ABINIT/m_gwr_driver [ Modules ]

[ Top ] [ Modules ]




  Driver for GWR calculations


  Copyright (C) 2021-2024 ABINIT group (MG)
  This file is distributed under the terms of the
  APACHE license version 2.0, see ~abinit/COPYING
  or .


16 #if defined HAVE_CONFIG_H
17 #include "config.h"
18 #endif
20 #include "abi_common.h"
22 module m_gwr_driver
24 #ifdef HAVE_MPI2
25  use mpi
26 #endif
27  use defs_basis
28  use defs_wvltypes
29  use m_errors
30  use m_abicore
31  use m_xmpi
32  use m_xomp
33  use m_hdr
34  use libxc_functionals
35  use m_crystal
36  use m_ebands
37  use m_dtset
38  use m_dtfil
39  use m_wfk
40  use m_distribfft
41  use m_nctk
42  use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
44  use defs_datatypes,    only : pseudopotential_type, ebands_t
45  use defs_abitypes,     only : MPI_type
46  use m_time,            only : timab
47  use m_io_tools,        only : file_exists, open_file, get_unit, iomode_from_fname
48  use m_time,            only : cwtime, cwtime_report, sec2str
49  use m_fstrings,        only : strcat, sjoin, ftoa, itoa, string_in
50  use m_slk,             only : matrix_scalapack
51  use m_fftcore,         only : print_ngfft, get_kg
52  use m_fft,             only : fourdp
53  use m_ioarr,           only : read_rhor
54  use m_energies,        only : energies_type, energies_init
55  use m_mpinfo,          only : destroy_mpi_enreg, initmpi_seq
56  use m_pawang,          only : pawang_type
57  use m_pawrad,          only : pawrad_type
58  use m_pawtab,          only : pawtab_type, pawtab_print, pawtab_get_lsize
59  use m_paw_an,          only : paw_an_type, paw_an_init, paw_an_free, paw_an_nullify
60  use m_paw_ij,          only : paw_ij_type, paw_ij_init, paw_ij_free, paw_ij_nullify
61  use m_pawfgrtab,       only : pawfgrtab_type, pawfgrtab_init, pawfgrtab_free, pawfgrtab_print
62  use m_pawrhoij,        only : pawrhoij_type, pawrhoij_alloc, pawrhoij_copy, pawrhoij_free, &
63                                pawrhoij_inquire_dim, pawrhoij_symrhoij, pawrhoij_unpack
64  use m_pawdij,          only : pawdij, symdij_all
65  use m_pawfgr,          only : pawfgr_type, pawfgr_init, pawfgr_destroy
66  use m_paw_pwaves_lmn,  only : paw_pwaves_lmn_t, paw_pwaves_lmn_init, paw_pwaves_lmn_free
67  use m_pawpwij,         only : pawpwff_t, pawpwff_init, pawpwff_free, paw_rho_tw_g
68  use m_kg,              only : getph !, getcut
69  use m_wfd,             only : test_charge
70  use m_pspini,          only : pspini
71  use m_paw_correlations,only : pawpuxinit
72  use m_paw_dmft,        only : paw_dmft_type
73  use m_paw_sphharm,     only : setsym_ylm
74  use m_paw_mkrho,       only : denfgr
75  use m_paw_nhat,        only : nhatgrid, pawmknhat
76  use m_paw_tools,       only : chkpawovlp, pawprt
77  use m_paw_denpot,      only : pawdenpot
78  use m_paw_init,        only : pawinit, paw_gencond
79  use m_pawcprj,         only : pawcprj_type, pawcprj_free, pawcprj_alloc ! , paw_overlap
80  use m_ksdiago,         only : ugb_t
81  !use m_fock,            only : fock_type, fock_init, fock_destroy, fock_ACE_destroy, fock_common_destroy, &
82  !                              fock_BZ_destroy, fock_update_exc, fock_updatecwaveocc
83  use m_mkrho,           only : prtrhomxmn
84  use m_melemts,         only : melflags_t
85  use m_setvtr,          only : setvtr
86  use m_vhxc_me,         only : calc_vhxc_me
87  use m_gwr,             only : gwr_t
88  !use m_ephtk,          only : ephtk_update_ebands
90  implicit none
92  private

m_gwr_driver/cc4s_gamma [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gwr_driver ] [ Functions ]




 Interface with CC4S code.
 Compute <b1,k|e^{-iGr}|b2,k> matrix elements and store them to disk


m_gwr_driver/cc4s_write_eigens [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gwr_driver ] [ Functions ]




  Write eigenvalues in CC4S format. Only master proc should call this routine.


m_gwr_driver/gwr_driver [ Functions ]

[ Top ] [ m_gwr_driver ] [ Functions ]




 Main routine for GWR calculations.


 acell(3)=Length scales of primitive translations (bohr)
 codvsn=Code version
 dtfil<datafiles_type>=Variables related to files.
 dtset<dataset_type>=All input variables for this dataset.
 pawang<pawang_type)>=PAW angular mesh and related data.
 pawrad(ntypat*usepaw)<pawrad_type>=Paw radial mesh and related data.
 pawtab(ntypat*usepaw)<pawtab_type>=Paw tabulated starting data.
 psps<pseudopotential_type>=Variables related to pseudopotentials.
   Before entering the first time in the routine, a significant part of Psps has been initialized :
   the integers dimekb,lmnmax,lnmax,mpssang,mpssoang,mpsso,mgrid,ntypat,n1xccc,usepaw,useylm,
   and the arrays dimensioned to npsp. All the remaining components of Psps are to be initialized in
   the call to pspini. The next time the code enters bethe_salpeter, Psps might be identical to the
   one of the previous Dtset, in which case, no reinitialisation is scheduled in pspini.F90.
 xred(3,natom)=Reduced atomic coordinates.


 In case of PAW:
    Two FFT grids are used:
    - A "coarse" FFT grid (defined by ecut) for the application of the Hamiltonian on the plane waves basis.
      It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      Hamiltonian, wave-functions, density related to WFs (rhor here), ... are expressed on this grid.
    - A "fine" FFT grid (defined) by ecutdg) for the computation of the density inside PAW spheres.
      It is defined by nfftf, ngfftf, mgfftf, ... Total density, potentials, ... are expressed on this grid.
 In case of norm-conserving:
    - Only the usual FFT grid (defined by ecut) is used. It is defined by nfft, ngfft, mgfft, ...
      For compatibility reasons, (nfftf,ngfftf,mgfftf) are set equal to (nfft,ngfft,mgfft) in that case.


