_wtime()
2221      end do ! iter
2223 !    Finalize linalg parameters for this np_slk value
2224 !    For the last np_slk value, everything is finalized
2225 !    For the previous np_slk values, only Scalapack parameters are updated
2226      call abi_linalg_finalize(use_lapack_gpu)
2228      time_xortho= time_xortho*mband/blocksize
2229      time_xeigen= time_xeigen*mband/blocksize
2230      if (time_xortho<min_ortho) min_ortho=time_xortho
2231      if (time_xeigen<min_eigen) then
2232        min_eigen=time_xeigen
2233        np_slk_best=np_slk
2234        keep_gpu=use_lapack_gpu
2235      end if
2237    end do ! np_slk
2239 #ifdef DEBUG_MODE
2240    write(msg,'(2(a,es15.3),a,i3)') ' In the best case, xortho took ',min_ortho,&
2241     ' and xeigen took ',min_eigen,' for np_slk=',np_slk_best
2242    call wrtout(std_out,msg,'PERS')
2243 #endif
2245 !  Final values to be sent to others process
2246    acc_kgb=min_ortho+four*min_eigen
2247    npslk=max(np_slk_best,1)
2248    use_linalg_gpu=keep_gpu
2250    ABI_FREE(blockvectorx)
2251    ABI_FREE(blockvectorbx)
2252    ABI_FREE(sqgram)
2253    ABI_FREE(grama)
2254    ABI_FREE(gramb)
2255    ABI_FREE(eigen)
2256    ABI_FREE(val_npslk)
2258  end if ! my_rank in group
2260 !Free local MPI communicator
2261  call xmpi_comm_free(kgb_comm)
2263 !Broadcast of results to be sure every process has them
2264  call xmpi_bcast(acc_kgb,0,glb_comm,ierr)
2265  call xmpi_bcast(npslk,0,glb_comm,ierr)
2266  call xmpi_bcast(use_linalg_gpu,0,glb_comm,ierr)
2268 #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
2269  ABI_UNUSED(msg)
2270 #endif
2272  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2274 end subroutine compute_kgb_indicator

ABINIT/finddistrproc [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




   Given a total number of processors, find a suitable distribution
   that fill all the different levels of parallelization
   (npimage, nppert, np_spkpt, npspinor, npband, npfft, bandpp)
   Also determine parameters of parallel Linear Algebra routines
   (use_slk, np_slk, gpu_linalg_limit)


  dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datafiles_type>contains all input variables,
   for all datasets; at this stage only datasets with index lower than
   idtset are already initalized
  filnam(5)=character strings giving file names
  idtset=number of the current dataset
  mpi_enreg=information about MPI parallelization
  mband=maximum number of bands.
  ndtset_alloc=number of datasets, corrected for allocation of at least one data set
  tread(11)=flags indicating wether parallel input parameters were read from input file
            tread(1)  : paral_kgb      tread(6) : npfft
            tread(2)  : npimage        tread(7) : npband
            tread(3)  : nppert         tread(8) : bandpp
            tread(4)  : np_spkpt       tread(9) : use_slk
            tread(5)  : nspinor        tread(10): np_slk
            tread(11) : gpu_linalg_limit


  iexit= if incremented, an exit is required
  dtset%paral_kgb= flag for band-fft parallelism
  dtset%npimage  = number of processors for parallelisation over image
  dtset%nppert   = number of processors for parallelisation over perturbations
  dtset%npspinor = number of processors for parallelisation on spinor components
  dtset%np_spkpt  = number of processors for parallelisation on spin / k points
  dtset%npfft    = number of processors for parallelisation on fft grid
  dtset%npband   = number of processors for parallelisation on bands
  dtset%nphf     = number of processors for parallelisation on occupied states for fock exchange
  dtset%bandpp   = internal parameter for lobpcg parallelisation algorithm
  dtset%use_slk  = flag for ScalaPAck use
  dtset%np_slk   = number of processors used in ScaLapack routines
  dtset%gpu_linalg_limit=threshold activating Linear Algebra on GPU


1116  subroutine finddistrproc(dtsets,filnam,idtset,iexit,mband,mpi_enreg,ndtset_alloc,tread)
1118 !Arguments ------------------------------------
1119 !scalars
1120  integer,intent(in) :: idtset,mband,ndtset_alloc
1121  integer,intent(inout) :: iexit
1122  type(dataset_type),intent(inout),target :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)
1123  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enreg
1124 !arrays
1125  integer,intent(in) :: tread(11)
1126  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(5)
1128 !Local variables-------------------------------
1129 !scalars
1130 !128 should be a reasonable maximum for npfft (scaling is very poor for npfft>20)
1131  integer,parameter :: ALGO_NOT_SET=-1, ALGO_DEFAULT_PAR=2
1133  integer,parameter :: NPFMAX=128,BLOCKSIZE_MAX=3000,MAXBAND_PRINT=10
1134  integer,parameter :: MAXCOUNT=250,MAXPRINT=10,MAXBENCH=25,MAXABIPY=25,NPF_CUTOFF=20
1135  real(dp),parameter :: relative_nband_range=0.025
1136  integer :: wf_algo,wf_algo_global,bpp,bpp_max,bpp_min,optdriver,autoparal,nblocks,blocksize
1137  integer :: npi_max,npi_min,npc,npc_max,npc_min
1138  integer :: np_sk,np_sk_max,np_sk_min,npp_max,npp_min
1139  integer :: nps,nps_max,nps_min,npf,npf_max,npf_min
1140  integer :: npb,npb_max,npb_min,max_ncpus,ount,paral_kgb
1141  integer :: work_size,nks_per_proc,tot_ncpus
1142  integer :: ib1,ib2,ibest,icount,ii,imin,jj,kk,mcount,mcount_eff,mpw
1143  integer :: n2,n3,ncell_eff,ncount,nimage_eff,nkpt_eff,npert_eff
1144  integer :: nproc,nproc1,nprocmin,np_slk,nthreads,use_linalg_gpu,omp_ncpus
1145  logical :: dtset_found,file_found,first_bpp,iam_master
1146  logical :: with_image,with_pert,with_kpt,with_spinor,with_fft,with_band,with_bandpp,with_thread
1147  real(dp):: acc_c,acc_k,acc_kgb,acc_kgb_0,acc_s,ecut_eff,eff,ucvol,weight0
1148  character(len=10) :: suffix
1149  character(len=20) :: strg
1150  character(len=500) :: msg,msgttl
1151  character(len=fnlen) :: filden
1152  type(hdr_type) :: hdr0
1153 !arrays
1154  integer :: idum(1),idum3(3),ngmax(3),ngmin(3)
1155  integer,allocatable :: nband_best(:),isort(:),jdtset_(:)
1156  integer,allocatable :: my_algo(:),my_distp(:,:),nproc_best(:)
1157  integer,pointer :: nkpt_rbz(:)
1158  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
1159  real(dp),allocatable :: weight(:)
1160  real(dp),pointer :: nband_rbz(:,:)
1161  type(dataset_type),pointer :: dtset
1163 !******************************************************************
1167 !Select current dataset
1168  dtset => dtsets(idtset)
1170 !Is automatic parallelization activated?
1171  autoparal = dtset%autoparal
1172  if (autoparal==0) return
1174 !Is it available
1175  if ((dtset%usefock==1).AND.(dtset%nphf/=1)) then
1176    ABI_ERROR("autoparal>0 not available for Hartree-Fock or hybrid XC calculations!")
1177  end if
1178  if ((autoparal>1).and.dtset%wfoptalg/=4.and.dtset%wfoptalg/=14) then
1179    ABI_ERROR("autoparal>1 only available for the old LOBPCG algorithm (wfoptalg=4/14)!")
1180  end if
1182  ! Unit number used for outputting the autoparal sections
1183  ount = ab_out
1185  ! From the documentation:
1186  !
1187  !   If autoparal > 1 and max_ncpus is greater than 0, ABINIT analyzes the
1188  !   efficiency of the process distribution for each possible number of processors
1189  !   from 2 to max_ncpus. After having printed out the efficiency, the code stops.
1191  ! Handy local variables
1192  iam_master = (mpi_enreg%me==0)
1193  optdriver = dtset%optdriver
1194  max_ncpus = dtset%max_ncpus ; if (dtset%paral_kgb<0) max_ncpus=abs(dtset%paral_kgb)
1195  nthreads=xomp_get_max_threads()
1196  nproc=mpi_enreg%nproc
1197  if (max_ncpus>0) nproc = dtset%max_ncpus/nthreads
1198  if (xmpi_paral==0.and.max_ncpus<=0) nproc=1
1200  nprocmin=2
1201  if (xmpi_paral==1.and.max_ncpus<=0) nprocmin=max(2,nproc-100)
1202  if (max_ncpus>0.and.autoparal/=0) nprocmin=1
1204  wf_algo_global=ALGO_NOT_SET
1205  if (dtset%wfoptalg==0.and.tread(1)==1) wf_algo_global=ALGO_CG
1206  if (dtset%wfoptalg==4.or.dtset%wfoptalg==14) wf_algo_global=ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD
1207  if (dtset%wfoptalg==114) wf_algo_global=ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW
1208  if (dtset%wfoptalg==1) wf_algo_global=ALGO_CHEBFI
1209  if (dtset%wfoptalg==111) wf_algo_global=ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW
1211  ! Some peculiar cases (with direct exit)
1212  ! MG: What is the meaning of max_ncpus < 0. This is not documented!
1213  if (max_ncpus<=0) then
1214    if (nproc==1.and.max_ncpus<=0) then
1215      if (tread(1)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%paral_kgb= 0
1216      if (tread(2)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%npimage  = 1
1217      if (tread(3)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%nppert   = 1
1218      if (tread(4)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%npspinor = 1
1219      if (tread(5)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%np_spkpt = 1
1220      if (tread(6)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%npfft    = 1
1221      if (tread(7)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%npband   = 1
1222      if (tread(8)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%bandpp   = 1
1223      if (tread(9)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%use_slk  = 0
1224      if (tread(10)==0.or.xmpi_paral==0) dtset%np_slk  = 1000000
1225      return
1226    end if
1227    if ((optdriver/=RUNL_GSTATE.and. optdriver/=RUNL_RESPFN.and. optdriver/=RUNL_GWLS).or. &
1228        (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.dtset%usewvl==1)) then
1229      dtset%paral_kgb= 0
1230      dtset%npimage  = max(1,dtset%npimage)
1231      dtset%nppert   = max(1,dtset%nppert)
1232      dtset%npspinor = max(1,dtset%npspinor)
1233      dtset%np_spkpt = max(1,dtset%np_spkpt)
1234      dtset%npfft    = max(1,dtset%npfft)
1235      dtset%npband   = max(1,dtset%npband)
1236      dtset%bandpp   = max(1,dtset%bandpp)
1237      return
1238    end if
1239  end if
1241  ! Need the metric tensor
1242  call mkrdim(dtset%acell_orig(1:3,1),dtset%rprim_orig(1:3,1:3,1),rprimd)
1243  call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
1245  ! Determine some quantities related to plane waves
1246  !  - Crude estimation of the number of PW
1247  !  - Number of G vectors in each direction
1248  mpw=0;ngmin=0;ngmax=0
1249  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1250    ecut_eff = dtset%ecut*dtset%dilatmx**2
1251    mpw = nint(ucvol*((two*ecut_eff)**1.5_dp)/(six*pi**2)) ! Crude estimation
1252    if (all(dtset%istwfk(1:dtset%nkpt)>1)) mpw=mpw/2+1
1253    call kpgcount(ecut_eff,dtset%exchn2n3d,gmet,dtset%istwfk,dtset%kpt,ngmax,ngmin,dtset%nkpt)
1254    write(msg,'(a,i0)') ' getmpw sequential formula gave: ',mpw
1255    call wrtout(std_out,msg)
1256  end if
1258  ! Parallelization over images
1259  npi_min=1;npi_max=1;nimage_eff=1
1260  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1261    nimage_eff=dtset%ndynimage
1262    if (dtset%ntimimage<=1) nimage_eff=dtset%nimage
1263    npi_min=max(1,dtset%npimage)
1264    npi_max=min(nproc,nimage_eff)
1265    if (tread(2)==1) npi_max=dtset%npimage
1266  end if
1268 !Parallelization over k-points and spin components (GS)
1269  np_sk_min=1;np_sk_max=1;nkpt_eff=0
1270  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1271    nkpt_eff=dtset%nkpt*dtset%nsppol
1272    np_sk_min=max(1,dtset%np_spkpt)
1273    np_sk_max=min(nproc,nkpt_eff)
1274    if (tread(4)==1) np_sk_max=dtset%np_spkpt
1275  end if
1277 !Parallelization over perturbations, k-points and spin components (DFPT)
1278  npp_min=1;npp_max=1;npert_eff=1
1279  if (any(optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_LONGWAVE])) then
1280    if (dtset%paral_rf==1) then
1281      call dtset%get_npert_rbz(nband_rbz, nkpt_rbz, npert_eff)
1282      do jj=1,npert_eff
1283        ii=dtset%nsppol*nkpt_rbz(jj)*maxval(nband_rbz(:,jj))
1284        nkpt_eff=max(nkpt_eff,ii)
1285      end do
1286      npp_min=max(1,dtset%nppert)
1287      npp_max=min(nproc,npert_eff)
1288      if (tread(3)==1) then
1289        npp_max=dtset%nppert
1290        if (npp_max>npert_eff) then
1291          npp_min=npert_eff;npp_max=npert_eff
1292          ABI_WARNING('nppert is bigger than npert; we set nppert=npert')
1293        end if
1294      end if
1295      np_sk_min=1
1296      np_sk_max=min(nproc,nkpt_eff)
1297      ABI_FREE(nkpt_rbz)
1298      ABI_FREE(nband_rbz)
1299    else
1300      nkpt_eff=nproc
1301      np_sk_min=nproc-5
1302      np_sk_max=nproc
1303    end if
1304  end if
1306 !Parallelization over spinorial components
1307  nps_min=1;nps_max=1
1308  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1309    nps_min=max(1,dtset%npspinor)
1310    nps_max=min(nproc,dtset%nspinor)
1311    if (tread(5)==1) nps_max=dtset%npspinor
1312  end if
1314 !KGB Parallelization
1316  npf_min=1;npf_max=1
1317  npb_min=1;npb_max=1
1318  bpp_min=1;bpp_max=1
1319  n2=0;n3=0
1320  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1322 !  >> FFT level
1323    npf_min=max(1,dtset%npfft)
1324    npf_min=min(npf_min,ngmin(2))
1325    npf_max=min(nproc,NPFMAX)
1326    if (tread(6)==1) then
1327      npf_max=dtset%npfft
1328      if (npf_max>ngmin(2)) then
1329        write(msg,'(3a)') &
1330         "Value of npfft given in input file is too high for the FFT grid!",ch10,&
1331         "Action: decrease npfft or increase FFT grid (ecut, ngfft, ...)."