147 subroutine gwr_driver(codvsn, dtfil, dtset, pawang, pawrad, pawtab, psps, xred)
149 !Arguments ------------------------------------
150 !scalars
151  character(len=8),intent(in) :: codvsn
152  type(datafiles_type),intent(in) :: dtfil
153  type(dataset_type),intent(inout) :: dtset
154  type(pawang_type),intent(inout) :: pawang
155  type(pseudopotential_type),intent(inout) :: psps
156 !arrays
157  real(dp),intent(in) :: xred(3,dtset%natom)
158  type(pawrad_type),intent(inout) :: pawrad(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
159  type(pawtab_type),intent(inout) :: pawtab(psps%ntypat*psps%usepaw)
161 !Local variables ------------------------------
162 !scalars
163  integer,parameter :: master = 0, cplex1 = 1, ipert0 = 0, idir0 = 0, optrhoij1 = 1
164  integer :: ii, comm, nprocs, my_rank, mgfftf, nfftf, omp_ncpus, work_size, nks_per_proc
165  integer :: ierr, spin, ik_ibz, nband_k, iomode__, color, io_comm
166  real(dp) :: eff, mempercpu_mb, max_wfsmem_mb, nonscal_mem
167  real(dp) :: ecore, ecut_eff, ecutdg_eff, cpu, wall, gflops, diago_cpu, diago_wall, diago_gflops
168  logical, parameter :: is_dfpt = .false.
169  logical :: read_wfk, write_wfk, cc4s_task, rectangular, rdm_update, call_pawinit
170  character(len=500) :: msg
171  character(len=fnlen) :: wfk_path, den_path, kden_path, out_path
172  type(hdr_type) :: wfk_hdr, den_hdr, kden_hdr, owfk_hdr
173  type(crystal_t) :: cryst, den_cryst, wfk_cryst
174  type(ebands_t) :: ks_ebands, owfk_ebands
175  type(pawfgr_type) :: pawfgr
176  type(wvl_data) :: wvl
177  type(mpi_type) :: mpi_enreg_seq
178  type(gwr_t) :: gwr
179  type(wfk_t) :: owfk
180 !arrays
181  real(dp), parameter :: k0(3) = zero
182  integer :: cplex, cplex_dij, cplex_rhoij
183  integer :: gnt_option,has_dijU,has_dijso,ider,izero
184  integer :: istep, moved_atm_inside, moved_rhor, n3xccc, sc_mode
185  !integer :: ngrvdw,nhatgrdim,nkxc,nkxc1,nprocs,nscf,nspden_rhoij,nzlmopt,optene
186  integer :: ndij !,ndim,nfftf,nfftf_tot,nkcalc,gwc_nfft,gwc_nfftot,gwx_nfft,gwx_nfftot
187  integer :: ngrvdw, nhatgrdim, nkxc, nkxc1, nspden_rhoij, optene, nzlmopt
188  integer :: optcut, optgr0, optgr1, optgr2, optrad, psp_gencond, option
189  integer :: rhoxsp_method, usexcnhat !, use_umklp
190  real(dp) :: compch_fft, compch_sph !,r_s,rhoav,alpha
191  !real(dp) :: drude_plsmf !,my_plsmf,ecut_eff,ecutdg_eff,ehartree
192  real(dp) :: gsqcutc_eff, gsqcutf_eff, gsqcut_shp
193  real(dp) :: vxcavg !,vxcavg_qp ucvol,
194  real(dp) :: gw_gsq !, gsqcut, gwc_gsq, gwx_gsq,
195  type(energies_type) :: KS_energies
196  type(melflags_t) :: KS_mflags
197  type(paw_dmft_type) :: Paw_dmft
198  type(ugb_t) :: ugb
199  type(xmpi_pool2d_t) :: diago_pool
200  !type(fock_type),pointer :: fock => null()
201 !arrays
202  integer :: ngfftc(18),ngfftf(18),units(2)
203  integer,allocatable :: nq_spl(:), l_size_atm(:)
204  integer,allocatable :: tmp_kstab(:,:,:), npwarr_ik(:), gvec_(:,:), istwfk_ik(:), nband_iks(:,:)
205  real(dp) :: strsxc(6), diago_info(3, dtset%nkpt, dtset%nsppol),tsec(2)
206  real(dp),allocatable :: grchempottn(:,:),grewtn(:,:),grvdw(:,:),qmax(:)
207  real(dp),allocatable :: ks_nhat(:,:),ks_nhatgr(:,:,:),ks_rhog(:,:)
208  real(dp),allocatable :: ks_rhor(:,:),ks_vhartr(:), ks_vtrial(:,:), ks_vxc(:,:)
209  real(dp),allocatable :: ks_taur(:,:) !, ks_vxctau(:,:), xcctau3d(:)
210  real(dp),allocatable :: kxc(:,:), ph1d(:,:), ph1df(:,:) !qp_kxc(:,:),
211  real(dp),allocatable :: vpsp(:), xccc3d(:), dijexc_core(:,:,:) !, dij_hf(:,:,:)
212  real(dp),allocatable :: eig_k(:), occ_k(:)
213  real(dp),contiguous,pointer :: cg_k_ptr(:,:)
214  type(Paw_an_type),allocatable :: KS_paw_an(:)
215  type(Paw_ij_type),allocatable :: KS_paw_ij(:)
216  type(Pawfgrtab_type),allocatable :: Pawfgrtab(:)
217  type(Pawrhoij_type),allocatable :: KS_Pawrhoij(:)
218  type(pawpwff_t),allocatable :: Paw_pwff(:)
219  !type(pawcprj_type),allocatable :: cprj_k(:,:)
221 !************************************************************************
223  ! This part performs the initialization of the basic objects used to perform e-ph calculations:
224  !
225  !     1) Crystal structure `cryst`
226  !     2) Ground state band energies: `ks_ebands`
227  !     5) Pseudos and PAW basic objects.
228  !
229  ! Once we have these objects, we can call specialized routines for e-ph calculations.
230  ! Notes:
231  !
232  !   * Any modification to the basic objects mentioned above should be done here (e.g. change of efermi)
233  !   * This routines shall not allocate big chunks of memory. The CPU-demanding sections should be
234  !     performed in the subdriver that will employ different MPI distribution schemes optimized for that particular task.
236  ! abirules!
237  if (.False.) write(std_out,*)xred
239  comm = xmpi_world; nprocs = xmpi_comm_size(comm); my_rank = xmpi_comm_rank(comm)
240  units(:) = [std_out, ab_out]
242  call cwtime(cpu, wall, gflops, "start")
244 ! write(msg,'(7a)')&
245 ! ' SIGMA: Calculation of the GW corrections ',ch10,ch10,&
246 ! ' Based on a program developped by R.W. Godby, V. Olevano, G. Onida, and L. Reining.',ch10,&
247 ! ' Incorporated in ABINIT by V. Olevano, G.-M. Rignanese, and M. Torrent.'
248 ! call wrtout(units, msg)
249 !
250 #if defined HAVE_GW_DPC
251  write(msg,'(a,i2,a)')'.Using double precision arithmetic; gwpc = ',gwpc,ch10
252 #else
253  write(msg,'(a,i2,a)')'.Using single precision arithmetic; gwpc = ',gwpc,ch10
254 #endif
255  call wrtout(units, msg)
257  ! autoparal section
258  ! TODO: This just to activate autoparal in AbiPy. Lot of things should be improved.
259  if (dtset%max_ncpus /= 0) then
260    write(ab_out,'(a)')"--- !Autoparal"
261    write(ab_out,"(a)")"# Autoparal section for GWR runs"
262    write(ab_out,"(a)")   "info:"
263    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    autoparal: ",dtset%autoparal
264    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    max_ncpus: ",dtset%max_ncpus
265    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nkpt: ",dtset%nkpt
266    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nsppol: ",dtset%nsppol
267    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    nspinor: ",dtset%nspinor
268    write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    mband: ",dtset%mband
269    write(ab_out,"(3a)")  "    gwr_task: '",trim(dtset%gwr_task),"'"
271    if (string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "HDIAGO, HDIAGO_FULL, CC4S, CC4S_FULL")) then
272       work_size = dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol * dtset%mpw
273       max_wfsmem_mb = (two * dp * dtset%mpw * dtset%mband * dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol * dtset%nspinor * b2Mb) * 1.1_dp
274    else
275       work_size = dtset%gwr_ntau * dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol * dtset%mpw
276       max_wfsmem_mb = (two * dp * dtset%mpw * dtset%mband * dtset%nkpt * dtset%nsppol * dtset%nspinor * b2Mb) * 1.1_dp
277    end if
278    ! Non-scalable memory in Mb i.e. memory that is not distributed with MPI.
279    nonscal_mem = zero
281    ! List of configurations.
282    ! Assuming an OpenMP implementation with perfect speedup!
283    write(ab_out,"(a)")"configurations:"
285    do ii=1,dtset%max_ncpus
286      nks_per_proc = work_size / ii
287      nks_per_proc = nks_per_proc + mod(work_size, ii)
288      eff = (one * work_size) / (ii * nks_per_proc)
289      ! Add the non-scalable part and increase by 10% to account for other datastructures.
290      mempercpu_mb = (max_wfsmem_mb + nonscal_mem) * 1.1_dp
291      do omp_ncpus=1,1 !xomp_get_max_threads()
292        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"    - tot_ncpus: ",ii * omp_ncpus
293        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"      mpi_ncpus: ",ii
294        write(ab_out,"(a,i0)")"      omp_ncpus: ",omp_ncpus
295        write(ab_out,"(a,f12.9)")"      efficiency: ",eff
296        write(ab_out,"(a,f12.2)")"      mem_per_cpu: ",mempercpu_mb
297      end do
298    end do
299    write(ab_out,'(a)')"..."
300    ABI_STOP("Stopping now!")
301  end if
303  cryst = dtset%get_crystal(img=1)
305  ! Some variables need to be initialized/nullify at start
306  usexcnhat = 0
307  call energies_init(KS_energies)
309  den_path = dtfil%fildensin; wfk_path = dtfil%fnamewffk; kden_path = dtfil%filkdensin
311  if (my_rank == master) then
312    ! Initialize filenames. Accept files in Fortran or in netcdf format.
313    if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(den_path, msg) /= 0) then
314      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find DEN file:", den_path, ". Error:", msg))
315    end if
316    call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading GS density from: ", den_path))
318    if (dtset%usekden == 1) then
319      if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(kden_path, msg) /= 0) then
320        ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find KDEN file:", kden_path, ". Error:", msg))
321      end if
322      call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading KDEN kinetic energy density from: ", kden_path))
323    end if
324    call wrtout(ab_out, ch10//ch10)
325  end if ! master
327  ! Broadcast filenames (needed if we are using netcdf files)
328  call xmpi_bcast(den_path, master, comm, ierr)
329  call xmpi_bcast(kden_path, master, comm, ierr)
331  ! TODO: FFT meshes for DEN/POT should be initialized from the DEN file instead of the dtset.
332  ! Interpolating the DEN indeed breaks degeneracies in the vxc matrix elements.
334  call pawfgr_init(pawfgr, dtset, mgfftf, nfftf, ecut_eff, ecutdg_eff, ngfftc, ngfftf, &
335                   gsqcutc_eff=gsqcutc_eff, gsqcutf_eff=gsqcutf_eff, gmet=cryst%gmet, k0=k0)
337  call print_ngfft(ngfftc, header='Coarse FFT mesh for the wavefunctions')
338  call print_ngfft(ngfftf, header='Dense FFT mesh for densities and potentials')
340  ! Fake MPI_type for the sequential part.
341  call initmpi_seq(mpi_enreg_seq)
342  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_seq%distribfft, 'c', ngfftc(2), ngfftc(3), 'all')
343  call init_distribfft_seq(mpi_enreg_seq%distribfft, 'f', ngfftf(2), ngfftf(3), 'all')
345  ! ===========================================
346  ! === Open and read pseudopotential files ===
347  ! ===========================================
348  call pspini(dtset, dtfil, ecore, psp_gencond, gsqcutc_eff, gsqcutf_eff, pawrad, pawtab, psps, cryst%rprimd, comm_mpi=comm)
350  ! ============================
351  ! ==== PAW initialization ====
352  ! ============================
353  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
354    call chkpawovlp(cryst%natom, cryst%ntypat, dtset%pawovlp, pawtab, cryst%rmet, cryst%typat, cryst%xred)
356    cplex_dij = dtset%nspinor; cplex = 1; ndij = 1
358    ABI_MALLOC(ks_pawrhoij, (cryst%natom))
359    call pawrhoij_inquire_dim(cplex_rhoij=cplex_rhoij, nspden_rhoij=nspden_rhoij, &
360                              nspden=dtset%nspden, spnorb=dtset%pawspnorb, cpxocc=dtset%pawcpxocc)
361    call pawrhoij_alloc(ks_pawrhoij, cplex_rhoij, nspden_rhoij, dtset%nspinor, dtset%nsppol, cryst%typat, pawtab=pawtab)
363    ! Test if we have to call pawinit
364    gnt_option = 1; if (dtset%pawxcdev == 2 .or. (dtset%pawxcdev == 1 .and. dtset%positron /= 0)) gnt_option = 2
365    call paw_gencond(dtset, gnt_option, "test", call_pawinit)
366    !call_pawinit = .True.