1332        ABI_ERROR(msg)
1333      end if
1334    end if
1335    npf_max=min(npf_max,ngmin(2))
1336    ! Deactivate MPI FFT parallelism for GPU
1337    if (dtset%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) then
1338      npf_min=1;npf_max=1
1339    end if
1340    !Deactivate MPI FFT parallelism for GPU
1341    if (tread(1)==1.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
1342      npf_min=1;npf_max=1
1343    end if
1344    !Deactivate MPI FFT parallelism for multi-threaded LOBPCG / CHEBFI
1345    if ((wf_algo_global==ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW.or.wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI.or.wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW).and.nthreads>1) then
1346      npf_min=1;npf_max=1
1347    end if
1349    ! Number of FFT procs has to be a multiple of FFT grid sizes
1350    ! In case of a restart from a density file, it has to be
1351    ! compatible with the FFT grid used for the density
1352    n2=dtset%ngfft(2) ; n3=dtset%ngfft(3)
1353    if (n2==0.and.n3==0) then
1354      if (dtset%getden/=0.or.dtset%irdden/=0.or.&
1355 &        dtset%getkden/=0.or.dtset%irdkden/=0.or.dtset%iscf<0) then
1356        dtset_found=.false.;file_found=.false.
1357        !1-Try to find ngfft from previous dataset
1358        if (dtset%getden/=0.or.dtset%getkden/=0) then
1359          do ii=1,ndtset_alloc
1360            jj=dtset%getden;if (jj==0) jj=dtset%getkden
1361            if (jj<0) jj=dtset%jdtset+jj
1362            if (dtsets(ii)%jdtset==jj) then
1363              dtset_found=.true.
1364              n2=dtsets(ii)%ngfftdg(2);n3=dtsets(ii)%ngfftdg(3)
1365            end if
1366          end do
1367        end if
1368        !2-If not found, try to extract ngfft from density file
1369        if (.not.dtset_found) then
1370          !Retrieve file name
1371          if (dtset%getden/=0.or.dtset%irdden/=0) then
1372            suffix='_DEN';if (dtset%nimage>1) suffix='_IMG1_DEN'
1373          else if (dtset%getkden/=0.or.dtset%irdkden/=0) then
1374            suffix='_KDEN';if (dtset%nimage>1) suffix='_IMG1_KDEN'
1375          end if
1376          ABI_MALLOC(jdtset_,(0:ndtset_alloc))
1377          jdtset_=0;if(ndtset_alloc/=0) jdtset_(0:ndtset_alloc)=dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)%jdtset
1378          call mkfilename(filnam,filden,dtset%getden,idtset,dtset%irdden,jdtset_,ndtset_alloc,suffix,'den',ii)
1379          ABI_FREE(jdtset_)
1380          !Retrieve ngfft from file header
1381          idum3=0
1382          if (mpi_enreg%me==0) then
1383            inquire(file=trim(filden),exist=file_found)
1384            if (file_found) then
1385              call hdr_read_from_fname(hdr0,filden,ii,xmpi_comm_self)
1386              idum3(1:2)=hdr0%ngfft(2:3);if (file_found) idum3(3)=1
1387              call hdr0%free()
1388              ABI_WARNING("Cannot find filden "//filden)
1389            end if
1390          end if
1391          call xmpi_bcast(idum3,0,mpi_enreg%comm_world,ii)
1392          n2=idum3(1);n3=idum3(2);file_found=(idum3(3)/=0)
1393        end if
1394      end if
1395    end if
1397 !  >> Band level
1398    npb_min=max(1,dtset%npband)
1399    npb_max=min(nproc,mband)
1400    if (tread(7)==1) npb_max=dtset%npband
1401    if (tread(1)==1.and.dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
1402      npb_min=1;npb_max=1
1403    end if
1405 !  >> banddp level
1406    if (tread(8)==1) then
1407      bpp_min = dtset%bandpp
1408    else
1409      bpp_min = 1
1410    end if
1411    bpp_max=mband
1412    if (wf_algo_global==ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD) bpp_max=max(4,nint(mband/10.)) ! reasonable bandpp max
1413    if (tread(8)==1) bpp_max=dtset%bandpp
1414    if (wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI) bpp_min=1 ! bandpp not used with ChebFi
1415    if (wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI) bpp_max=1
1416    if (wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) bpp_min=1 ! bandpp not used with ChebFi
1417    if (wf_algo_global==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) bpp_max=1 ! bandpp not used with ChebFi
1419  end if ! RUNL_GSTATE
1421 !Disable KGB parallelisation in some cases:
1422 !  - no GS
1423 !  - paral_kgb=0 present in input file
1424 !  - nstep=0
1425 !  - Hartree-Fock or hybrid calculation (for now on)
1426  if ( (optdriver/=RUNL_GSTATE).or.(dtset%paral_kgb==0.and.tread(1)==1).or. &
1427       (dtset%nstep==0).or.(dtset%usefock==1)) then
1428    nps_min=1; nps_max=1
1429    npf_min=1; npf_max=1
1430    npb_min=1; npb_max=1
1431    bpp_min=1; bpp_max=1
1432  end if
1434  ! Which levels of parallelism do we have?
1435  with_image =(npi_min/=1.or.npi_max/=1)
1436  with_pert  =(npp_min/=1.or.npp_max/=1)
1437  with_kpt   =(np_sk_min/=1.or.np_sk_max/=1)
1438  with_spinor=(nps_min/=1.or.nps_max/=1)
1439  with_fft   =(npf_min/=1.or.npf_max/=1)
1440  with_band  =(npb_min/=1.or.npb_max/=1)
1441  with_bandpp=(bpp_min/=1.or.bpp_max/=1)
1442  with_thread=(nthreads>1)
1444 !Allocate lists
1445  ABI_MALLOC(my_distp,(10,MAXCOUNT))
1446  ABI_MALLOC(weight,(MAXCOUNT))
1447  ABI_MALLOC(my_algo,(MAXCOUNT))
1448  my_distp(1:7,:)=0;weight(:)=zero
1449  my_distp(8,:)=dtset%use_slk
1450  my_distp(9,:)=dtset%np_slk
1451  my_distp(10,:)=dtset%gpu_linalg_limit
1452  my_algo(:)=wf_algo_global
1453  icount=0;imin=1
1455 !Cells= images or perturbations
1456  npc_min=1;npc_max=1;ncell_eff=1
1457  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1458    ncell_eff=nimage_eff;npc_min=npi_min;npc_max=npi_max
1459  end if
1460  if (any(optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_LONGWAVE])) then
1461    ncell_eff=npert_eff;npc_min=npp_min;npc_max=npp_max
1462  end if
1464 !Loop over all possibilities
1465 !Computation of weight~"estimated acceleration"
1466 !================================================================
1468 !Cells= images or perturbations
1469  npc_min=1;npc_max=1;ncell_eff=1
1470  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1471    ncell_eff=nimage_eff;npc_min=npi_min;npc_max=npi_max
1472  end if
1473  if (any(optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_LONGWAVE])) then
1474    ncell_eff=npert_eff;npc_min=npp_min;npc_max=npp_max
1475  end if
1477 !>>>>> CELLS
1478  do npc=npc_min,npc_max
1479    acc_c=one;if (npc>1) acc_c=0.99_dp*speedup_fdp(ncell_eff,npc)
1481 !  >>>>> K-POINTS
1482    do np_sk=np_sk_min,np_sk_max
1483 !    -> for DFPT runs, impose that nsppol divides np_sk
1484      if (any(optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_LONGWAVE]) .and. modulo(np_sk,dtset%nsppol)>0.and.np_sk>1) cycle
1485      acc_k=one;if (np_sk>1) acc_k=0.96_dp*speedup_fdp(nkpt_eff,np_sk)
1487 !    >>>>> SPINORS
1488      do nps=nps_min,nps_max
1489        acc_s=one;if (nps>1) acc_s=0.85_dp*speedup_fdp(dtset%nspinor,nps)
1491 !      >>>>> FFT
1492        do npf=npf_min,npf_max
1493 !        -> npf should divide ngfft if set (if unset, ngfft=0 so the modulo test is ok)
1494          if((modulo(n2,npf)>0).or.(modulo(n3,npf)>0)) cycle
1495 !        -> npf should be only divisible by 2, 3 or 5
1496          ii=npf
1497          do while (modulo(ii,2)==0)
1498            ii=ii/2
1499          end do
1500          do while (modulo(ii,3)==0)
1501            ii=ii/3
1502          end do
1503          do while (modulo(ii,5)==0)
1504            ii=ii/5
1505          end do
1506          if(ii/=1) cycle
1508 !        Change algo if npfft>1
1509          wf_algo=wf_algo_global
1510          if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.npf>1.and. wf_algo_global==ALGO_NOT_SET) wf_algo=ALGO_DEFAULT_PAR
1512 !        FFT parallelism not compatible with multithreading
1513          if (wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW.or.wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI.or.wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) then
1514            if (nthreads>1.and.npf>1) cycle
1515          end if
1517 !        >>>>> BANDS
1518          do npb=npb_min,npb_max
1519            nproc1=npc*np_sk*nps*npf*npb
1520            if (nproc1<nprocmin)     cycle
1521            if (nproc1>nproc)        cycle
1522            if (modulo(mband,npb)>0) cycle
1524 !          Change algo if npband>1
1525            if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.npb>1.and. wf_algo_global==ALGO_NOT_SET) wf_algo=ALGO_DEFAULT_PAR
1527 !          Base speedup
1528            acc_kgb_0=one;if (npb*npf*nthreads>1) acc_kgb_0=0.7_dp*speedup_fdp(mpw,(npb*npf*nthreads))
1530            if (npb*npf>4.and.wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD) then
1531 !            Promote npb=npf
1532              acc_kgb_0=acc_kgb_0*min((one*npf)/(one*npb),(one*npb)/(one*npf))
1533 !            Promote npf<=20
1534              if (npf>20)then
1535                acc_kgb_0=acc_kgb_0* &
1536 &                 0.2_dp+(one-0.2_dp)*(sin((pi*(npf-NPF_CUTOFF))/(one*(NPFMAX-NPF_CUTOFF))) &
1537 &                 /((pi*(npf-NPF_CUTOFF))/(one*(NPFMAX-NPF_CUTOFF))))**2
1538              end if
1539            end if
1541            first_bpp=.true.
1542            do bpp=bpp_min,bpp_max
1544              if (wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW) then
1545                blocksize=npb*bpp;nblocks=mband/blocksize
1546                if (modulo(bpp,nthreads)>0) cycle
1547                if ((bpp>1).and.(modulo(bpp,2)>0)) cycle
1548                if (modulo(mband,npb*bpp)>0) cycle
1549              else if (wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD) then
1550                blocksize=npb*bpp;nblocks=mband/blocksize
1551                if (modulo(mband/npb,bpp)>0) cycle
1552                if ((bpp>1).and.(modulo(bpp,2)>0)) cycle
1553                if (one*npb*bpp >max(1.,mband/3.).and.(mband>30)) cycle
1554                if (npb*npf<=4.and.(.not.first_bpp)) cycle
1555              else if (wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) then
1556                !Nothing
1557              else
1558                if (bpp/=1.or.npb/=1) cycle
1559              end if
1561              first_bpp=.false.