368    if (psp_gencond == 1 .or. call_pawinit) then
369      call timab(553, 1, tsec)
370      gsqcut_shp = two * abs(dtset%diecut) * dtset%dilatmx**2 / pi**2
371      call pawinit(dtset%effmass_free, gnt_option, gsqcut_shp, zero, dtset%pawlcutd, dtset%pawlmix, &
372                   psps%mpsang, dtset%pawnphi, cryst%nsym, dtset%pawntheta, pawang, pawrad, &
373                   dtset%pawspnorb, pawtab, dtset%pawxcdev, dtset%ixc, dtset%usepotzero)
374      call timab(553,2,tsec)
376      ! Update internal values
377      call paw_gencond(dtset, gnt_option, "save", call_pawinit)
378    else
379      if (pawtab(1)%has_kij  ==1) pawtab(1:cryst%ntypat)%has_kij   = 2
380      if (pawtab(1)%has_nabla==1) pawtab(1:cryst%ntypat)%has_nabla = 2
381    end if
383    psps%n1xccc = maxval(pawtab(1:cryst%ntypat)%usetcore)
385    ! Initialize optional flags in Pawtab to zero
386    ! Cannot be done in Pawinit since the routine is called only if some parts. are changed
387    pawtab(:)%has_nabla = 0
388    pawtab(:)%lamb_shielding = zero
390    call setsym_ylm(cryst%gprimd, pawang%l_max-1, cryst%nsym, dtset%pawprtvol, cryst%rprimd, cryst%symrec, pawang%zarot)
392    ! Initialize and compute data for DFT+U
393    Paw_dmft%use_dmft = Dtset%usedmft
394    call pawpuxinit(Dtset%dmatpuopt,Dtset%exchmix,Dtset%f4of2_sla,Dtset%f6of2_sla, &
395      is_dfpt,Dtset%jpawu,Dtset%lexexch,Dtset%lpawu,dtset%nspinor,Cryst%ntypat,dtset%optdcmagpawu,Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol, &
396      Pawrad,Pawtab,Dtset%upawu,Dtset%usedmft,Dtset%useexexch,Dtset%usepawu,dtset%ucrpa)
398    if (my_rank == master) call pawtab_print(Pawtab)
400    ! Get Pawrhoij from the header of the WFK file.
401    !call pawrhoij_copy(wfk_hdr%pawrhoij, KS_Pawrhoij)
403    !  Evaluate form factor of radial part of phi.phj-tphi.tphj.
404    gw_gsq = max(Dtset%ecutsigx, Dtset%ecuteps) / (two*pi**2)
406    ! Set up q-grid, make qmax 20% larger than largest expected.
407    ABI_MALLOC(nq_spl, (Psps%ntypat))
408    ABI_MALLOC(qmax, (Psps%ntypat))
409    qmax = SQRT(gw_gsq)*1.2d0
410    nq_spl = Psps%mqgrid_ff
411    ! write(std_out,*)"using nq_spl",nq_spl,"qmax=",qmax
413    rhoxsp_method = 1  ! Arnaud-Alouani (default in sigma)
414    !rhoxsp_method = 2 ! Shiskin-Kresse
415    if (Dtset%pawoptosc /= 0) rhoxsp_method = Dtset%pawoptosc
417    ABI_MALLOC(paw_pwff, (psps%ntypat))
418    call pawpwff_init(Paw_pwff, rhoxsp_method, nq_spl, qmax, cryst%gmet, pawrad, pawtab, psps)
420    ABI_FREE(nq_spl)
421    ABI_FREE(qmax)
423    ! Variables/arrays related to the fine FFT grid
424    ABI_CALLOC(ks_nhat, (nfftf, Dtset%nspden))
426    ABI_MALLOC(pawfgrtab, (cryst%natom))
427    call pawtab_get_lsize(pawtab, l_size_atm, cryst%natom, cryst%typat)
429    cplex = 1
430    call pawfgrtab_init(pawfgrtab, cplex, l_size_atm, dtset%nspden, dtset%typat)
431    ABI_FREE(l_size_atm)
432    compch_fft=greatest_real
433    usexcnhat = maxval(Pawtab(:)%usexcnhat)
434    ! * 0 if Vloc in atomic data is Vbare    (Blochl's formulation)
435    ! * 1 if Vloc in atomic data is VH(tnzc) (Kresse's formulation)
436    call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(' using usexcnhat: ', itoa(usexcnhat)))
437    !
438    ! Identify parts of the rectangular grid where the density has to be calculated
439    optcut = 0; optgr0 = Dtset%pawstgylm; optgr1 = 0; optgr2 = 0; optrad = 1 - Dtset%pawstgylm
440    if (Dtset%pawcross==1) optrad=1
441    if (Dtset%xclevel==2.and.usexcnhat>0) optgr1=Dtset%pawstgylm
443    call nhatgrid(cryst%atindx1, cryst%gmet, cryst%natom, cryst%natom, cryst%nattyp, ngfftf, cryst%ntypat,&
444     optcut,optgr0,optgr1,optgr2,optrad,Pawfgrtab,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%typat,Cryst%ucvol,Cryst%xred)
446    call pawfgrtab_print(Pawfgrtab,Cryst%natom,unit=std_out,prtvol=Dtset%pawprtvol)
448  else
449    ABI_MALLOC(Paw_pwff, (0))
450    ABI_MALLOC(Pawfgrtab, (0))
451  end if ! End of PAW Initialization
453  ! Allocate these arrays anyway, since they are passed to subroutines.
454  ABI_MALLOC_IFNOT(ks_nhat, (nfftf, 0))
455  ABI_MALLOC_IFNOT(dijexc_core, (1, 1, 0))
457  !=============================================
458  ! Read density and compare crystal structures
459  ! ============================================
460  ABI_MALLOC(ks_rhor, (nfftf, dtset%nspden))
462  call read_rhor(den_path, cplex1, dtset%nspden, nfftf, ngfftf, dtset%usepaw, mpi_enreg_seq, ks_rhor, &
463                 den_hdr, ks_pawrhoij, comm, allow_interp=.False.)
465  den_cryst = den_hdr%get_crystal()
466  if (cryst%compare(den_cryst, header=" Comparing input crystal with DEN crystal") /= 0) then
467    ABI_ERROR("Crystal structure from input and from DEN file do not agree! Check messages above!")
468  end if
469  call den_cryst%free(); call den_hdr%free()
471  ABI_MALLOC(ks_taur, (nfftf, dtset%nspden * dtset%usekden))
472  if (dtset%usekden == 1) then
473    call read_rhor(kden_path, cplex1, dtset%nspden, nfftf, ngfftf, 0, mpi_enreg_seq, ks_taur, &
474                   kden_hdr, ks_pawrhoij, comm, allow_interp=.False.)