1563              acc_kgb=acc_kgb_0
1564 !            OLD LOBPCG: promote bpp*npb>mband/3
1565              if (wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD) then
1566                if (npb*npf>4.and.mband>30) acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-(three*bpp*npb)/(one*mband))
1567              end if
1568 !            NEW LOBPCG: promote minimal number of blocks
1569 !                        promote block size <= BLOCKSIZE_MAX
1570              if (wf_algo==ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW) then
1571                acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.9_dp*dble(nblocks-1)/dble(mband-1))
1572                if (blocksize>BLOCKSIZE_MAX) acc_kgb=acc_kgb*max(0.1_dp,one-dble(blocksize)/dble(10*BLOCKSIZE_MAX))
1573                if (nthreads==1) then
1574 !                Promote npband vs bandpp & npfft
1575                  if (blocksize>1) acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(0.1_dp*bpp+0.9_dp-blocksize)/(one-blocksize)
1576                  if (npb*npf>4.and.mband>100) acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.8_dp*((three*bpp*npb)/(one*mband)-one)**2)
1577                  tot_ncpus=max(npb,npf);if (tot_ncpus==2) tot_ncpus=0
1578                  acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.8_dp*((dble(npb)/dble(npf))-2_dp)**2/(tot_ncpus-2_dp)**2)
1579                  eff=max(npf,20);acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.8_dp*min(one,(eff-20)**2))
1580                end if
1581              end if
1583 !            CHEBFI: promote npfft=npband and nband>=npfft
1584              if (wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. wf_algo==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) then
1585                if (npf>1) then
1586                  if (npb>npf) then
1587                    acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.8_dp*0.25_dp*((dble(npb)/dble(npf))-one)**2/(nproc1-one)**2)
1588                  else
1589                    acc_kgb=acc_kgb*(one-0.8_dp*nproc1**2*((dble(npb)/dble(npf))-one)**2/(nproc1-one)**2)
1590                  end if
1591                end if
1592              end if
1594 !            Resulting "weight"
1595 !            weight0=acc_c*acc_k*acc_s*acc_kgb
1596              weight0=nproc1*(acc_c+acc_k+acc_s+acc_kgb)/(npc+np_sk+nps+(npf*npb))
1598 !            Store data
1599              icount=icount+1
1600              if (icount<=MAXCOUNT) then
1601                my_algo(icount)=merge(ALGO_CG,wf_algo,wf_algo==ALGO_NOT_SET)
1602                my_distp(1:7,icount)=(/npc,np_sk,nps,npf,npb,bpp,nproc1/)
1603                weight(icount)=weight0
1604                if (weight0<weight(imin)) imin=icount
1605              else
1606                if (weight0>weight(imin)) then
1607                  my_algo(imin)=merge(ALGO_CG,wf_algo,wf_algo==ALGO_NOT_SET)
1608                  my_distp(1:7,imin)=(/npc,np_sk,nps,npf,npb,bpp,nproc1/)
1609                  weight(imin)=weight0
1610                  idum=minloc(weight);imin=idum(1)
1611                end if
1612              end if
1614            end do ! bpp
1615          end do ! npb
1616        end do ! npf
1617      end do ! nps
1618    end do ! np_sk
1619  end do ! npc
1621 !Compute number of selected distributions
1622  mcount_eff=icount
1623  mcount=min(mcount_eff,MAXCOUNT)
1625 !Stop if no solution found
1626  if (mcount==0) then
1627 !  Override here the 0 default value changed in indefo1
1628    dtset%npimage  = max(1,dtset%npimage)
1629    dtset%nppert   = max(1,dtset%nppert)
1630    dtset%np_spkpt = max(1,dtset%np_spkpt)
1631    dtset%npspinor = max(1,dtset%npspinor)
1632    dtset%npfft    = max(1,dtset%npfft)
1633    dtset%npband   = max(1,dtset%npband)
1634    dtset%bandpp   = max(1,dtset%bandpp)
1635    write(msg,'(a,i0,2a,i0,a)')  &
1636 &  'Your input dataset does not let Abinit find an appropriate process distribution with nCPUs=',nproc*nthreads,ch10, &
1637 &  'Try to comment all the np* vars and set max_ncpus=',nthreads*nproc,' to have advices on process distribution.'
1638    ABI_WARNING(msg)
1639    if (max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg, do_flush=.True.)
1640    iexit=iexit+1
1641  end if
1643 !Sort data by increasing weight
1644  if (mcount>0) then
1645    ABI_MALLOC(isort,(mcount))
1646    isort=(/(ii,ii=1,mcount)/)
1647    call sort_dp(mcount,weight,isort,tol6)
1648    ncount=min(mcount,MAXPRINT)
1649  end if
1651 !Deduce a global value for paral_kgb
1652  paral_kgb=dtset%paral_kgb
1653  if (tread(1)==0) then
1654    if (any(my_algo(:)/=ALGO_CG)) paral_kgb=1
1655  end if
1657  ! ======================================
1658  ! Print output for abipy in Yaml format
1659  ! ======================================
1661  ! Please DO NOT CHANGE this part without contacting gmatteo first
1662  ! since ANY CHANGE can easily break the interface with AbiPy.
1663  if (iam_master .and. max_ncpus > 0.and. (mcount>0 .or. wf_algo_global == ALGO_CG)) then
1664    write(ount,'(2a)')ch10,"--- !Autoparal"
1665    if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE .and. paral_kgb == 0) then
1666      write(ount,"(a)")"# Autoparal section for GS run (band-by-band CG method)"
1667    else if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1668      write(ount,'(a)')'# Autoparal section for GS calculations with paral_kgb 1'
1669    else if (optdriver==RUNL_RESPFN) then
1670      write(ount,'(a)')'# Autoparal section for DFPT calculations'
1671    else if (optdriver==RUNL_LONGWAVE) then
1672      write(ount,'(a)')'# Autoparal section for LONGWAVE calculations'
1673    else
1674      ABI_ERROR(sjoin('Unsupported optdriver:', itoa(optdriver)))
1675    end if
1676    write(ount,"(a)")   "info:"
1677    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    autoparal: ",autoparal
1678    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    paral_kgb: ",paral_kgb
1679    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    max_ncpus: ",max_ncpus
1680    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor
1681    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol
1682    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    nkpt: ",dtset%nkpt
1683    write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    mband: ",mband
1684    write(ount,"(a)")"configurations:"
1686    if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.paral_kgb==0) then
1687      work_size = dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol
1688      do ii=1,max_ncpus
1689        if (ii > work_size) cycle
1690        do omp_ncpus=1,nthreads
1691          nks_per_proc = work_size / ii
1692          nks_per_proc = nks_per_proc + MOD(work_size, ii)
1693          eff = (one * work_size) / (ii * nks_per_proc)
1694          write(ount,"(a,i0)")"    - tot_ncpus: ",ii * omp_ncpus
1695          write(ount,"(a,i0)")"      mpi_ncpus: ",ii
1696          write(ount,"(a,i0)")"      omp_ncpus: ",omp_ncpus
1697          write(ount,"(a,f12.9)")"      efficiency: ",eff
1698          !write(ount,"(a,f12.2)")"      mem_per_cpu: ",mempercpu_mb
1699        end do
1700      end do
1702    else if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1703      omp_ncpus=nthreads
1704      do jj=mcount,mcount-min(ncount,MAXABIPY)+1,-1
1705        ii=isort(jj)
1706        tot_ncpus = my_distp(7,ii)
1707        eff = weight(jj) / tot_ncpus
1708        write(ount,'(a,i0)')'    - tot_ncpus: ',tot_ncpus
1709        write(ount,'(a,i0)')'      mpi_ncpus: ',tot_ncpus
1710        write(ount,"(a,i0)")"      omp_ncpus: ",omp_ncpus
1711        write(ount,'(a,f12.9)')'      efficiency: ',eff
1712        !write(ount,'(a,f12.2)')'      mem_per_cpu: ',mempercpu_mb
1713        write(ount,'(a)'   )'      vars: {'
1714        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            npimage: ',my_distp(1,ii),','
1715        ! Keep on using legacy npkpt instead of np_spkpt to maintain compatibility with AbiPy
1716        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            npkpt: ',my_distp(2,ii),','
1717        !write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            np_spkpt: ',my_distp(2,ii),','
1718        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            npspinor: ',my_distp(3,ii),','
1719        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            npfft: ', my_distp(4,ii),','
1720        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            npband: ',my_distp(5,ii),','
1721        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'            bandpp: ',my_distp(6,ii),','
1722        write(ount,'(a)')   '            }'
1723      end do
1725    else if (any(optdriver == [RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_LONGWAVE])) then
1726      do jj=mcount,mcount-min(ncount,MAXABIPY)+1,-1
1727        ii=isort(jj)
1728        tot_ncpus = my_distp(7,ii)
1729        eff = weight(jj) / tot_ncpus
1730        write(ount,'(a,i0)')'    - tot_ncpus: ',tot_ncpus
1731        write(ount,'(a,i0)')'      mpi_ncpus: ',tot_ncpus
1732        !write(ount,'(a,i0)')'      omp_ncpus: ',omp_ncpus !OMP not supported  (yet)
1733        write(ount,'(a,f12.9)')'      efficiency: ',eff
1734        !write(ount,'(a,f12.2)')'      mem_per_cpu: ',mempercpu_mb
1735        write(ount,'(a)'   )'      vars: {'
1736        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'             nppert: ', my_distp(1,ii),','
1737        ! Keep on using legacy npkpt instead of np_spkpt to maintain compatibility with AbiPy
1738        write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'             npkpt: ', my_distp(2,ii),','
1739        !write(ount,'(a,i0,a)')'             np_spkpt: ', my_distp(2,ii),','
1740        write(ount,'(a)')   '            }'
1741       end do
1742    end if
1743    write(ount,'(a)')"..."
1744  end if
1746 !Print out tab with selected choices
1747  if (mcount>0.and.iam_master) then
1748    if (nthreads==1) then
1749      write(msg,'(a,1x,100("="),2a,i0,2a)') ch10,ch10,&
1750 &     ' Searching for all possible proc distributions for this input with #CPUs<=',nthreads*nproc,':',ch10
1751    else
1752      write(msg,'(a,1x,100("="),2a,i0,a,i0,2a)')  ch10,ch10,&
1753 &     ' Searching for all possible proc distributions for this input with #CPUs<=',nthreads*nproc,&
1754 &     ' and ',nthreads,' openMP threads:',ch10
1755    end if
1756    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1757    !Titles of columns
1758    msgttl='~'
1759    if (with_image)  msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~'
1760    if (with_pert)   msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~'
1761    msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ! kpt
1762    if (with_spinor) msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~'
1763    if (with_fft)    msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
1764    if (with_band)   msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
1765    if (with_bandpp) msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
1766    if (with_thread) msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~'
1767    msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ! nproc
1768    if (with_thread) msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
1769    msgttl=trim(msgttl)//'~~~~~~~~~~~'   ! CPUs
1770    msgttl=' '//trim(msgttl)
1771    call wrtout(std_out,msgttl);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msgttl)
1772    msg='|'
1773    if (with_image)  msg=trim(msg)//'   npimage|'
1774    if (with_pert)   msg=trim(msg)//'    nppert|'
1775    msg=trim(msg)//'       np_spkpt|'
1776    if (with_spinor) msg=trim(msg)//' npspinor|'
1777    if (with_fft)    msg=trim(msg)//'       npfft|'
1778    if (with_band)   msg=trim(msg)//'      npband|'
1779    if (with_bandpp) msg=trim(msg)//'      bandpp|'
1780    if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//' #Threads|'
1781    msg=trim(msg)//'  #MPI(proc)|'
1782    if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//'       #CPUs|'
1783    msg=trim(msg)//'    WEIGHT|'
1784    msg=' '//trim(msg)
1785    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1786    msg='|'
1787    write(strg,'(i4,a,i4,a)') npi_min,'<<',npi_max,'|';if (with_image)  msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1788    write(strg,'(i4,a,i4,a)') npp_min,'<<',npp_max,'|';if (with_pert)   msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1789    write(strg,'(i5,a,i5,a)') np_sk_min,'<<',np_sk_max,'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1790    write(strg,'(i5,a,i2,a)') nps_min,'<<',nps_max,'|';if (with_spinor) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1791    write(strg,'(i5,a,i5,a)') npf_min,'<<',npf_max,'|';if (with_fft)    msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1792    write(strg,'(i5,a,i5,a)') npb_min,'<<',npb_max,'|';if (with_band)   msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1793    write(strg,'(i5,a,i5,a)') bpp_min,'<<',bpp_max,'|';if (with_bandpp) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1794    write(strg,'(i9,a)'     ) nthreads            ,'|';if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1795    write(strg,'(i5,a,i5,a)') 1      ,'<<',nproc  ,'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1796    write(strg,'(i4,a,i6,a)') nthreads,'<<',nthreads*nproc,'|';if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1797    write(strg,'(a,i6,a)')   '  <=',nthreads*nproc,'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1798    msg=' '//trim(msg)
1799    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1800    call wrtout(std_out,msgttl);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msgttl)
1801    !Loop over selected choices
1802    do jj=mcount,mcount-ncount+1,-1
1803      ii=isort(jj)
1804      msg='|'
1805      write(strg,'(i10,a)') my_distp(1,ii),'|';if (with_image)  msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1806      write(strg,'(i10,a)') my_distp(1,ii),'|';if (with_pert)   msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1807      write(strg,'(i12,a)') my_distp(2,ii),'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1808      write(strg,'(i9,a)')  my_distp(3,ii),'|';if (with_spinor) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1809      write(strg,'(i12,a)') my_distp(4,ii),'|';if (with_fft)    msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1810      write(strg,'(i12,a)') my_distp(5,ii),'|';if (with_band)   msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1811      write(strg,'(i12,a)') my_distp(6,ii),'|';if (with_bandpp) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1812      write(strg,'(i9,a)')  nthreads      ,'|';if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1813      write(strg,'(i12,a)') my_distp(7,ii),'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1814      write(strg,'(i12,a)') nthreads*my_distp(7,ii),'|';if (with_thread) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1815      write(strg,'(f10.3,a)') weight(jj)  ,'|';                 msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1816      msg=' '//trim(msg)
1817      call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1818    end do
1819    !End of tab
1820    call wrtout(std_out,msgttl);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msgttl)
1821    write(msg,'(a,i6,a,i6,a)')' Only the best possible choices for nproc are printed...'
1822    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1823  end if ! mcount>0
1825 !Determine an optimal number of bands
1826  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and. &
1827 &    (any(my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_LOBPCG_OLD.or. &
1828 &         my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_LOBPCG_NEW.or. &
1829 &         my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_CHEBFI.or. &
1830 &         my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW))) then
1831    if (mcount>0) then
1832      icount=isort(mcount)
1833      npc=my_distp(1,icount);np_sk=my_distp(2,icount)
1834      nps=my_distp(3,icount);npf=my_distp(4,icount)
1835    else
1836      npc=1;if (with_image ) npc=npi_min
1837      np_sk=1;if (with_kpt   ) np_sk=np_sk_min
1838      nps=1;if (with_spinor) nps=nps_min
1839      npf=1;if (with_fft   ) npf=npf_min
1840    end if
1841    nproc1=npc*np_sk*nps*npf
1842    msg=ch10//' >>> Possible (best) choices for the number of bands (nband) are:'
1843    if (with_image.or.with_kpt.or.with_spinor.or.with_fft) msg=trim(msg)//ch10//'     with:'
1844    write(strg,'(a,i0)') ' npimage=' ,npc;if (with_image)  msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1845    write(strg,'(a,i0)') ' np_spkpt=' ,np_sk;if (with_kpt)    msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1846    write(strg,'(a,i0)') ' npspinor=',nps;if (with_spinor) msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1847    write(strg,'(a,i0)') ' npfft='   ,npf;if (with_fft)    msg=trim(msg)//trim(strg)
1848    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1849    ib1=mband-int(mband*relative_nband_range);if (my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) ib1=mband
1850    ib2=mband+int(mband*relative_nband_range)
1851    ABI_MALLOC(nproc_best,(1+ib2-ib1))
1852    ABI_MALLOC(nband_best,(1+ib2-ib1))
1853    nproc_best(:)=1
1854    nband_best=(/(ii,ii=ib1,ib2)/)
1855    bpp=merge(1,nthreads,my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW)
1856    do ii=ib1,ib2
1857      do jj=1,nproc/nproc1
1858        ibest=1
1859        do kk=1,jj
1860          if (mod(jj,kk)/=0) cycle
1861          if (mod(ii,kk*bpp)==0) ibest=max(ibest,kk)
1862        end do
1863        nproc_best(1+ii-ib1)=max(nproc_best(1+ii-ib1),ibest)
1864      end do
1865    end do
1866    call sort_int(1+ib2-ib1,nproc_best,nband_best)
1867    kk=-1
1868    do ii=1+ib2-ib1,max(ib2-ib1-MAXBAND_PRINT,1),-1
1869      write(msg,'(3(a,i6),a,i3,a,i5,a)') '     nband=',nband_best(ii),' using ',nproc1*nproc_best(ii)*nthreads,&
1870 &        ' CPUs =',nproc1*nproc_best(ii),' MPI x',nthreads,' threads (npband=',nproc_best(ii),')'
1871      call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1872      if (nband_best(ii)==mband) kk=nproc_best(ii)
1873    end do
1874    if (kk==maxval(nproc_best(:))) then
1875      if (my_algo(icount)/=ALGO_CHEBFI .or. my_algo(icount)/=ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) then
1876        write(msg,'(a,i6,a)') ' >>> The present nband value (',mband,') seems to be the best choice!'
1877      end if
1878      if (my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. my_algo(icount)/=ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW) then
1879        write(msg,'(a,i6,a)') ' >>> The present nband value (',mband,') seems to be a good choice!'
1880      end if
1881      call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1882    end if
1883    ABI_FREE(nproc_best)
1884    ABI_FREE(nband_best)
1885  end if
1887  if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.(any(my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_CHEBFI .or. my_algo(1:mcount)==ALGO_CHEBFI_NEW))) then
1888    write(msg,'(5a)') &
1889 &   ' >>> Note that with the "Chebyshev Filtering" algorithm, it is often',ch10,&
1890 &   '     better to increase the number of bands (10% more or a few tens more).',ch10,&
1891 &   '     Advice: increase nband and put nbdbuf input variable to (nband_new-nband_old).'
1892    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if(max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1893  end if
1895 !Refinement of the process distribution by mean of a LinAlg routines benchmarking
1896  if (mcount>0.and.optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.and.autoparal/=1) then
1897    icount=isort(mcount)
1898    if (autoparal/=3) then
1899      if (autoparal==2) then
1900        write(msg,'(5a,9(a10,a1))') ch10, &
1901 &       ' Values below have been tested with respect to Linear Algebra performance;',ch10,&
1902 &       ' Weights below are corrected according:',ch10,&
1903 &       'npimage','|','np_spkpt' ,'|','npspinor'  ,'|','npfft'     ,'|','npband','|',' bandpp ' ,'|',&
1904 &       'nproc'  ,'|','weight','|','new weight','|'
1905      else
1906        write(msg,'(5a,11(a10,a1))') ch10, &
1907 &       ' Values below have been tested with respect to Linear Algebra performance;',ch10,&
1908 &       ' Weights below are corrected according:',ch10,&
1909 &       'npimage','|','np_spkpt' ,'|','npspinor'  ,'|','npfft'     ,'|','npband','|',' bandpp ' ,'|',&
1910 &       'nproc'  ,'|','weight','|','new weight','|','best npslk','|','linalggpu' ,'|'
1911      end if
1912      call wrtout(std_out,msg);if (max_ncpus > 0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1913    end if
1914    acc_k=zero
1915    ncount=min(MAXBENCH,mcount);if (autoparal==3) ncount=1
1916    do jj=mcount,mcount-ncount+1,-1
1917      ii=isort(jj)
1918      npf=my_distp(4,ii);npb=my_distp(5,ii);bpp=my_distp(6,ii)
1919      if ((npb*npf*bpp>1).and.(npf*npb<=mpi_enreg%nproc)) then
1920        use_linalg_gpu=dtset%gpu_option
1921        call compute_kgb_indicator(acc_kgb,bpp,xmpi_world,mband,mpw,npb,npf,np_slk,use_linalg_gpu)
1922        if (autoparal/=2) then
1923          my_distp(9,ii)=np_slk
1924          if (np_slk>0) my_distp(8,ii)=1
1925 !        * gpu_linalg_limit:
1926 !        No use of GPU: htgspw_01.outuge value ~2  *vectsize*blocksize**2 tested
1927 !        Use of GPU:    tiny value ~0.5*vectsize*blocksize**2 tested
1928          my_distp(10,ii)=2*dtset%mpw*(npb*bpp)**2/npf
1929          if (use_linalg_gpu/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED) my_distp(10,ii)=my_distp(10,ii)/4
1930        end if
1931        if (abs(acc_k)<=tol12) acc_k=acc_kgb ! Ref value : the first one computed
1932 !      * Weight (corrected by 10% of the computed ratio)
1933        weight0=weight(jj)*(one + 0.1_dp*acc_k/acc_kgb)
1934        if (autoparal==2) then
1935          write(msg, '(7(i10,a1),f9.2,a2,f9.5,a2)') &
1936 &         my_distp(1,ii),'|',my_distp(2,ii),'|',my_distp(3,ii),'|',my_distp(4,ii),'|',&
1937 &         my_distp(5,ii),'|',my_distp(6,ii),'|',my_distp(7,ii),'|',weight(jj),'=>', weight0,' |'
1938        else if (autoparal==3) then
1939          write(msg,'(a,5(a,i3))') ch10,' For npband=',npb,', npfft=',npf,' and bandpp=',bpp, &
1940 &         ', compute_kgb_indicator recommends you to set np_slk=',my_distp(9,ii),&
1941 &         ' and use_linalg_gpu=',use_linalg_gpu
1942        else
1943          write(msg, '(7(i10,a1),f9.2,a2,f9.5,a2,2(i10,a1))') &
1944 &         my_distp(1,ii),'|',my_distp(2,ii),'|',my_distp(3,ii),'|',my_distp(4,ii),'|',&
1945 &         my_distp(5,ii),'|',my_distp(6,ii),'|',my_distp(7,ii),'|',weight(jj),'=>', weight0,' |',&
1946 &         my_distp(9,ii),'|',use_linalg_gpu,'|'
1947        end if
1948        call wrtout(std_out,msg);if (max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
1949 !      We store the best value in weight(mcount) and keep icount
1950        if (weight0 > weight(mcount)) then
1951          icount=ii;weight(mcount)=weight0
1952        end if
1953      end if
1954    end do
1955  end if
1957 !Store new process distribution
1958  if (mcount>0.and.max_ncpus<=0) then
1959    icount=isort(mcount)
1960    nproc1=my_distp(7,icount)
1961 !  Work load distribution
1962    if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1963      dtset%npimage= my_distp(1,icount)
1964      dtset%nppert = 1
1965      dtset%np_spkpt  = my_distp(2,icount)
1966    end if
1967    if (optdriver==RUNL_RESPFN) then
1968      dtset%npimage= 1
1969      dtset%nppert = my_distp(1,icount)
1970      dtset%np_spkpt  = 1
1971    end if
1972    dtset%npspinor = my_distp(3,icount)
1973    dtset%npfft    = my_distp(4,icount)
1974    dtset%npband   = my_distp(5,icount)
1975    dtset%bandpp   = my_distp(6,icount)
1976    if (dtset%wfoptalg==114.or.dtset%wfoptalg==14.or.dtset%wfoptalg==4) then !if LOBPCG
1977      dtset%nblock_lobpcg = mband / (dtset%npband*dtset%bandpp)
1978    end if
1979    if (tread(1)==0)  dtset%paral_kgb= merge(0,1,my_algo(icount)==ALGO_CG)
1980 !  The following lines are mandatory : the DFT+DMFT must use ALL the
1981 !  available procs specified by the user. So nproc1=nproc.
1982 !  Works only if paral_kgb is not activated??
1983    if (dtset%usedmft/=0.and.optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE) then
1984      if (dtset%paral_kgb==0) then
1985        dtset%npspinor = 1 ; dtset%npfft    = 1
1986        dtset%npband   = 1 ; dtset%bandpp   = 1
1987        dtset%npimage  = 1
1988      end if
1989      nproc1 = nproc
1990    end if
1991    if (dtset%npband*dtset%npfft*dtset%bandpp>1) dtset%paral_kgb=1
1992 !  LinAlg parameters: we change values only if they are not present in input file
1993    if (dtset%paral_kgb==1) then
1994      if (tread(9)==0) dtset%use_slk=my_distp(8,icount)
1995      if (tread(10)==0) dtset%np_slk=my_distp(9,icount)
1996      if (tread(11)==0) dtset%gpu_linalg_limit=my_distp(10,icount)
1997    end if
1998 !  New definition of "world" MPI communicator
1999    if (optdriver==RUNL_RESPFN.and.dtset%paral_rf==1) then
2000      nproc1=max(nproc1,dtset%nsppol*dtset%nkpt) ! Take into account the code in respfn.F90
2001      nproc1=min(nproc1,nproc)
2002      nproc1=(nproc1/dtset%nppert)*dtset%nppert
2003    end if
2004    call initmpi_world(mpi_enreg,nproc1)
2005  end if
2007 !Final advice in case max_ncpus > 0
2008  if (max_ncpus>0.and.mcount>0) then
2009    write(msg,'(6a)') ch10,&
2010    ' Launch a parallel version of ABINIT with a distribution of processors among the above list,',ch10,&
2011    ' and the associated input variables (np_spkpt, npband, npfft, bandpp, etc.).',ch10,&
2012    ' The higher weight should be better.'
2013    call wrtout(std_out,msg);if (max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2014  end if
2016  if (mcount>0) then
2017    ABI_FREE(isort)
2018  end if
2019  ABI_FREE(my_distp)
2020  ABI_FREE(my_algo)
2021  ABI_FREE(weight)
2023 !Final line
2024  write(msg,'(a,100("="),2a)') " ",ch10,ch10
2025  call wrtout(std_out,msg);if (max_ncpus>0) call wrtout(ab_out,msg)
2027 !max_ncpus requires a stop
2028  if (max_ncpus>0) then
2029    iexit = iexit + 1 ! will stop in the parent.