475    call kden_hdr%free()
476    call prtrhomxmn(std_out, mpi_enreg_seq, nfftf, ngfftf, dtset%nspden, 1, ks_taur, optrhor=1, ucvol=cryst%ucvol)
477  end if
479  !========================================
480  !==== Additional computation for PAW ====
481  !========================================
482  nhatgrdim = 0
483  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
484    ! Calculate the compensation charge nhat.
485    if (Dtset%xclevel==2) nhatgrdim = usexcnhat * Dtset%pawnhatxc
486    cplex = 1; ider = 2 * nhatgrdim; izero = 0
487    if (nhatgrdim > 0) then
488      ABI_MALLOC(ks_nhatgr,(nfftf,Dtset%nspden,3*nhatgrdim))
489    end if
490    if (nhatgrdim == 0) then
491      ABI_MALLOC(ks_nhatgr,(0,0,0))
492    end if
494    call pawmknhat(compch_fft,cplex,ider,idir0,ipert0,izero,Cryst%gprimd,&
495                   Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,nfftf,ngfftf,nhatgrdim,Dtset%nspden,Cryst%ntypat,Pawang,&
496                   Pawfgrtab,ks_nhatgr,ks_nhat,KS_Pawrhoij,KS_Pawrhoij,Pawtab,k0,Cryst%rprimd,&
497                   Cryst%ucvol,dtset%usewvl,Cryst%xred)
499    ! === Evaluate onsite energies, potentials, densities ===
500    !  * Initialize variables/arrays related to the PAW spheres.
501    !  * Initialize also lmselect (index of non-zero LM-moments of densities).
502    ABI_MALLOC(KS_paw_ij, (Cryst%natom))
503    has_dijso = Dtset%pawspnorb; has_dijU = merge(0, 1, Dtset%usepawu == 0)
505    call paw_ij_nullify(KS_paw_ij)
506    call paw_ij_init(KS_paw_ij,cplex,Dtset%nspinor,Dtset%nsppol,&
507      Dtset%nspden,Dtset%pawspnorb,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,Cryst%typat,Pawtab,&
508      has_dij=1,has_dijhartree=1,has_dijhat=1,has_dijxc=1,has_dijxc_hat=1,has_dijxc_val=1,&
509      has_dijso=has_dijso,has_dijU=has_dijU,has_exexch_pot=1,has_pawu_occ=1, &
510      has_dijfock=dtset%usefock)
512    nkxc1 = 0
513    ABI_MALLOC(KS_paw_an, (Cryst%natom))
514    call paw_an_nullify(KS_paw_an)
515    call paw_an_init(KS_paw_an,Cryst%natom,Cryst%ntypat,nkxc1,0,Dtset%nspden,&
516      cplex,Dtset%pawxcdev,Cryst%typat,Pawang,Pawtab,has_vxc=1,has_vxcval=1,has_vxctau=dtset%usekden)
518    !  Calculate onsite vxc with and without core charge.
519    nzlmopt=-1; option=0; compch_sph=greatest_real
520    call pawdenpot(compch_sph,KS_energies%e_paw,KS_energies%e_pawdc,ipert0,&
521      Dtset%ixc,Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Dtset%nspden,&
522      Cryst%ntypat,Dtset%nucdipmom,nzlmopt,option,KS_Paw_an,KS_Paw_an,KS_paw_ij,&
523      Pawang,Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawrad,KS_Pawrhoij,Dtset%pawspnorb,&
524      Pawtab,Dtset%pawxcdev,Dtset%spnorbscl,Dtset%xclevel,Dtset%xc_denpos,Dtset%xc_taupos,&
525      Cryst%ucvol,Psps%znuclpsp)
527  else
528    ABI_MALLOC(ks_nhatgr, (0, 0, 0))
529    ABI_MALLOC(ks_paw_ij, (0))
530    ABI_MALLOC(ks_paw_an, (0))
531  end if ! PAW
533  !call test_charge(nfftf,ks_ebands%nelect,Dtset%nspden,ks_rhor,Cryst%ucvol,&
534  !                 Dtset%usepaw,usexcnhat,Pawfgr%usefinegrid,compch_sph,compch_fft,drude_plsmf)
536  ! For PAW, add the compensation charge on the FFT mesh, then get rho(G).
537  ! NB: ks_nhat is already included in the density stored on file so we don't need to add ks_rhor
538  !if (dtset%usepaw==1) ks_rhor = ks_rhor + ks_nhat
540  ! TODO: Overloaded interface with units or just change the API to accept units
541  call prtrhomxmn(std_out, mpi_enreg_seq, nfftf, ngfftf, dtset%nspden, 1, ks_rhor, ucvol=cryst%ucvol)
542  call prtrhomxmn(ab_out, mpi_enreg_seq, nfftf, ngfftf, dtset%nspden, 1, ks_rhor, ucvol=cryst%ucvol)
544  if (dtset%usekden==1) then
545    call prtrhomxmn(std_out,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%nspden,1,ks_taur,optrhor=1,ucvol=cryst%ucvol)
546    call prtrhomxmn(ab_out,MPI_enreg_seq,nfftf,ngfftf,Dtset%nspden,1,ks_taur,optrhor=1,ucvol=cryst%ucvol)
547  end if
549  ! FFT n(r) --> n(g)
550  ABI_MALLOC(ks_rhog, (2, nfftf))
551  call fourdp(cplex1, ks_rhog, ks_rhor(:, 1), -1, mpi_enreg_seq, nfftf, 1, ngfftf, 0)
553  ! Compute structure factor phases and large sphere cutoff
554  ABI_MALLOC(ph1d, (2, 3 * (2 * Dtset%mgfft + 1) * Cryst%natom))
555  ABI_MALLOC(ph1df, (2, 3 * (2 * mgfftf + 1) * Cryst%natom))
557  call getph(cryst%atindx, cryst%natom, ngfftc(1), ngfftc(2), ngfftc(3), ph1d, cryst%xred)
559  if (psps%usepaw == 1 .and. pawfgr%usefinegrid == 1) then
560    call getph(cryst%atindx, cryst%natom, ngfftf(1), ngfftf(2), ngfftf(3), ph1df, cryst%xred)
561  else
562    ph1df(:,:)=ph1d(:,:)
563  end if
565  ! The following steps have been gathered in the setvtr routine:
566  !  - get Ewald energy and Ewald forces
567  !  - compute local ionic pseudopotential vpsp
568  !  - eventually compute 3D core electron density xccc3d
569  !  - eventually compute vxc and vhartr
570  !  - set up ks_vtrial
571  !
572  !*******************************************************************
574  !*******************************************************************
576  ngrvdw = 0
577  ABI_MALLOC(grvdw, (3, ngrvdw))
578  ABI_MALLOC(grchempottn, (3, cryst%natom))
579  ABI_MALLOC(grewtn, (3, cryst%natom))
580  nkxc = 0
581  if (dtset%nspden == 1) nkxc = 2
582  if (dtset%nspden >= 2) nkxc = 3 ! check GGA and spinor, quite a messy part!!!