2030  end if
2032  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
2034 contains
2036 real(dp) pure function speedup_fdp(nn, mm)
2037   ! Expected linear speedup for a nn-sized problem and mm processes
2038   integer,intent(in) :: nn, mm
2039   speedup_fdp = (one*nn) / (one* ((nn / mm) + merge(0, 1, mod(nn, mm) == 0)))
2040 end function speedup_fdp
2042 end subroutine finddistrproc

ABINIT/m_mpi_setup [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Initialize MPI parameters and datastructures for parallel execution


  Copyright (C) 1999-2024 ABINIT group (FJ, MT, FD)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  GNU General Public License, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_mpi_setup
24  use defs_basis
25  use m_distribfft
26  use m_xmpi
27  use m_xomp
28  use m_hdr
29  use m_sort
30  use m_errors
31  use m_abicore
33  use defs_abitypes,  only : MPI_type
34  use m_fstrings,     only : sjoin, itoa
35  use m_time,         only : abi_wtime
36  use m_parser,       only : intagm
37  use m_geometry,     only : mkrdim, metric
38  use m_fftcore,      only : fftalg_for_npfft, getng,  kpgcount
39  use m_mpinfo,       only : init_mpi_enreg, mpi_distrib_is_ok, initmpi_atom, proc_distrb_cycle, &
40                             initmpi_grid, initmpi_pert, initmpi_img, distrb2, distrb2_hf, initmpi_world
41  use m_libpaw_tools, only : libpaw_write_comm_set
42  use m_dtset,        only : dataset_type
43  use m_kg,           only : getmpw
44  use m_dtfil,        only : mkfilename
46  implicit none
48  private

ABINIT/mpi_setup [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ Functions ]




 Big loop on the datasets:
 - compute mgfft,mpw,nfft,... for this data set;
 - fill mpi_enreg
  *** At the output of this routine, all the dtsets input variables are known ***
 The content of dtsets should not be modified anymore afterwards.


  filnam(5)=character strings giving file names
  ndtset= number of datasets to be read; if 0, no multi-dataset mode
  ndtset_alloc=number of datasets, corrected for allocation of at least
      one data set.


  dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)=<type datafiles_type>contains all input variables,
   some of which are initialized here, while other were already
   initialized previously.


   mpi_enregs=information about MPI parallelization


  84 subroutine mpi_setup(dtsets,filnam,lenstr,mpi_enregs,ndtset,ndtset_alloc,string)
  86 !Arguments ------------------------------------
  87 !scalars
  88  integer,intent(in) :: lenstr,ndtset,ndtset_alloc
  89  type(MPI_type),intent(inout) :: mpi_enregs(0:ndtset_alloc)
  90  character(len=*),intent(in) :: string
  91 !arrays
  92  character(len=fnlen),intent(in) :: filnam(5)
  93  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtsets(0:ndtset_alloc)
  95 !Local variables -------------------------------
  96 !scalars
  97  integer :: blocksize,exchn2n3d,iband,idtset,iexit,ii,iikpt,iikpt_modulo, prtvol
  98  integer :: isppol,jdtset,marr,mband_lower,mband_upper
  99  integer :: me_fft,mgfft,mgfftdg,mkmem,mpw,mpw_k,optdriver
 100  integer :: mband_mem
 101  integer :: nfft,nfftdg,nkpt,nkpt_me,npert,nproc,nproc_fft,nqpt
 102  integer :: nspink,nsppol,nsym,paral_fft,response,tnband,tread0,usepaw,vectsize
 103  integer :: fftalg,fftalga,fftalgc
 104 #ifdef HAVE_LINALG_ELPA
 105  integer :: icol,irow,np
 106 #endif
 107  logical :: fftalg_read,ortalg_read,paral_kgb_read,wfoptalg_read,do_check
 108  real(dp) :: dilatmx,ecut,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,ucvol
 109  character(len=500) :: msg
 110 !arrays
 111  integer :: ngfft(18),ngfftdg(18),ngfftc(3),tread(12)
 112  integer,allocatable :: intarr(:),istwfk(:),symrel(:,:,:)
 113  integer,allocatable :: mybands(:)
 114  integer,pointer :: nkpt_rbz(:)
 115  real(dp),parameter :: k0(3)=(/zero,zero,zero/)
 116  real(dp) :: gmet(3,3),gprimd(3,3),kpt(3),qphon(3),rmet(3,3),rprimd(3,3)
 117  real(dp),allocatable :: dprarr(:),kpt_with_shift(:,:)
 118  real(dp),pointer :: nband_rbz(:,:)
 119  character(len=6) :: nm_mkmem(3)
 121 !*************************************************************************
 125  iexit=0;mpw_k=0
 127  call init_mpi_enreg(mpi_enregs(0))
 128  call initmpi_img(dtsets(0),mpi_enregs(0),-1)
 130  do idtset=1,ndtset_alloc
 131    call init_mpi_enreg(mpi_enregs(idtset))
 133    ! Handy read-only variables.
 134    optdriver = dtsets(idtset)%optdriver
 135    prtvol = dtsets(idtset)%prtvol
 137 !  Read parallel input parameters
 138    marr=max(12,dtsets(idtset)%npsp,dtsets(idtset)%nimage)
 139    ABI_MALLOC(intarr,(marr))
 140    ABI_MALLOC(dprarr,(marr))
 141    nkpt  =dtsets(idtset)%nkpt
 142    nsppol=dtsets(idtset)%nsppol
 143    jdtset=dtsets(idtset)%jdtset ; if(ndtset==0)jdtset=0
 144    usepaw=dtsets(idtset)%usepaw
 145    mband_upper=maxval(dtsets(idtset)%nband(1:nkpt*nsppol))
 146    mband_lower=minval(dtsets(idtset)%nband(1:nkpt*nsppol))
 148 !  Compute metric for this dataset
 149    call mkrdim(dtsets(idtset)%acell_orig(1:3,1),dtsets(idtset)%rprim_orig(1:3,1:3,1),rprimd)
 150    call metric(gmet,gprimd,-1,rmet,rprimd,ucvol)
 152    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'max_ncpus',tread0,'INT')
 153    if (tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%max_ncpus=intarr(1)
 155    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'paral_atom',tread0,'INT')
 156    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=intarr(1)
 158    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'paral_rf',tread0,'INT')
 159    if (tread0==1.and.any(optdriver==[RUNL_RESPFN, RUNL_NONLINEAR])) dtsets(idtset)%paral_rf=intarr(1)
 161    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'npimage',tread(2),'INT')
 162    if(tread(2)==1) dtsets(idtset)%npimage=intarr(1)
 164    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nppert',tread(3),'INT')
 165    if (tread(3)==1.and.optdriver==RUNL_RESPFN) dtsets(idtset)%nppert=intarr(1)
 167    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'np_spkpt',tread(4),'INT')
 168    if(tread(4)==1)then
 169      dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt=intarr(1)
 170    else
 171 !    npkpt is obsolete, but still read
 172      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'npkpt',tread(4),'INT')
 173      if(tread(4)==1)then
 174        dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt=intarr(1)
 175      endif
 176    endif
 178    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'npspinor',tread(5),'INT')
 179    if(tread(5)==1) dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=intarr(1)
 181    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'npfft',tread(6),'INT')
 182    if(tread(6)==1) dtsets(idtset)%npfft=intarr(1)
 184    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'npband',tread(7),'INT')
 185    if(tread(7)==1) dtsets(idtset)%npband=intarr(1)
 187    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'bandpp',tread(8),'INT')
 188    !Nband might have different values for different kpoint, but not bandpp.
 189    !In this case, we just use the largest nband (mband_upper), and the input will probably fail
 190    !at the bandpp check later on
 191    if(tread(8)==1) then
 192      dtsets(idtset)%bandpp=intarr(1)
 193      ! check if nblock_lobpcg is read from the input, if so error msg
 194      call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nblock_lobpcg',tread0,'INT')
 195      if (tread0==1) then
 196        write(msg,'(3a)') 'Both bandpp and nblock_lobpcg are defined for the same dataset, this is confusing.',ch10,&
 197          'Change the input to keep only nblock_lobpcg (preferably) or bandpp.'
 198        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 199      end if
 200      if (dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==114.or.dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==14.or.dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==4) then !if LOBPCG
 201        if (mod(mband_upper,dtsets(idtset)%bandpp*dtsets(idtset)%npband)==0) then
 202          dtsets(idtset)%nblock_lobpcg=mband_upper/(dtsets(idtset)%bandpp*dtsets(idtset)%npband)
 203        else
 204          write(msg,'(5a)') 'mband_upper( =max_{kpt}(nband) ) should be a mutltiple of npband*bandpp.',ch10,&
 205            'Change nband, npband or bandpp in the input.',ch10,&
 206            'A simpler solution is to use nblock_lobpcg instead of bandpp.'
 207          ABI_ERROR(msg)
 208        end if
 209      end if
 210    else if (dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==114.or.dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==14.or.dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg==4) then !if LOBPCG
 211      if (mod(mband_upper,dtsets(idtset)%nblock_lobpcg*dtsets(idtset)%npband)==0) then
 212        dtsets(idtset)%bandpp=mband_upper/(dtsets(idtset)%nblock_lobpcg*dtsets(idtset)%npband)
 213      else
 214        write(msg,'(3a)') 'mband_upper( =max_{kpt}(nband) ) should be a mutltiple of nblock_lobpcg*npband.',ch10,&
 215          'Change nband, npband or nblock_lobpcg in the input.'
 216        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 217      end if
 218    end if
 220    ! Warning when using different number of bands for different kpoints (occopt=2)
 221    if ( dtsets(idtset)%occopt==2 .and. dtsets(idtset)%nkpt>1 .and. &
 222      & ((dtsets(idtset)%bandpp > 1) .or. (dtsets(idtset)%npband > 1)) ) then
 223      write(msg, '(4a)' ) &
 224        'When working with blocks of bands (bandpp>1 or npband>1),'&
 225       &' the number of bands should be the same for every kpoints.',ch10,&
 226       &' The run will most probably fail on a other check. If it does not fail, ignore this message.'
 227      ABI_WARNING(msg)
 228    end if
 230    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'use_slk',tread(9),'INT')
 231    if(tread(9)==1) dtsets(idtset)%use_slk=intarr(1)
 233    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'np_slk',tread(10),'INT')
 234    if(tread(10)==1) dtsets(idtset)%np_slk=intarr(1)
 236    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'slk_rankpp',tread(12),'INT')
 237    if(tread(12)==1) dtsets(idtset)%slk_rankpp=intarr(1)
 239    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'pw_unbal_thresh',tread0,'DPR')
 240    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%pw_unbal_thresh=dprarr(1)
 241    mpi_enregs(idtset)%pw_unbal_thresh=dtsets(idtset)%pw_unbal_thresh
 243    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,12,string(1:lenstr),'gpu_devices',tread0,'INT')
 244    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%gpu_devices(1:12)=intarr(1:12)
 246    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'gpu_kokkos_nthrd',tread0,'INT')
 247    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%gpu_kokkos_nthrd=intarr(1)
 249    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'gpu_linalg_limit',tread(11),'INT')
 250    if(tread(11)==1) dtsets(idtset)%gpu_linalg_limit=intarr(1)
 252    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'gpu_nl_distrib',tread0,'INT')
 253    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%gpu_nl_distrib=intarr(1)
 255    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'gpu_nl_splitsize',tread0,'INT')
 256    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%gpu_nl_splitsize=intarr(1)
 258    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nphf',tread0,'INT')
 259    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%nphf=intarr(1)
 261    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'autoparal',tread0,'INT')
 262    if(tread0==1) dtsets(idtset)%autoparal=intarr(1)
 264 !  Read paral_kgb and disable it if not supported in optdriver
 265    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'paral_kgb',tread(1),'INT')
 266    paral_kgb_read=(tread(1)==1)
 267    if (paral_kgb_read) dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=intarr(1)
 268    if (xmpi_paral==0.and.dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb==1) then
 269      dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=0
 270      write(msg, '(5a)' ) &
 271      'When ABINIT is compiled without MPI flag,',ch10,&
 272      'setting paral_kgb/=0 is useless. paral_kgb has been reset to 0.',ch10,&
 273      'Action: modify compilation option or paral_kgb in the input file.'
 274      ABI_WARNING(msg)
 275    end if
 276    if (ALL(optdriver /= [RUNL_GSTATE, RUNL_GWLS, RUNL_RTTDDFT]) .and. dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0) then
 277      dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=0
 278      write(msg, '(a,i0,a)') &
 279       "paral_kgb != 0 is not available in optdriver ",optdriver,". Setting paral_kgb to 0"
 280      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
 281    end if
 283    wfoptalg_read=.false.
 284    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'wfoptalg',tread0,'INT')
 285    if(tread0==1) then
 286      dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=intarr(1)
 287      wfoptalg_read=.true.
 288    else
 289      if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=0
 290      if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw/=0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=10
 291      if ((optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.or.optdriver==RUNL_GWLS).and.dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=114
 292    end if
 294    ! Dump the list of irreducible perturbations and exit.