583  ! In case of MGGA, fxc and kxc are not available and we dont need them (for now ...)
584  if (dtset%ixc < 0 .and. libxc_functionals_ismgga()) nkxc = 0
585  if (nkxc /= 0) then
586    ABI_MALLOC(kxc, (nfftf, nkxc))
587  end if
589  n3xccc = 0; if (psps%n1xccc /= 0) n3xccc = nfftf
590  ABI_MALLOC(xccc3d, (n3xccc))
591  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vhartr, (nfftf))
592  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vtrial, (nfftf, dtset%nspden))
593  ABI_MALLOC(vpsp, (nfftf))
594  ABI_MALLOC(ks_vxc, (nfftf, dtset%nspden))
596  ! TODO: I don't think direct diago can be used with mega-GGA due to the functional derivative wrt KS states.
597  ! TB-BK should be OK though.
599  !ABI_MALLOC(ks_vxctau, (nfftf, dtset%nspden * dtset%usekden))
600  !ABI_MALLOC(xcctau3d, (n3xccc * dtset%usekden))
601  !ABI_FREE(ks_vxctau)
602  !ABI_FREE(xcctau3d)
604  optene = 4; moved_atm_inside = 0; moved_rhor = 0; istep = 1
606  call setvtr(Cryst%atindx1,Dtset,KS_energies,cryst%gmet,cryst%gprimd,grchempottn,grewtn,grvdw,gsqcutf_eff,&
607              istep,kxc,mgfftf,moved_atm_inside,moved_rhor,MPI_enreg_seq,&
608              Cryst%nattyp,nfftf,ngfftf,ngrvdw,ks_nhat,ks_nhatgr,nhatgrdim,nkxc,Cryst%ntypat,Psps%n1xccc,n3xccc,&
609              optene,Pawang,Pawrad,KS_pawrhoij,Pawtab,ph1df,Psps,ks_rhog,ks_rhor,cryst%rmet,cryst%rprimd,strsxc,&
610              Cryst%ucvol,usexcnhat,ks_vhartr,vpsp,ks_vtrial,ks_vxc,vxcavg,Wvl,xccc3d,Cryst%xred, &
611              taur=ks_taur) !xcctau3d=xcctau3d, vxctau=ks_vxctau)
613  ABI_FREE(grvdw)
614  ABI_FREE(grchempottn)
615  ABI_FREE(grewtn)
617  !============================
618  !==== Compute KS PAW Dij ====
619  !============================
620  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
621    call timab(561,1,tsec)
623    ! Calculate the unsymmetrized Dij.
624    call pawdij(cplex,Dtset%enunit,Cryst%gprimd,ipert0,&
625                Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,nfftf,ngfftf(1)*ngfftf(2)*ngfftf(3),&
626                Dtset%nspden,Cryst%ntypat,KS_paw_an,KS_paw_ij,Pawang,Pawfgrtab,&
627                Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawrad,KS_Pawrhoij,Dtset%pawspnorb,Pawtab,Dtset%pawxcdev,&
628                k0,Dtset%spnorbscl,Cryst%ucvol,dtset%cellcharge(1),ks_vtrial,ks_vxc,Cryst%xred,&
629                nucdipmom=Dtset%nucdipmom)
631    ! Symmetrize KS Dij
632    call symdij_all(Cryst%gprimd,Cryst%indsym,ipert0,&
633                    Cryst%natom,Cryst%natom,Cryst%nsym,Cryst%ntypat,KS_paw_ij,Pawang,&
634                    Dtset%pawprtvol,Pawtab,Cryst%rprimd,Cryst%symafm,Cryst%symrec)
636    ! Output the pseudopotential strengths Dij and the augmentation occupancies Rhoij.
637    call pawprt(Dtset,Cryst%natom,KS_paw_ij,KS_Pawrhoij,Pawtab)
638    call timab(561,2,tsec)
639  end if
641  call cwtime_report(" prepare gwr_driver_init", cpu, wall, gflops)
643  if (string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "HDIAGO, HDIAGO_FULL, CC4S, CC4S_FULL")) then
644    ! ==========================================
645    ! Direct diagonalization of the Hamiltonian
646    ! ==========================================
647    ABI_MALLOC(nband_iks, (dtset%nkpt, dtset%nsppol))
648    ABI_MALLOC(npwarr_ik, (dtset%nkpt))
649    ABI_MALLOC(istwfk_ik, (dtset%nkpt))
650    istwfk_ik = 1
652    ! Compute npw_k from ecut so that we can update the header and redefine %mpw
653    do ik_ibz=1,dtset%nkpt
654      !if (dtset%istwfk(ik_ibz) == 2) istwfk_ik(ik_ibz) = 2  ! TODO: istwkf 2 is not yet supported.
655      call get_kg(dtset%kptns(:,ik_ibz), istwfk_ik(ik_ibz), dtset%ecut, cryst%gmet, npwarr_ik(ik_ibz), gvec_)
656      ABI_FREE(gvec_)
657    end do
658    dtset%mpw = maxval(npwarr_ik)
660    ! CC4S does not need to output the WFK file.
661    write_wfk = string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "HDIAGO, HDIAGO_FULL")
663    ! Use input nband or min of npwarr_ik to set the number of bands.
664    if (string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "HDIAGO, CC4S")) nband_iks(:,:) = maxval(dtset%nband)
665    if (string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "HDIAGO_FULL, CC4S_FULL")) nband_iks(:,:) = minval(npwarr_ik)
666    cc4s_task = string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "CC4S, CC4S_FULL")
667    if (cc4s_task) then
668      ABI_CHECK_IEQ(dtset%nkpt, 1, "CC4S interface does not support more than one k-point.")
669      !ABI_CHECK(dtset%nkpt == 1 .and. all(abs(dtset%kptns(:,1)) < tol12), "CC4S requires Gamma-only sampling")
670    end if
672    ! Build header with new npwarr and nband.
673    owfk_ebands = ebands_from_dtset(dtset, npwarr_ik, nband=nband_iks)
674    owfk_ebands%eig = zero
675    call hdr_init(owfk_ebands, codvsn, dtset, owfk_hdr, pawtab, 0, psps, wvl%descr)
677    ! Change the value of istwfk taken from dtset.
678    ABI_REMALLOC(owfk_hdr%istwfk, (dtset%nkpt))
679    owfk_hdr%istwfk(:) = istwfk_ik
681    ! Build pools to distribute (kpt, spin). Try to get rectangular grids in each pool to improve efficiency in slk diago.
682    rectangular = .True.; if (dtset%nkpt == 1) rectangular = .False.