 295    if (dtsets(idtset)%paral_rf==-1.and.optdriver/=RUNL_NONLINEAR) then
 296      call dtsets(idtset)%get_npert_rbz(nband_rbz, nkpt_rbz, npert)
 297      ABI_FREE(nband_rbz)
 298      ABI_FREE(nkpt_rbz)
 299      iexit = iexit + 1
 300    end if
 302    ! From total number of procs, compute all possible distributions
 303    ! Ignore exit flag if GW/EPH calculations because autoparal section is performed in screening/sigma/bethe_salpeter/eph
 305      iexit = 0
 306    else
 307      call finddistrproc(dtsets,filnam,idtset,iexit,mband_upper,mpi_enregs(idtset),ndtset_alloc,tread)
 308    end if
 310    call initmpi_img(dtsets(idtset),mpi_enregs(idtset),-1)
 311    nproc=mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell
 313 !  Set paral_kgb to 1 when band-fft parallelism is activated
 314    if (ANY(optdriver == [RUNL_GSTATE, RUNL_GWLS, RUNL_RTTDDFT])) then
 315      if (mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell>1) then
 316        if (dtsets(idtset)%npband>1.or.dtsets(idtset)%npfft>1) then
 317          if (.not.paral_kgb_read) dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=1
 318        end if
 319      end if
 320    end if
 322    if ((optdriver/=RUNL_GSTATE.and.optdriver/=RUNL_GWLS.and.optdriver/=RUNL_RTTDDFT).and. &
 323 &   (dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt/=1   .or.dtsets(idtset)%npband/=1.or.dtsets(idtset)%npfft/=1.or. &
 324 &   dtsets(idtset)%npspinor/=1.or.dtsets(idtset)%bandpp/=1)) then
 325 !&   .or.(dtsets(idtset)%iscf<0)) then
 326      dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt=1 ; dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=1 ; dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 327      dtsets(idtset)%npband=1; dtsets(idtset)%bandpp=1  ; dtsets(idtset)%nphf=1
 328      dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=0
 329      ABI_COMMENT('For non ground state calculations, set bandpp, npfft, npband, npspinor, np_spkpt and nphf to 1')
 330    end if
 332 !  Take into account a possible change of paral_kgb (change of the default algorithm)
 333    if (.not.wfoptalg_read) then
 334      if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=0
 335      if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw/=0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=10
 336      if ((optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.or.optdriver==RUNL_GWLS).and.dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0) dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=114
 337      if (mod(dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg,10)==4) then
 338        do iikpt=1,dtsets(idtset)%nkpt
 339          if (any(abs(dtsets(idtset)%kpt(:,iikpt))>tol8)) dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(iikpt)=1
 340        end do
 341      end if
 342    end if
 344    dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred=2
 345    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'densfor_pred',tread0,'INT')
 346    if(tread0==1) then
 347      dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred=intarr(1)
 348    else
 349      if (dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb==1) dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred=6
 350    end if
 351    if((dtsets(idtset)%iscf==5.or.dtsets(idtset)%iscf==6) &
 352       .and. dtsets(idtset)%ionmov==4 .and. dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred/=3 )then
 353      dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred=3
 354      write(msg, '(a,a,a)' )&
 355      'When ionmov==4 and iscf==5 or 6, densfor_pred must be 3.',ch10,&
 356      'Set densfor_pred to 3.'
 357      ABI_COMMENT(msg)
 358    end if
 360 #ifdef HAVE_LOTF
 361 !  LOTF need densfor_pred=2
 362    if(dtsets(idtset)%ionmov==23) dtsets(idtset)%densfor_pred=2
 363 #endif
 365    if (usepaw==0) then
 366      dtsets(idtset)%ortalg=2
 367    else
 368      dtsets(idtset)%ortalg=-2
 369    end if
 370    ortalg_read=.false.
 371    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'ortalg',tread0,'INT')
 372    if(tread0==1) then
 373      dtsets(idtset)%ortalg=intarr(1)
 374      ortalg_read=.true.
 375    else if (dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg>=10 .and. dtsets(idtset)%ortalg>0) then
 376      dtsets(idtset)%ortalg=-dtsets(idtset)%ortalg
 377    end if
 379    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'iomode',tread0,'INT')
 380    if(tread0==1) then
 381      dtsets(idtset)%iomode=intarr(1)
 382    else
 383      if ((xmpi_mpiio==1).and.(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb==1)) dtsets(idtset)%iomode=IO_MODE_MPI
 385      dtsets(idtset)%iomode=IO_MODE_ETSF
 386 #endif
 387    end if
 389    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'pawmixdg',tread0,'INT')
 390    if(tread0==1) then
 391      dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=intarr(1)
 392    else if (dtsets(idtset)%npfft>1.and.usepaw==1) then
 393      dtsets(idtset)%pawmixdg=1
 394    end if
 396 !  Cycle if the processor is not used
 397    if (mpi_enregs(idtset)%me<0.or.iexit>0) then
 398      ABI_FREE(intarr)
 399      ABI_FREE(dprarr)
 400      cycle
 401    end if
 403    ! Set cprj_in_memory to zero if paral_kgb has been activated by autoparal
 404    if (dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0) dtsets(idtset)%cprj_in_memory = 0
 406    response=0
 407    if (dtsets(idtset)%rfddk/=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%rf2_dkdk/=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%rf2_dkde/=0 .or. &
 408 &   dtsets(idtset)%rfelfd/=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%rfphon/=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%rfstrs/=0 .or. &
 409 &   dtsets(idtset)%rfuser/=0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%rfmagn/=0) response=1
 411 !  If no MPI, set all npxxx variables to 1
 412    if (nproc==1) then
 413      dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt    = 1 ; dtsets(idtset)%npband   = 1
 414      dtsets(idtset)%npfft    = 1 ; dtsets(idtset)%npspinor = 1
 415      dtsets(idtset)%nphf     = 1
 416    end if
 419    if(dtsets(idtset)%tfkinfunc==2 .and. nproc/=1)then
 420      dtsets(idtset)%npband = dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor*dtsets(idtset)%npfft
 421      dtsets(idtset)%bandpp=1
 422      dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt = 1
 423      dtsets(idtset)%npfft = 1
 424      dtsets(idtset)%npspinor = 1
 425      write(msg, '(5a,i6,a)' )&
 426      'If the recursion scheme is used (tfkinfunc==2),',ch10,&
 427      'only the band parallelisation is active, we set:',ch10,&
 428      'npfft= 1, np_spkpt= 1, npband=',dtsets(idtset)%npband,' .'
 429      ABI_WARNING(msg)
 430    end if
 432    if (dtsets(idtset)%npspinor>=2.and.dtsets(idtset)%nspinor==1) then
 433      dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=1
 434      dtsets(idtset)%npfft=2*dtsets(idtset)%npfft
 435      write(msg,'(3a)')&
 436      'npspinor is bigger than nspinor !',ch10,&
 437      'We set npspinor to 1 ; we set npfft to 2*npfft'
 438      ABI_WARNING(msg)
 439    end if
 441 !  Some checks on parallelization data
 442    if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb < 0 ) then
 443      cycle
 444    else if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0.and.(dtsets(idtset)%bandpp/=1.or.dtsets(idtset)%npband/=1.or.&
 445            dtsets(idtset)%npfft/=1.or.dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt/=1.or.dtsets(idtset)%npspinor/=1))then
 446      if(dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%npfft*dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor > nproc )then
 447        write(msg,'(7a)')&
 448        'The product of np_spkpt, npfft, npband and npspinor is bigger than the number of processors.',ch10,&
 449        'The user-defined values of np_spkpt, npfft, npband or npspinor will be modified,',ch10,&
 450        'in order to bring this product below nproc .',ch10,&
 451        'At present, only a very simple algorithm is used ...'
 452        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 454        if(dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor <= nproc) then
 455          dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 456          ABI_WARNING('Set npfft to 1')
 457        else if(dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor <= nproc)then
 458          dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 459          dtsets(idtset)%npband=1
 460          ABI_WARNING('Set npfft and npband to 1')
 461        else if(dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt <= nproc)then
 462          dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 463          dtsets(idtset)%npband=1
 464          dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=1
 465          ABI_WARNING('Set npfft ,npband and npspinor to 1')
 466        else
 467          dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 468          dtsets(idtset)%npband=1
 469          dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt=1
 470          dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=1
 471          ABI_WARNING('Set npfft, npband, nspinor and np_spkpt to 1')
 472        end if
 473      else if(dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%npfft*dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor < nproc)then
 474        write(msg,'(a,5i6,4a)')&
 475        'np_spkpt,npband,npspinor,npfft,nproc=',&
 476 &      dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt,dtsets(idtset)%npfft,dtsets(idtset)%npband,dtsets(idtset)%npspinor,nproc,ch10,&
 477        'The number of processors must not be greater than npfft*npband*np_spkpt*npspinor ',ch10,&
 478        'when npfft or np_spkpt or npband or npspinor are chosen manually in the input file.'
 479        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 480      end if
 481    end if
 483 !  LOBPCG and ChebFi need paral_kgb=1 in parallel
 484    if ((dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%npfft>1).and. &
 485 &   (mod(dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg,10)==1.or.mod(dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg,10)==4)) then
 486      dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb=1
 487    end if
 489 !  Check size of Scalapack communicator
 490 #ifdef HAVE_LINALG_ELPA
 491    if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb>0.and.dtsets(idtset)%np_slk>0) then
 492      np=min(dtsets(idtset)%np_slk,dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%npfft*dtsets(idtset)%npspinor)
 493      irow=int(sqrt(float(np)))
 494      do while(mod(np,irow)/=0)
 495        irow=irow-1
 496      end do
 497      icol=nproc/irow
 498      if (icol>mband_lower) then
 499        do while(icol>mband_lower)
 500          icol=icol-1
 501          do while(mod(np,icol)/=0)
 502            icol=icol-1
 503          end do
 504        end do
 505        dtsets(idtset)%np_slk=icol
 506        write(msg,'(5a,i6,a)')&
 507        'The number of band*fft*spinor processors was not consistent with',ch10,&
 508        'the size of communicator used for ELPA library (np_slk).',ch10,&
 509        'np_slk value has been adjusted to ',dtsets(idtset)%np_slk,'.'
 510        ABI_COMMENT(msg)
 511      end if
 512    end if
 513 #endif
 515    !Additional check in case of a parallelized Hartree-Fock calculation
 516    !   %usefock == option to perform Fock exchange calculation
 517    !   %nphf   == number of processors for Fock exchange calculation
 518    if ((dtsets(idtset)%usefock==1).and.(dtsets(idtset)%nphf/=1)) then
 520      if ((dtsets(idtset)%nphf<0).or.(dtsets(idtset)%nphf==0)) then
 521        ABI_ERROR('The value of variable nphf should be a non negative integer.')
 522      end if
 523      if (dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0) then
 524        ABI_ERROR('Option paral_kgb should be turned off (value 0) for a parallelized Hartree-Fock calculation.')
 525      end if
 526      if (response/=0) then
 527        ABI_ERROR('A response function calculation is not yet possible with a parallelized Hartree-Fock calculation.')
 528      end if
 529      if (dtsets(idtset)%npspinor>1) then
 530        ABI_ERROR('The parallelism on spinors is not supported by a parallelized Hartree-Fock calculation.')
 531      end if
 532      if (dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt*dtsets(idtset)%nphf > nproc )then
 533        write(msg,'(a,3(a,i0))') ch10,&
 534        'The product of variables np_spkpt and nphf is bigger than the number of processors: np_spkpt= ',&
 535        dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt,' nphf= ',dtsets(idtset)%nphf  ,' and nproc= ', nproc
 536        ABI_ERROR(msg)
 537      end if
 538    end if ! Fock
 540    !When using chebfi, the number of blocks is equal to the number of processors
 541    if((dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg == 1) .or. (dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg == 111)) then
 542      !Nband might have different values for different kpoint, but not bandpp.
 543      !In this case, we just use the largest nband (mband_upper), and the input will probably fail
 544      !at the bandpp check later on
 545      dtsets(idtset)%bandpp = mband_upper / dtsets(idtset)%npband
 546      if(tread(8)==1) then
 547        write(msg, '(a,i8,3a)' ) &
 548        'bandpp has been internally set to ',dtsets(idtset)%bandpp,'.',ch10,&
 549        'Indeed, there is no need to specify bandpp in the input when using chebfi (wfoptalg=1,111).'