683    call diago_pool%from_dims(dtset%nkpt, dtset%nsppol, comm, rectangular=rectangular)
684    diago_info = zero
686    !if (dtset%usefock == 1) then
687    !  ! Initialize data_type fock for the calculation. See also m_scfcv_core.
688    !  ABI_CHECK(dtset%usepaw == 0, "FOCK with PAW not coded")
689    !  !call fock_from_wfk(fock, dtset, cryst, pawang, pawfgr, pawtab)
690    !end if
692    if (write_wfk) then
693      ! Master writes header and Fortran record markers
694      out_path = dtfil%fnameabo_wfk; if (dtset%iomode == IO_MODE_ETSF) out_path = nctk_ncify(out_path)
695      iomode__ = iomode_from_fname(out_path)
696      call wrtout(std_out, sjoin(" Writing wavefunctions to file:", out_path))
697      if (my_rank == master) then
698        call owfk%open_write(owfk_hdr, out_path, 0, iomode__, get_unit(), xmpi_comm_self, write_hdr=.True., write_frm=.True.)
699        call owfk%close()
700      end if
701      call xmpi_barrier(comm)
702    end if
704    do spin=1,dtset%nsppol
705      do ik_ibz=1,dtset%nkpt
706        if (.not. diago_pool%treats(ik_ibz, spin)) cycle
707        call cwtime(diago_cpu, diago_wall, diago_gflops, "start")
709        nband_k = nband_iks(ik_ibz, spin)
710        call ugb%from_diago(spin, istwfk_ik(ik_ibz), dtset%kptns(:,ik_ibz), dtset%ecut, nband_k, ngfftc, nfftf, &
711                            dtset, pawtab, pawfgr, ks_paw_ij, cryst, psps, ks_vtrial, eig_k, diago_pool%comm%value)
713        call cwtime(diago_cpu, diago_wall, diago_gflops, "stop")
714        if (diago_pool%comm%me == 0) diago_info(1, ik_ibz, spin) = diago_wall
715        call cwtime(diago_cpu, diago_wall, diago_gflops, "start")
717        owfk_ebands%eig(1:nband_k, ik_ibz, spin) = eig_k(1:nband_k)
719        if (write_wfk) then
720          ! occupancies are set to zero. Client code is responsible for recomputing occ and fermie when reading this WFK.
721          ABI_CALLOC(occ_k, (nband_k))
722          color = merge(1, 0, ugb%my_nband > 0)
723          call xmpi_comm_split(diago_pool%comm%value, color, diago_pool%comm%me, io_comm, ierr)
725          if (ugb%my_nband > 0) then
726            ABI_CHECK(all(shape(ugb%cg_k) == [2, ugb%npwsp, ugb%my_nband]), "Wrong shape")
727            ABI_CHECK_IEQ(ugb%npw_k, owfk_hdr%npwarr(ik_ibz), "Wronk npw_k")
728            call c_f_pointer(c_loc(ugb%cg_k), cg_k_ptr, shape=[2, ugb%npwsp * ugb%my_nband])
730            ! Reopen file inside io_comm.
731            call owfk%open_write(owfk_hdr, out_path, 0, iomode__, get_unit(), io_comm, &
732                                 write_hdr=.False., write_frm=.False.)
734            !sc_mode = merge(xmpio_single, xmpio_collective, ugb%has_idle_procs)
735            sc_mode = xmpio_collective
736            call owfk%write_band_block([ugb%my_bstart, ugb%my_bstop], ik_ibz, spin, sc_mode, &
737                                        kg_k=ugb%kg_k, cg_k=cg_k_ptr, &
738                                        eig_k=owfk_ebands%eig(:, ik_ibz, spin), occ_k=occ_k)
739            call owfk%close()
740          end if
741          call xmpi_comm_free(io_comm)
742          ABI_FREE(occ_k)
743        end if
745        call cwtime(diago_cpu, diago_wall, diago_gflops, "stop")
746        if (diago_pool%comm%me == 0) diago_info(2:3, ik_ibz, spin) = [diago_wall, dble(diago_pool%comm%nproc)]
748        if (cc4s_task) call cc4s_gamma(spin, ik_ibz, dtset, dtfil, cryst, owfk_ebands, psps, pawtab, paw_pwff, ugb)
750        ABI_FREE(eig_k)
751        call ugb%free()
752      end do ! ik_ibz
753    end do ! spin
755    call wrtout(std_out, " Direct diago completed by this MPI pool. Other pools might take more time if k != 0")
757    call xmpi_sum_master(diago_info, master, comm, ierr)
758    if (my_rank == master) then
759      do spin=1,dtset%nsppol
760        do ik_ibz=1,dtset%nkpt
761          associate (info => diago_info(:, ik_ibz, spin))
762          write(std_out, "(2(a,i0),5a,i0)") " ik_ibz: ", ik_ibz, ", spin: ", spin, &
763            ", diago_wall: ", trim(sec2str(info(1))), ", io_wall: ", trim(sec2str(info(2))), ", nprocs: ", int(info(3))
764          end associate
765        end do
766      end do
767    end if
769    ! Collect eigenvalues for the different k-points/spins
770    do spin=1,dtset%nsppol
771      do ik_ibz=1,dtset%nkpt
772        if (diago_pool%treats(ik_ibz, spin) .and. diago_pool%comm%me /= 0) owfk_ebands%eig(:, ik_ibz, spin) = zero
773      end do
774    end do
775    call xmpi_sum(owfk_ebands%eig, comm, ierr)
777    call ebands_update_occ(owfk_ebands, dtset%spinmagntarget, prtvol=dtset%prtvol, fermie_to_zero=.False.)
779    if (my_rank == master) then
780      call ebands_print_gaps(owfk_ebands, ab_out, header="KS gaps after direct diagonalization")
781      call ebands_print_gaps(owfk_ebands, std_out, header="KS gaps after direct diagonalization")
782      if (cc4s_task) call cc4s_write_eigens(owfk_ebands, dtfil)
783    end if
785    ABI_FREE(npwarr_ik)
786    ABI_FREE(istwfk_ik)
787    ABI_FREE(nband_iks)
788    call owfk_hdr%free(); call ebands_free(owfk_ebands); call diago_pool%free()
790    ! Deallocate exact exchange data at the end of the calculation
791    !if (dtset%usefock == 1) then
792    !  if (fock%fock_common%use_ACE/=0) call fock_ACE_destroy(fock%fockACE)
793    !  !call fock_common_destroy(fock%fock_common)
794    !  call fock_BZ_destroy(fock%fock_BZ)
795    !  call fock_destroy(fock)
796    !  nullify(fock)
797    !end if
799  else
800    ! ====================================================
801    ! === This is the real GWR stuff once all is ready ===
802    ! ====================================================
803    ABI_CHECK(dtset%usepaw == 0, "PAW in GWR not yet implemented.")
804    read_wfk = .True.