 550        ABI_COMMENT(msg)
 551      end if
 552    end if
 554    !Check parallelization in case of RTTDDFT
 555    !In particular ensure that bandpp = nband / npband
 556    if (optdriver == RUNL_RTTDDFT) then
 557       dtsets(idtset)%bandpp = mband_upper / dtsets(idtset)%npband
 558       if ( tread(8) == 1 ) then
 559          write(msg, '(a,a)') 'Setting bandpp is useless in RT-TDDFT because it is automatically set to nband/npband.', ch10
 560          ABI_WARNING(msg)
 561       end if
 562       if (dtsets(idtset)%npfft/=1) then
 563          dtsets(idtset)%npfft=1
 564          write(msg, '(a,a)') 'RT-TDDFT is not compatible with FFT-parallelization. Remove npfft or set it to 1.', ch10
 565          ABI_ERROR(msg)
 566       end if
 567       if (dtsets(idtset)%npspinor/=1) then
 568          dtsets(idtset)%npspinor=1
 569          write(msg, '(a,a)') 'RT-TDDFT is not compatible with spinor parallelization. Remove npspinor or set it to 1.', ch10
 570          ABI_ERROR(msg)
 571       end if
 572       if (dtsets(idtset)%nphf/=1) then
 573          dtsets(idtset)%nphf=1
 574          write(msg, '(a,a)') 'RT-TDDFT is not compatible with HF parallelization. Remove nphf or set it to 1.', ch10
 575          ABI_ERROR(msg)
 576       end if
 577    end if
 579 !  Set mpi_enreg
 580    mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_kgb=dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb
 581    if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb/=0)then
 582      mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt=dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt
 583      mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft=dtsets(idtset)%npfft
 584      mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band=dtsets(idtset)%npband
 585      mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spinor=min(dtsets(idtset)%npspinor,dtsets(idtset)%nspinor)
 586      mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp=dtsets(idtset)%bandpp
 587 !    Additional setting in case of hybrid functional calculation => not yet tested (CMartins)
 588 !     if (dtsets(idtset)%usefock==1) then
 589 !       mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_hf = dtsets(idtset)%nphf
 590 !       if (dtsets(idtset)%nphf>1) mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_hf=1
 591 !     end if
 592    else
 593      mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp = dtsets(idtset)%bandpp
 594 !    Additional setting in case of a Fock exchange of PBE0 calculation
 595      if (dtsets(idtset)%usefock==1) then
 596        if (dtsets(idtset)%nphf>1) mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_hf=1
 597        mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_hf = dtsets(idtset)%nphf
 598        if (dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt/=1) then
 599          mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt = dtsets(idtset)%np_spkpt
 600        else
 601          mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt = mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell/mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_hf
 602        end if
 603      else
 604        mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt = mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell
 605      end if
 606    end if
 608    if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb>=0) then
 610 !    Compute processor distribution over perturbations
 611      mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_pert=dtsets(idtset)%paral_rf
 612      if (mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_pert==1) then
 613        dtsets(idtset)%nppert=max(1,dtsets(idtset)%nppert)
 614        if(dtsets(idtset)%nppert>mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc) then
 615          ABI_ERROR('The number of processors must not be smaller than nppert !')
 616        end if
 617        call initmpi_pert(dtsets(idtset),mpi_enregs(idtset))
 618        mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt = mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell
 619        nproc=mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell
 620      end if
 621 !    Cycle if the processor is not used
 622      if (mpi_enregs(idtset)%me<0) then
 623        ABI_FREE(intarr)
 624        ABI_FREE(dprarr)
 625        cycle
 626      end if
 628 !    Compute processor distribution over kpt (and eventually band-fft)
 629      call initmpi_grid(mpi_enregs(idtset))
 630      if(dtsets(idtset)%usewvl==1) mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_fft=mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_cell
 632 !    Initialize tabs used for k/spin parallelism (with sequential-type values)
 633      ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enregs(idtset)%proc_distrb,(nkpt,mband_upper,nsppol))
 634      ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enregs(idtset)%my_kpttab,(nkpt))
 635      mpi_enregs(idtset)%proc_distrb(:,:,:)=0
 636      mpi_enregs(idtset)%my_kpttab(:)=(/(ii,ii=1,nkpt)/)
 637      mpi_enregs(idtset)%my_isppoltab(:)=1;if (dtsets(idtset)%nsppol==1) mpi_enregs(idtset)%my_isppoltab(2)=0
 639 !    HF or hybrid calculation : initialization of the array distrb_hf
 640      if (dtsets(idtset)%usefock==1) then
 641        ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enregs(idtset)%distrb_hf,(dtsets(idtset)%nkpthf,dtsets(idtset)%nbandhf,1))
 642 !      The dimension of distrb_hf are given by %nkpthf and %nbandhf.
 643 !      We assume that there will be no dependence in spinpol for all the occupied states.
 644        mpi_enregs(idtset)%distrb_hf=0
 645      end if
 647 !    Define k-points distribution (determine who I am)
 648 !    Note that nkpt_me may differ from processor to processor
 649 !    This fact will NOT be taken into account when
 650 !    the memory needs will be evaluated in the subroutine memory.
 651 !    Also, the reduction of k points due to symmetry in RF calculations
 652 !    is NOT taken into account. This should be changed later ...
 653      nkpt_me=nkpt
 654      mband_mem=0
 655      if(xmpi_paral==1 .and. dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 0) then
 656        nkpt_me=0
 657        if(response==0 .or. (response==1 .and. dtsets(idtset)%efmas==1))then
 658          mpi_enregs(idtset)%paralbd=0
 659          call distrb2(mband_upper,mband_mem,dtsets(idtset)%nband,nkpt,nproc,nsppol,mpi_enregs(idtset))
 660          do iikpt=1,nkpt
 661            if(.not.(proc_distrb_cycle(mpi_enregs(idtset)%proc_distrb,iikpt,1,1,-1,mpi_enregs(idtset)%me_kpt)))&
 662 &           nkpt_me=nkpt_me+1
 663          end do ! ikpt=1,nkpt
 664 !        HF or hybrid calculation : define the occupied states distribution (in array distrb_hf)
 665          if (dtsets(idtset)%usefock==1) then
 666            call distrb2_hf(dtsets(idtset)%nbandhf,dtsets(idtset)%nkpthf,nproc,nsppol,mpi_enregs(idtset))
 667          end if
 668        else ! response==1
 669 !  TODO: check or remove the following comment which seems outdated
 670 !        Wrongly assumes that the number of elements of the
 671 !        k-point sets of the two spin polarizations is the maximal
 672 !        value of one of these k-point sets ...
 673 !        This is to be corrected when RF is implemented
 674 !        for spin-polarized case.
 675 !  ENDTODO
 676          mpi_enregs(idtset)%paralbd=1
 677 !        nproc=mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell*mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_pert
 678          call distrb2(mband_upper,mband_mem,dtsets(idtset)%nband,nkpt,nproc,nsppol,mpi_enregs(idtset))
 679          do isppol=1,nsppol
 680            nspink=0
 681            do iikpt=1,nkpt
 682              do iband=1,dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 683                if(mpi_enregs(idtset)%proc_distrb(iikpt,iband,isppol)==mpi_enregs(idtset)%me_cell)then
 684                  nspink=nspink+1
 685                  exit
 686                end if
 687              end do ! iband
 688            end do ! iikpt
 689            if(nspink>nkpt_me)nkpt_me=nspink
 690          end do ! isppol
 691 !        Is nband present in input file or automatically estimated ?
 692          tnband=0
 693          call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'nband',tnband,'INT')
 694 !        If the number of bands was estimated, there might be a side effect
 695 !        when the definitive number of bands is known. k points
 696 !        might be attributed to different processors than the present
 697 !        proc_distrb describes. At most, the number of k points could increase by 1 ...
 698          if(tnband==0)nkpt_me=nkpt_me+1
 699 !        In any case, the maximal number of k points is nkpt
 700          if(nkpt_me>nkpt)nkpt_me=nkpt
 702 !        mband_mem
 703          ABI_MALLOC (mybands, (mband_upper))
 704          mband_mem = 0
 705          do isppol=1,nsppol
 706            do iikpt=1,nkpt
 707              mybands = 0
 708              do iband=1,dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt+(isppol-1)*nkpt)
 709                if(mpi_enregs(idtset)%proc_distrb(iikpt,iband,isppol)==mpi_enregs(idtset)%me_band)then
 710                  mybands(iband)=1
 711                end if
 712              end do ! iband
 713              mband_mem = max(mband_mem, sum(mybands))
 714            end do ! iikpt
 715          end do ! isppol
 716          ABI_FREE (mybands)
 717        end if ! response case
 718      end if
 719    end if
 720    if (mband_mem == 0) mband_mem = mband_upper
 721    dtsets(idtset)%mband_mem = mband_mem
 723 !  Take care of mkmems. Use the generic name -mkmem- for mkmem as well as mkqmem
 724 !  and mk1mem.
 725    nm_mkmem(1)='mkmem '
 726    nm_mkmem(2)='mkqmem'
 727    nm_mkmem(3)='mk1mem'
 729    do ii=1,3
 731 !    Read in mkmem here if it is in the input file
 732 !    TODO: mkmem is not supported any longer. These variables can be removed.
 733      if(ii==1)then
 734        call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'mkmem',tread0,'INT')
 735      else if(ii==2)then
 736        call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'mkqmem',tread0,'INT')
 737      else if(ii==3)then
 738        call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'mk1mem',tread0,'INT')
 739      end if
 742 !    Note that mkmem is used as a dummy variable, representing mkmem as well
 743 !    as mkqmem, and mk1mem.
 744      if(tread0==1) then
 745        mkmem=intarr(1)
 746        if (mkmem<0) then
 747 !        mkmem is unreasonable; must be zero or positive
 748          write(msg, '(4a,i0,4a)')&
 749          nm_mkmem(ii),' must be positive or null but ',nm_mkmem(ii),' =',mkmem,ch10,&
 750          'Use default ',nm_mkmem(ii),' = nkpt .'
 751          ABI_WARNING(msg)
 752          mkmem=nkpt
 753        end if
 755      else
 757        !  mkmem was not set in the input file so default to incore solution
 758        !write(msg,'(6a)') &
 759        !'mpi_setup: ',nm_mkmem(ii),' undefined in the input file.','Use default ',nm_mkmem(ii),' = nkpt'
 760        !call wrtout(std_out, msg)
 761        mkmem=nkpt
 762      end if
 764 !    Check whether nkpt distributed on the processors <= mkmem;
 765 !    if so then may run entirely in core,
 766 !    avoiding i/o to disk for wavefunctions and kg data.
 767 !    mkmem/=0 to avoid i/o; mkmem==0 to use disk i/o for nkpt>=1.
 768      if (nkpt_me<=mkmem .and. mkmem/=0 ) then
 769        write(msg, '(a,i0,a,a,a,i0,a)' ) &
 770         ' mpi_setup: With nkpt_me=',nkpt_me,' and ',nm_mkmem(ii),' = ',mkmem,', ground state wf handled in core.'
 771        if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
 772        if(nkpt_me<mkmem .and. nkpt_me/=0)then
 773          write(msg,'(3a)')' Resetting ',nm_mkmem(ii),' to nkpt_me to save memory space.'
 774          mkmem=nkpt_me
 775          if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
 776        end if
 777      else if(mkmem/=0)then
 778        write(msg, '(a,i0,3a,i0,5a)' ) &
 779        ' mpi_setup: With nkpt_me=',nkpt_me,'and ',nm_mkmem(ii),' = ',mkmem,&
 780        ' ground state wf require disk i/o.',ch10,&
 781        ' Resetting ',nm_mkmem(ii),' to zero to save memory space.'
 782        mkmem=0
 783        if (prtvol > 0) call wrtout(std_out,msg)
 784      end if
 785      if(dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 0 .or. dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1)then
 786        if(ii==1)dtsets(idtset)%mkmem=mkmem
 787      end if
 788      if(ii==2)dtsets(idtset)%mkqmem=mkmem
 789      if(ii==3)dtsets(idtset)%mk1mem=mkmem
 791      if(dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 1 .and. dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==1 )then
 792        if(dtsets(idtset)%mkmem .ne. dtsets(idtset)%nkpt) then
 793          ABI_ERROR("mkmem is not allowed for WVL+PAW")
 794        end if
 795      end if
 797    end do  ! End the loop on the three possiblities mkmem, mkqmem, mk1mem.
 799    if(dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb==1) mpi_enregs(idtset)%paralbd=0
 801 !  Check if some MPI processes are empty (MBPT codes uses a complete different MPI algorithm)
 802    do_check = all(optdriver /= [RUNL_SCREENING, RUNL_SIGMA, RUNL_BSE, RUNL_EPH, RUNL_GWR])
 803    if (dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 0 .and. do_check) then
 804      if (.not.mpi_distrib_is_ok(mpi_enregs(idtset),mband_upper,&
 805           dtsets(idtset)%nkpt,dtsets(idtset)%mkmem,nsppol,msg=msg)) then
 806        write(msg,'(5a)') trim(msg),ch10,&
 808          'USE "AUTOPARAL=1" IN THE INPUT FILE.'