805    if (read_wfk) then
806      if (my_rank == master) then
807        if (nctk_try_fort_or_ncfile(wfk_path, msg) /= 0) then
808           ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Cannot find GS WFK file:", wfk_path, ". Error:", msg))
809        end if
810        call wrtout(units, sjoin("- Reading GS states from WFK file:", wfk_path))
811      end if
813      ! Broadcast filenames (needed because they might have been changed if we are using netcdf files)
814      call xmpi_bcast(wfk_path, master, comm, ierr)
816      ! Construct crystal and ks_ebands from the GS WFK file.
817      ks_ebands = wfk_read_ebands(wfk_path, comm, out_hdr=wfk_hdr)
818      call wfk_hdr%vs_dtset(dtset)
820      wfk_cryst = wfk_hdr%get_crystal()
821      if (cryst%compare(wfk_cryst, header=" Comparing input crystal with WFK crystal") /= 0) then
822        ABI_ERROR("Crystal structure from input and from WFK file do not agree! Check messages above!")
823      end if
824      !call wfk_cryst%print(header="crystal structure from WFK file")
825      call wfk_cryst%free()
827      ! Make sure that ef is inside the gap if semiconductor.
828      call ebands_update_occ(ks_ebands, dtset%spinmagntarget, prtvol=dtset%prtvol, fermie_to_zero=.True.)
830      ! Here we change the GS bands (Fermi level, scissors operator ...)
831      ! All the modifications to ebands should be done here.
832      !call ephtk_update_ebands(dtset, ks_ebands, "Ground state energies")
833    end if
835    call gwr%init(dtset, dtfil, cryst, psps, pawtab, ks_ebands, mpi_enreg_seq, comm)
836    if (gwr%idle_proc) goto 100
838    !=== Calculate Vxc(b1,b2,k,s)=<b1,k,s|v_{xc}|b2,k,s> for all the states included in GW ===
839    !  * This part is parallelized within wfd%comm since each node has all GW wavefunctions.
840    !  * Note that vH matrix elements are calculated using the true uncutted interaction.
842    rdm_update = dtset%gwr_task == "GAMMA_GW"
844    call KS_mflags%reset()
845    if (rdm_update) then
846      KS_mflags%has_hbare=1
847      KS_mflags%has_kinetic=1
848    end if
849    KS_mflags%has_vhartree=1
850    KS_mflags%has_vxc     =1
851    KS_mflags%has_vxcval  =1
852    if (Dtset%usepawu /= 0  ) KS_mflags%has_vu      = 1
853    if (Dtset%useexexch /= 0) KS_mflags%has_lexexch = 1
854    if (Dtset%usepaw==1 .and. Dtset%gw_sigxcore == 1) KS_mflags%has_sxcore = 1
855    ! off-diagonal elements only for SC on wavefunctions.
856    KS_mflags%only_diago = 1
857    if (rdm_update)  KS_mflags%only_diago = 0
859    ! Load wavefunctions for Sigma_nk in gwr%kcalc_wfd.
860    call gwr%load_kcalc_wfd(wfk_path, tmp_kstab)
862    ! Compute gwr%ks_me matrix elements.
863    if (.not. string_in(dtset%gwr_task, "RPA_ENERGY")) then
864      ! FIXME: This routine allocates (nband, nband) matrices and should be rewritten!
865      call calc_vhxc_me(gwr%kcalc_wfd, ks_mflags, gwr%ks_me, cryst, dtset, nfftf, ngfftf, &
866                        ks_vtrial, ks_vhartr, ks_vxc, psps, pawtab, ks_paw_an, pawang, pawfgrtab, ks_paw_ij, dijexc_core, &
867                        ks_rhor, usexcnhat, ks_nhat, ks_nhatgr, nhatgrdim, tmp_kstab, taur=ks_taur)
868      if (my_rank == master) call gwr%ks_me%print(header="KS matrix elements", unit=std_out)
869    end if
871    ABI_FREE(tmp_kstab)
873    if (read_wfk) then
874      ! Read wavefunctions from WFK file.
875      call gwr%read_ugb_from_wfk(wfk_path)
876    else
877      ! Diagonalize H on the fly and
878      !call gwr%get_ugb_from_vtrial(ngfftf, ks_vtrial)
879      !gwr%wfk_hdr = ?
880    end if
882    ! Now call high-level routines depending on gwr_task.
883    select case (dtset%gwr_task)
884    case ("RPA_ENERGY")
885      call gwr%rpa_energy()
886    case ("GAMMA_GW")
887      call gwr%gamma_gw(nfftf, ngfftf, vpsp)
888    case ("CHI0")
889      call gwr%run_chi0()
890    case ("G0W0")
891      call gwr%run_g0w0()
892    case ("G0V")
893      call gwr%build_sigxme()
894    case ("EGEW", "EGW0", "G0EW")
895      call gwr%run_energy_scf()
896    case default
897      ABI_ERROR(sjoin("Invalid gwr_task:", dtset%gwr_task))
898    end select
899  end if
901  !=====================
902  !==== Free memory ====
903  !=====================
904 100 call xmpi_barrier(comm)
905  ABI_FREE(ks_nhat)
906  ABI_FREE(ks_nhatgr)
907  ABI_FREE(dijexc_core)
908  call pawfgr_destroy(pawfgr)
910  if (dtset%usepaw == 1) then
911    ! Deallocation for PAW.
912    call pawrhoij_free(ks_pawrhoij)
913    ABI_FREE(ks_pawrhoij)
914    call pawfgrtab_free(pawfgrtab)
915    !ABI_FREE(pawfgrtab)
916    call paw_ij_free(ks_paw_ij)
917    ABI_FREE(ks_paw_ij)
918    call paw_an_free(ks_paw_an)
919    !ABI_FREE(ks_paw_an)
920    call pawpwff_free(Paw_pwff)
921  end if
923  ABI_FREE(ph1d)
924  ABI_FREE(ph1df)
925  ABI_FREE(ks_rhor)
926  ABI_FREE(ks_rhog)
927  ABI_FREE(ks_taur)
928  ABI_FREE(kxc)
929  ABI_FREE(xccc3d)
930  ABI_FREE(ks_vhartr)
931  ABI_FREE(ks_vtrial)
932  ABI_FREE(vpsp)
933  ABI_FREE(ks_vxc)
934  ! PAW
935  ABI_SFREE(paw_pwff)
936  ABI_SFREE(pawfgrtab)
937  ABI_SFREE(ks_paw_an)
939  call cryst%free(); call wfk_hdr%free(); call ebands_free(ks_ebands); call destroy_mpi_enreg(mpi_enreg_seq)
940  call gwr%free()
942 end subroutine gwr_driver