 809        ABI_WARNING(msg)
 810      end if
 811    end if
 813 !  call mpi_setup1(dtsets(idtset),jdtset,lenstr,mband_upper,mpi_enregs(idtset),string)
 814 !  Printing of processor distribution
 815 !  MPIWF : here, set up the complete ngfft, containing the information
 816 !  for the parallelisation of the FFT
 817    call abi_io_redirect(new_io_comm=mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_world)
 818    call libpaw_write_comm_set(mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_world)
 820 !  Default values for sequential case
 821    paral_fft=0; nproc_fft=1; me_fft=0
 823    if(dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 0)then
 824      if(optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.or.optdriver==RUNL_GWLS) then
 825        paral_fft=1           ! parallelisation over FFT
 826        if (mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_cell>0) then
 827          if(mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_kgb == 1) then
 829            if((dtsets(idtset)%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED).and.(mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft/=1))then
 830              write(msg,'(3a,i0)') &
 831              'When the use of GPU is on, the number of FFT processors, npfft, must be 1',ch10,&
 832              'However, npfft=',mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft
 833              ABI_ERROR(msg)
 834            end if
 836            if(modulo(dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(2),mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft)/=0)then
 837              write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0)') &
 838              'The number of FFT processors, npfft, should be a multiple of ngfft(2).',ch10,&
 839              'However, npfft=',mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft,' and ngfft(2)=',dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(2)
 840              ABI_BUG(msg)
 841            end if
 843            do iikpt=1,nkpt*nsppol
 844              iikpt_modulo = modulo(iikpt,nkpt)+1
 845              if ((dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(iikpt_modulo)==2)) then !.and.(dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7)==401)) then
 846                if ((mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp==0).or. &
 847                ((mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp/=1).and.(modulo(mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp,2)/=0))) then
 848                  write(msg,'(3a,i0)') &
 849                  'The number bandpp should be 1 or a multiple of 2',ch10,&
 850                  'However, bandpp=',mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp
 851                  ABI_BUG(msg)
 852                end if
 853                if(modulo(dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band*mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp)/=0)then
 854                  write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0)') &
 855                  'The number of bands for the k-point, nband_k, should be a multiple of nproc_band*bandpp.',ch10,&
 856                  'However, nband_k=',dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),' and nproc_band*bandpp=', &
 857                  mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band* mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp
 858                  ABI_BUG(msg)
 859                end if
 860              else if ((dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(iikpt_modulo)==2) .and. (dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7)==400)) then
 861                ABI_BUG('The fftalg=400 with istwfk=2 is not valid')
 862              else
 863                if(modulo(dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band*mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp)/=0)then
 864                  write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0)') &
 865                  'The number of band for the k-point, nband_k, should be a multiple of nproc_band*bandpp.',ch10,&
 866                  'However, nband_k=',dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),' and nproc_band*bandpp=', &
 867                  mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band* mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp
 868                  ABI_BUG(msg)
 869                end if
 870                if ((mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp==0)) then
 871                  write(msg,'(a,i0,2a,i0,2a,i0)')&
 872                  'The number bandpp should not be 0 with fftalg=',dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7),ch10,&
 873                  'and istwfk=',dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(iikpt_modulo),ch10,&
 874                  'However, bandpp=',mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp
 875                  ABI_BUG(msg)
 876                end if
 877              end if
 878            end do
 880            if (xmpi_paral==1) then
 881              if(modulo(nkpt*nsppol,mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt)/=0)then
 882                write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0)') &
 883                'The number of KPT processors, np_spkpt, should be a multiple of nkpt*nsppol.',ch10,&
 884                'However, np_spkpt=',mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_spkpt,' and nkpt*nsppol=',nkpt*nsppol
 885                ABI_WARNING(msg)
 886              end if
 887            end if
 888          else
 889            do iikpt=1,nkpt*nsppol
 890              iikpt_modulo = modulo(iikpt,nkpt)+1
 891              if(modulo(dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band*mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp)/=0)then
 892                write(msg,'(3a,i0,a,i0)') &
 893                'The number of band for the k-point, nband_k, should be a multiple of npband*bandpp.',ch10,&
 894                'However, nband_k=',dtsets(idtset)%nband(iikpt),' and npband*bandpp=', &
 895                mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_band* mpi_enregs(idtset)%bandpp
 896                ABI_BUG(msg)
 897              end if
 898            end do
 899          end if
 900        end if
 901        nproc_fft=mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft
 902        me_fft=mpi_enregs(idtset)%me_fft
 903      end if
 904    end if
 906 !  Compute mgfft,mpw,nfft for this data set (it is dependent of mpi_enreg)
 907    ABI_MALLOC(istwfk,(nkpt))
 908    ABI_MALLOC(kpt_with_shift,(3,nkpt))
 910    ! Set the default value of fftalg for given npfft but allow the user to override it.
 911    ! Warning: If you need to change npfft, **DO IT** before this point so that here we get the correct fftalg
 912    dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7) = fftalg_for_npfft(dtsets(idtset)%npfft)
 913    dtsets(idtset)%ngfftdg(7) = fftalg_for_npfft(dtsets(idtset)%npfft)
 915    fftalg_read=.false.
 916    call intagm(dprarr,intarr,jdtset,marr,1,string(1:lenstr),'fftalg',tread0,'INT')
 918    if (tread0==1) then
 919      dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7)=intarr(1)
 920      if (usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%ngfftdg(7)=intarr(1)
 921      fftalg_read=.true.
 922    end if
 924    ecut     =dtsets(idtset)%ecut
 925    dilatmx  =dtsets(idtset)%dilatmx
 926    ngfft(:) =dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(:)
 927    istwfk(:)=dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(1:nkpt)
 928    nsym     =dtsets(idtset)%nsym
 930    nqpt=dtsets(idtset)%nqpt
 931    qphon(:)=zero;if(nqpt/=0) qphon(:)=dtsets(idtset)%qptn(:)
 933    ABI_MALLOC(symrel,(3,3,nsym))
 934    symrel(:,:,1:nsym)=dtsets(idtset)%symrel(:,:,1:nsym)
 935    ecut_eff=ecut*dilatmx**2
 937    if (usepaw==1) call wrtout(std_out,'getng is called for the coarse grid:')
 938    kpt=k0; if (response==1.and.usepaw==1) kpt=qphon ! this is temporary
 940    call getng(dtsets(idtset)%boxcutmin,dtsets(idtset)%chksymtnons,ecut_eff,gmet,kpt,me_fft,mgfft,nfft,&
 941 &   ngfft,nproc_fft,nsym,paral_fft,symrel,dtsets(idtset)%tnons,&
 942 &   gpu_option=dtsets(idtset)%gpu_option)
 944    dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(:)=ngfft(:)
 945    dtsets(idtset)%mgfft=mgfft
 946    dtsets(idtset)%nfft=nfft
 947    kpt_with_shift(:,:)=dtsets(idtset)%kpt(:,1:nkpt)/dtsets(idtset)%kptnrm
 949    exchn2n3d=dtsets(idtset)%exchn2n3d
 950    nproc_fft=ngfft(10) ; me_fft=ngfft(11)
 951    fftalg=ngfft(7); fftalga=fftalg/100; fftalgc=mod(fftalg,10)
 953    ! Initialize tables for MPI-FFT.
 954    call init_distribfft(mpi_enregs(idtset)%distribfft,'c',mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft,ngfft(2),ngfft(3))
 956    if(response/=0)then
 957 !    This value of mpw is used in the first part of respfn.f
 958      call getmpw(ecut_eff,exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk,kpt_with_shift,mpi_enregs(idtset),mpw_k,nkpt)
 959    end if
 960    if(nqpt/=0)then
 961      kpt_with_shift(1,:)=kpt_with_shift(1,:)+qphon(1)
 962      kpt_with_shift(2,:)=kpt_with_shift(2,:)+qphon(2)
 963      kpt_with_shift(3,:)=kpt_with_shift(3,:)+qphon(3)
 964    end if
 965    if (dtsets(idtset)%usewvl == 0) then
 966      call getmpw(ecut_eff,exchn2n3d,gmet,istwfk,kpt_with_shift,mpi_enregs(idtset),mpw,nkpt)
 967      ! Allocate tables for parallel IO of the wavefunctions.
 968      if( xmpi_mpiio==1 .and. mpi_enregs(idtset)%paral_kgb == 1 .and. &
 969 &     any(dtsets(idtset)%iomode == [IO_MODE_MPI, IO_MODE_ETSF])) then
 970        ABI_MALLOC(mpi_enregs(idtset)%my_kgtab,(mpw,dtsets(idtset)%mkmem))
 971      end if
 972    else
 973      mpw = 0
 974    end if
 976 !  The dimensioning, in the RF case, should be done only with mpw,
 977 !  but mpw is used in the first part of respfn.f, and should at least
 978 !  be equal to mpw_k . The chosen way to code is not optimal, only convenient :
 979 !  it leads to a small waste of memory.
 980    if(response/=0 .and. mpw_k>mpw)mpw=mpw_k
 981    dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(:)=ngfft(:)
 983 !  Initialize ngfftc to the initial guess for the coarse mesh
 984    ngfftc(:) = 2
 986 !  In case of PAW, compute fine FFT parameters
 987    if (usepaw==1) then
 988      ecutdg_eff=dtsets(idtset)%pawecutdg*dtsets(idtset)%dilatmx**2
 989      ngfftdg(:)=dtsets(idtset)%ngfftdg(:)
 990      call wrtout(std_out,'getng is called for the fine grid:')
 991 !    Start with the coarse mesh as an initial guess for the fine mesh
 992 !    This ensures that the fine mesh will not be any coarser than the coarse mesh in each dimension
 993      ngfftc(:) = ngfft(1:3)
 994      kpt=k0; if (response==1.and.usepaw==1) kpt=qphon  ! this is temporary
 996      call getng(dtsets(idtset)%bxctmindg,dtsets(idtset)%chksymtnons,&
 997 &     ecutdg_eff,gmet,kpt,me_fft,mgfftdg,&
 998 &     nfftdg,ngfftdg,nproc_fft,nsym,paral_fft,symrel,dtsets(idtset)%tnons,ngfftc,&
 999 &     gpu_option=dtsets(idtset)%gpu_option)
1001      dtsets(idtset)%ngfftdg(:)=ngfftdg(:)
1002      dtsets(idtset)%mgfftdg=mgfftdg
1003      dtsets(idtset)%nfftdg=nfftdg
1004 !    Compute fft distribution for fine grid
1005      fftalg=ngfft(7); fftalga=fftalg/100; fftalgc=mod(fftalg,10)
1006      call init_distribfft(mpi_enregs(idtset)%distribfft,'f', mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_fft,ngfftdg(2),ngfftdg(3))
1007    end if
1009    dtsets(idtset)%mpw=mpw
1010    ABI_FREE(symrel)
1011    ABI_FREE(istwfk)
1012    ABI_FREE(kpt_with_shift)
1013    ABI_FREE(intarr)
1014    ABI_FREE(dprarr)
1016 !  Initialize data for the parallelization over atomic sites (PAW)
1017    if (dtsets(idtset)%natom==1) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1018    if (dtsets(idtset)%usepaw==0) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1019    if (dtsets(idtset)%usewvl/=0) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1020    if (dtsets(idtset)%usedmft==1) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1021    if (optdriver/=RUNL_GSTATE.and.optdriver/=RUNL_RESPFN.and.optdriver/=RUNL_GWLS) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1022    if (dtsets(idtset)%macro_uj/=0) dtsets(idtset)%paral_atom=0
1024    call initmpi_atom(dtsets(idtset),mpi_enregs(idtset))
1026 !  In case of the use of a GPU (Cuda), some defaults can change
1027 !  according to a threshold on matrix sizes
1028    if (dtsets(idtset)%gpu_option/=ABI_GPU_DISABLED.or.dtsets(idtset)%gpu_option==ABI_GPU_UNKNOWN) then
1029      if (optdriver==RUNL_GSTATE.or.optdriver==RUNL_GWLS) then
1030        vectsize=dtsets(idtset)%mpw*dtsets(idtset)%nspinor/dtsets(idtset)%npspinor
1031        if (all(dtsets(idtset)%istwfk(:)==2)) vectsize=2*vectsize
1032        blocksize=dtsets(idtset)%npband*dtsets(idtset)%bandpp
1033        if (dtsets(idtset)%paral_kgb==0) blocksize=dtsets(idtset)%npfft
1034        if ((vectsize*blocksize**2)>=dtsets(idtset)%gpu_linalg_limit) then
1035          if (.not.wfoptalg_read) then
1036            dtsets(idtset)%wfoptalg=14
1037            if (tread(8)==1) then ! bandpp read, so set nblock_lobpcg
1038              dtsets(idtset)%nblock_lobpcg=mband_upper/(dtsets(idtset)%bandpp*dtsets(idtset)%npband)
1039            else ! bandpp set by nblock_lobpcg
1040              dtsets(idtset)%bandpp=mband_upper/(dtsets(idtset)%nblock_lobpcg*dtsets(idtset)%npband)
1041            end if
1042            if (.not.fftalg_read) then
1043              dtsets(idtset)%ngfft(7) = fftalg_for_npfft(dtsets(idtset)%npfft)
1044              if (usepaw==1) dtsets(idtset)%ngfftdg(7) = fftalg_for_npfft(dtsets(idtset)%npfft)
1045            end if
1046            if (.not.ortalg_read) dtsets(idtset)%ortalg=-abs(dtsets(idtset)%ortalg)
1047          end if
1048        end if
1049      end if
1050    end if
1052 !  initialize data for the parallelization for WVL:
1053    if(dtsets(idtset)%usewvl==1) then
1054      mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_wvl=mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_cell
1055      mpi_enregs(idtset)%nproc_wvl=xmpi_comm_size(mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_wvl)
1056      mpi_enregs(idtset)%me_wvl=xmpi_comm_rank(mpi_enregs(idtset)%comm_wvl)
1057    end if
1059  end do
1061 !This is not a very clean exit in case of paral_kgb<0
1062  if (iexit/=0)then
1063    ABI_STOP("Stopping now!")
1064  end if
1066  DBG_EXIT("COLL")
1068 end subroutine mpi_setup